


國家影片登記部(National Film Registry)是美國國家電影保護局(National Film Preservation Board)為了將重要的電影作品儲存在美國國會圖書館所設立一個組織。從1989年開始,每年年底評選一次,評選對象為上映十年以上的歷年電影作品。直到2011年為止,總共有575部電影被列入其中。被收錄的作品年代最近的一部是1996年科恩兄弟的《冰風暴》;出自1939年的作品多達19部,超越其他年份。這575部電影中有一部分是短片和紀錄片、新聞片,其中長篇故事片300多部。



《龍鳳配》SabrinaNarrative feature19542002
《黑神駒》The Black Stallion故事片19792002
《黑海盜》The Black Pirate故事片19261993
《黎明的女兒》Daughter of Dawn故事片19202013
《黃金時代》The Best Years of Our Lives故事片19461989
《鴨羹》Duck Soup故事片19331990
《騙中騙》The Sting故事片19732005
《驅魔人》The Exorcist故事片19732010
《馬蒂》MartyNarrative feature19551994
《馬爾科姆·X》Malcolm X故事片19922010
《飛越瘋人院》One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest故事片19751993
《風》The Wind故事片19281993
《音樂之聲》The Sound of Music故事片19652001
《非洲女王號》The African Queen故事片19511994
《青鳥》The Blue Bird故事片19182004
《雨中曲》Singin' in the Rain故事片19521989
《隱形人》The Invisible Man故事片19332008
《阿甘正傳》Forrest Gump故事片19942011
《阿拉斯加的冒險者}}》The Chechahcos故事片19242003
《阿拉伯的勞倫斯》Lawrence of Arabia故事片19621991
《閃亮的馬鞍》Blazing Saddles故事片19742006
《鍛造場景》Blacksmith Scene短片18931995
《銀行妙探》The Bank Dick故事片19401992
《銀翼殺手》Blade Runner故事片19821993
《鐵窗喋血》Cool Hand Luke故事片19672005
《金剛》King Kong故事片19331991
《野地里的白蘭地》Brandy in the Wilderness故事片19692013
《酋長的兒子》Son of the Sheik故事片19262003
《郎心似鐵》A Place in the SunNarrative feature19511991
《邦妮和克萊德》Bonnie and Clyde故事片19671992
《逍遙騎士》Easy Rider故事片19691998
《辣手摧花》Shadow of a Doubt故事片19431991
《辛德勒的名單》Schindler's List故事片19932004
《辛巴達七航妖島》The 7th Voyage of Sinbad故事片19582008
《跳吧,女孩》Dance, Girl, Dance故事片19402007
《路易斯安那故事》Louisiana StoryNarrative feature19481994
《費城故事》The·Philadelphia Story故事片19401995
《豹族》Cat People故事片19421993
《豪勇七蛟龍》The Magnificent Seven故事片19602013
《警察 (1922年電影)》Cops短片19221997
《西部往事》Once Upon a Time in the West故事片19682009
《西線無戰事》All Quiet on the Western Front故事片19301990
《西區故事》West Side Story ]故事片19611997
《西北偏北》North by NorthwestNarrative feature19591995
《街角的商店》The·Shop Around the Corner故事片19401999
《街區男孩》Boyz n the Hood故事片19912002
《虎豹小霸王》Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid故事片19692003
《蓬門今始為君開》The Quiet ManNarrative feature19522013
《蓬車隊》The Band Wagon故事片19531995
《矇騙》The Cheat故事片19151993
《蒂凡尼的早餐》Breakfast at Tiffany's故事片19612012
《螢光幕後》NetworkNarrative feature19762000
《荒漠怪客》Johnny GuitarNarrative feature19542008
《蘇利文之旅》Sullivan's Travels故事片19411990
《花村》McCabe & Mrs. MillerNarrative feature19712010
《胭脂虎新傳》Carmen Jones故事片19541992
《勝利之歌》Yankee Doodle Dandy故事片19421993
《育嬰奇譚》Bringing Up Baby故事片19381990
《骯髒的哈里》Dirty HarryNarrative feature19712012
《耶穌的血》The Blood of Jesus故事片19411991
《老瑞和哈迪之沙漠王子》Sons of the Desert故事片19332012
《翡翠谷》How Green Was My Valley故事片19411990
《民眾 (1928年電影)》The Crowd故事片19281989
《美女與野獸》Beauty and the Beast動畫故事片19912002
《美國,美國》America, America故事片19632001
《美國風情畫》American Graffiti故事片19731995
《美人計》NotoriousNarrative feature19462006
《羅馬假日》Roman HolidayNarrative feature19531999
《羅蘭秘記》LauraNarrative feature19441999
《綠野仙蹤》The Wizard of Oz故事片19391989
《絳帳海堂春》Born Yesterday故事片19502012
《紐約碼頭》The Docks of New YorkNarrative feature19281999
《紐倫堡審判》Judgment at NurembergNarrative feature19612013
《約克軍曹》Sergeant York故事片19412008
《紅河谷》Red RiverNarrative feature19481990
《第四十二街》42nd Street故事片19331998
《第三類接觸》Close Encounters of the Third Kind故事片19772007
《第七天堂》Seventh Heaven故事片19271995
《竊聽大陰謀》The Conversation故事片19741995
《科隆:來自雷和伊斯特的日記》Cologne: From the Diary of Ray and Esther紀錄片/短片19392001
《科貝特-菲茨西蒙斯冠軍爭奪戰》The Corbett-Fitzsimmons Fight紀錄片18972012
《科學怪人的新娘》Bride of Frankenstein故事片19351998
《福爾摩斯二世》Sherlock, Jr.故事片19241991
《禁忌的星球》Forbidden Planet故事片19562013
《禮帽》Top Hat故事片19351990
《碼頭風雲》On the Waterfront故事片19541989
《直接了當的愛》Stark Love故事片19272009
《白雪公主》Snow WhiteAnimated short subject19331994
《白雪公主與七個小矮人》Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs動畫故事片19371989
《白熱》White Heat故事片19492003
《瘦子》The·Thin Man故事片19341997
《電腦生成的手》A Computer Animated Hand動畫短片/實驗電影19722011
《生活多美好》It's a Wonderful Life故事片19461990
《生死攸關》To Be or Not to Be故事片19421996
《現代啟示錄》Apocalypse Now故事片19792000
《玩具總動員》Toy Story動畫故事片19952005
《玉女奇男》The Bad and the Beautiful故事片19522002
《獵鹿人》The Deer Hunter故事片19781996
《狼群的衝突》Clash of the Wolves故事片19252004
《爵士春秋》All That Jazz故事片19792001
《爵士樂歌星》The Jazz Singer故事片19271996
《熱情如火》Some Like It Hot故事片19591989
《炎熱的夜晚》In the Heat of the Night故事片19672002
《炎熱的下午》Dog Day AfternoonNarrative feature19752009
《靈欲春宵》Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?故事片19662013

《漩渦之外》Out of the PastNarrative feature19471991
《演出船》Show Boat故事片19361996
《滿洲候選人》The Manchurian CandidateNarrative feature19621994
《深鎖春光一院愁》All That Heaven Allows故事片19551995
《淘金記》The Gold Rush故事片19251992
《淘金女郎》Gold Diggers of 1933故事片19332003
《淑女伊芙》The Lady EveNarrative feature19411994
《活死人之夜》Night of the Living DeadNarrative feature19681999
《泰山得美》Tarzan and His Mate故事片19342003
《法國販毒網》The French Connection故事片19712005
《治療撲克上癮》A Cure for Pokeritis短片19122011
《沉默的羔羊》The Silence of the Lambs故事片19912011
《汽船威利號》Steamboat WillieAnimated short subject19281998
《江湖浪子》The Hustler故事片19611997
《畢業生》The Graduate故事片19671996
《殘酷大街》Mean StreetsNarrative feature19731997
《殘花淚》Broken Blossoms故事片19191996
《死鳥 (1963年電影)》Dead Birds紀錄片19641998
《死吻》Kiss Me DeadlyNarrative feature19551999
《正義難伸》The·Thin Blue LineDocumentary19882001
《歌劇魅影》The·Phantom of the OperaNarrative feature19251998
《欲望街車》A·Streetcar Named Desire故事片19511999
《梅崗城故事》To Kill a Mockingbird故事片19621995
《桃色血案》Anatomy of a Murder故事片19592012
《桂河大橋》The Bridge on the River Kwai故事片19571997
《梟巢喋反抗軍》The Maltese FalconNarrative feature19411989
《槍瘋》Gun Crazy故事片19491998
《權勢下的女人》A·Woman Under the Influence故事片19741990
《殺羊人》Killer of SheepNarrative feature19771990
《殺人者》The KillersNarrative feature19462008
《木偶奇遇記》PinocchioAnimated narrative feature19401994
《月宮寶盒》The·Thief of Bagdad故事片19241996
《最後一場電影》The Last Picture ShowNarrative feature19711998
《曼哈頓》ManhattanNarrative feature19792001
《暴風雪 (1943年電影)》Stormy Weather故事片19432001
《春閨風月》The Awful Truth故事片19371996
《星球大戰五部曲:帝國大反擊》Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back故事片19802010
《星球大戰IV:新希望》Star Wars故事片19771989
《明星劇院》Star TheatreShort subject19012002
《日落黃沙》The Wild Bunch故事片19691999
《日落大道》Sunset Boulevard故事片19501989
《日正當中》High Noon故事片19521989
《無因的反叛》Rebel Without a CauseNarrative feature19551990
《新科學怪人》Young Frankenstein故事片19742003
《文明 (電影)》Civilization故事片1999

《教父》The Godfather故事片19721990
《教父2》The Godfather Part II故事片19741993
《摩登時代》Modern Times故事片19361989
《搖滾萬萬歲》This Is Spinal Tap故事片19842002
《搖曳時光》Swing Time故事片19362004
《攝影師》The Cameraman故事片19282005
《搜尋者》The Searchers故事片19561989
《揚帆》Now, VoyagerNarrative feature19422007
《戰地之花》The Big Parade故事片19251992
《我所有的孩子》All My Babies紀錄片19532002
《成功的滋味》Sweet Smell of Success故事片19571993
《戲子人生》Show People故事片19282003
《憤怒的公牛》Raging Bull故事片19801990
《驚天大陰謀》All the President's Men故事片19762010
《性、謊言和錄像帶》sex, lies, and videotape故事片19892006
《怒火之花》The Grapes of Wrath故事片19401989
《彼得潘》Peter PanNarrative feature19242000
《彗星美人》All About Eve故事片19501990
《當代奸雄》All the King's Men故事片19492001
《布法羅洪水:人禍》The Buffalo Creek Flood: An Act of Man紀錄片19752005
《布朗克斯的早晨》A Bronx Morning短片19312004
《少年林肯》Young Mr. Lincoln故事片19392003
《小麥的囤積》A Corner in Wheat短片19091994
《小錫兵》Tin ToyAnimated short subject19882003
《小報妙冤家》His Girl Friday故事片19401993
《小凱薩》Little CaesarNarrative feature19312000
《將軍號》The General故事片19261989
《尋子遇仙記》The KidNarrative feature19212011
《尋人》Chan Is Missing故事片19821995
《宮廷小丑》The Court Jester故事片19562004
《安妮·霍爾》Annie Hall故事片19771992
《安勃遜大族》The Magnificent AmbersonsNarrative feature19421991
《安全至上》Safety Last!Narrative feature19231994
《安東尼婭:一個女子的肖像》Antonia: A Portrait of the Woman紀錄片19742003
《娃娃臉 (電影)》Baby Face19332005

《奧古斯塔斯》The Augustas業餘電影/紀錄片1930s–1950s2012
《奇愛博士》Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb故事片19641989
《奪寶奇兵》Raiders of the Lost Ark故事片19811999
《失衡生活》KoyaanisqatsiNarrative feature19832000
《失去的周末》The Lost WeekendNarrative feature19452011
《太空先鋒》The Right StuffNarrative feature19832013
《天高》Sky High故事片19221998
《天賦》It's a Gift故事片19342010
《天外魔花》Invasion of the Body Snatchers故事片19561994
《天堂陌影》Stranger Than Paradise故事片19842002
《天堂問題》Trouble in Paradise故事片19321991
《天堂之日》Days of Heaven故事片19782007
《大飯店》Grand Hotel故事片19322007
《大追蹤》The Big Trail故事片19302006
《大西洋城》Atlantic City故事片19802003
《大生意》Big Business短片19291992
《大獨裁者》The Great Dictator故事片19401997
《大地的女兒》Daughters of the Dust故事片19912004
《大衛的日記》David Holzman's Diary故事片19681991
《大內幕》The Big Heat故事片19532011
《夜闌人未靜》The Asphalt Jungle故事片19502008
《夜長夢多》The Big Sleep故事片19461997
《外科醫生》MASHNarrative feature19701996
《城市》The City紀錄片19391998
《城市之光》City Lights故事片19311991
《坐在門口的幽靈 (電影)》The Spook Who Sat by the Door故事片19732012
《地球停轉之日》The Day the Earth Stood Still故事片19511995
《聖路易斯布魯斯》St. Louis Blues短片19292006
《聖誕故事》A Christmas Story故事片19832012
《聖皮耶特羅之戰》The Battle of San Pietro紀錄片19451991
《回到未來》Back to the Future故事片19852007
《哈洛與茂德》Harold and Maude故事片19721997
《咆嘯山莊》Wuthering Heights故事片19392007
《周末夜狂熱》Saturday Night Fever故事片19772010
《後窗》Rear WindowNarrative feature19541997
《史密斯游美京》Mr. Smith Goes to WashingtonNarrative feature19391989
《雙重保險》Double Indemnity19441992

《歷劫佳人》Touch of Evil故事片19581993
《卡斯楚街》Castro Street紀錄片/短片/實驗電影19661992
《午夜牛郎》Midnight CowboyNarrative feature19691994
《午後的羅網》Meshes of the AfternoonShort subject/experimental film19431990
《十誡》The·Ten Commandments故事片19561999
《十二怒漢》12 Angry Men故事片19572007
《北方的南奴克》Nanook of the North紀錄片19221989
《製作人》The ProducersNarrative feature19681996
《計程車司機》Taxi Driver故事片19761994
《冷酷的世界》The Cool World故事片19631994
《冷血》In Cold Blood故事片19672008
《決戰猶馬鎮》3:10 to Yuma故事片19572012
《關武帝 (電影)》The Curse of Quon Gwon短片1916–19172006
《公民凱恩》Citizen Kane故事片19411989
《公寓春光》The Apartment故事片19601994
《光榮之路》Paths of GloryNarrative feature19571992
《保佑他們的心》Bless Their Little Hearts故事片19842013
《儂本多情》She Done Him Wrong故事片19331996
《俠骨柔情》My Darling ClementineNarrative feature19461991
《俠盜羅賓漢》The Adventures of Robin Hood故事片19381995
《你老頭也是》So's Your Old Man故事片19262008
《低俗小說》Pulp Fiction故事片19942013
《今天暫時停止》Groundhog Day故事片19932006
《人猿星球》Planet of the ApesNarrative feature19682001
《交易 (1941年電影)》The Bargain故事片19142010
《亞當的肋骨》Adam's Rib故事片19491992
《五支歌》Five Easy Pieces故事片19702000
《亂世忠魂》From Here to Eternity故事片19532002
《亂世佳人》Gone with the Wind故事片19391989
《為所應為》Do the Right ThingNarrative feature19891999
《為人師表》Stand and Deliver故事片19882011
《兩傻大戰科學怪人》Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein故事片19482001
《世界大戰》The·War of the Worlds故事片19532011
《與狼共舞》Dances with Wolves故事片19902007
《上海的女兒》Daughter of Shanghai故事片19372006
《三隻小豬》Three Little PigsAnimated short subject19332007
《七對佳偶》Seven Brides for Seven Brothers故事片19542004
《一夜風流》It Happened One Night故事片19341993
《一個陌生女子的來信》Letter from an Unknown WomanNarrative feature19481992
《一個美國人在巴黎》An American in Paris故事片19511993
《一個明星的誕生》A Star Is Born故事片19542000
《一個國家的誕生》The Birth of a Nation故事片19151992
《en:Chulas Fronteras》Chulas Fronteras紀錄片19761993
《E.T.外星人》E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial故事片19821994
《34街奇蹟》Miracle on 34th StreetNarrative feature19472005
《2001太空漫遊》2001: A Space Odyssey故事片19681991
Zapruder film業餘電影19631994


Woman of the Year故事片19421999

Within Our Gates故事片19201992

The·Wishing Ring: An Idyll of Old England故事片19142012

Will Success Spoil Rock Hunter?故事片19572000

Wild River故事片19602002

Wild Boys of the Road故事片19332013

Wild and Woolly故事片19172002

Why We FightDocumentary film serial1943–19452000

Why Man CreatesAnimated documentary/short subject19682002

White Fawn's DevotionShort subject19102008

Where Are My Children?故事片19161993

What's Opera, Doc?Animated short subject19571992

Westinghouse Works, 1904Film serial19041998

The·Wedding March故事片19282003

Verbena Tragica故事片19391996

Under Western Stars故事片19382009

Uncle Tom's Cabin故事片19142012

Two-Lane Blacktop故事片19712012

Twentieth Century故事片19342011

Twelve O'Clock High故事片19491998

Tulips Shall GrowAnimated short subject19421997

A·Trip Down Market StreetDocumentary19062010

A·Tree Grows in Brooklyn故事片19452010

The·Treasure of the Sierra Madre故事片19481990

Trance and Dance in BaliDocumentary/short subject1936–19391999

Traffic in Souls故事片19132006


Tom, Tom, the Piper's SonExperimental film1969–19712007

Tol'able David故事片19212007

To Fly!Documentary19761995

The·Times of Harvey MilkDocumentary19842012

A·Time Out of WarShort subject19542006

A·Time for BurningDocumentary19662005

Through Navajo EyesFilm serial19662002

This Is CineramaDocumentary19522002

Think of Me First as a PersonDocumentary/home film1960–19752006

The·Thing from Another World故事片19512001

There It IsShort subject19282004

Theodore Case Sound Test: Gus Visser and His Singing DuckShort subject19252002

The Lunch DateShort subject19892013

The Lost WorldNarrative feature19251998

The Living DesertDocumentary19532000

The Life of Emile ZolaNarrative feature19372000

The Life and Times of Rosie the RiveterDocumentary19801996

The Life and Death of 9413: a Hollywood ExtraShort subject19271997

The Learning TreeNarrative feature19691989

The Lead ShoesShort subject/experimental film19492009

The Last of the MohicansNarrative feature19201995

The Last CommandNarrative feature19282006

The Land Beyond the SunsetShort subject19122000

The KissShort subject18961999

The Kidnappers FoilNarrative feature1930s–1950s2012

The JungleShort subject19672009

The Italian故事片19151991

The Iron Horse故事片19242011

The Incredible Shrinking Man故事片19572009

The ImmigrantShort subject19171998

The HuntersDocumentary19572003

The House in the MiddleDocumentary/short subject19542001

The House I Live InShort subject19452007

The Hospital故事片19711995

The Hole動畫短片19622013

The Hitch-Hiker故事片19531998

The Heiress故事片19491996

The Great Train RobberyShort subject19031990

The Front Page故事片19312010

The Freshman故事片19251990

The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse故事片19211995

The Forgotten FrontierDocumentary19311996

The Fall of the House of UsherShort subject19282000

The Exploits of ElaineFilm serial19141994

The Exiles故事片19612009

The Evidence of the FilmShort subject19132001

The Endless SummerDocumentary19662002

The Emperor Jones故事片19331999


Tess of the Storm Country故事片19142006

The·Tell-Tale HeartAnimated short subject19532001

TarantellaShort subject/experimental film19402010

The·Tall T故事片19572000

Tacoma Narrows Bridge CollapseHome film19401998

The·T.A.M.I. ShowDocumentary19642006

Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans故事片19271989

Study of a RiverShort subject/experimental film19972010

A·Study in RedsShort subject19322009

The·Strong Man故事片19262007

The·Story of G.I. Joe故事片19452009

St. Louis BluesShort subject19292006

The·Sex Life of the PolypShort subject19282007

San Francisco Earthquake and Fire, April 18, 1906Documentary19062005

Samsara: Death and Rebirth in CambodiaDocumentary19902012

Salt of the EarthNarrative feature19541992

SaloméNarrative feature19232000


Rose HobartShort subject/experimental film19362001

Roger & MeDocumentary19892013

The·Rocky Horror Picture ShowNarrative feature19752005

Road to MoroccoNarrative feature19421996

The·RiverDocumentary/short subject19381990

Rip Van WinkleFilm serial18961995

Ride the High CountryNarrative feature19621992

The·Revenge of Pancho VillaNarrative feature1930–19362009

Return of the Secaucus 7Narrative feature19801997

Republic Steel Strike Riot Newsreel FootageNewsreel19371997

Reminiscences of a Journey to LithuaniaDocumentary1971–19722006

RegenerationNarrative feature19152000

Red DustNarrative feature19322006

The·Red BookAnimated short subject19942009

A·Raisin in the SunNarrative feature19612005

Quasi at the QuackaderoAnimated short subject19752009

Pups Is PupsShort subject19302004

Punch DrunksShort subject19342002

Pull My DaisyShort subject19591996

The·Public EnemyNarrative feature19311998

The·Prisoner of ZendaNarrative feature19371991

Princess Nicotine; or, The Smoke FairyShort subject19092003


President McKinley Inauguration FootageDocumentary/short subject19012000

Preservation of the Sign LanguageShort subject19132010

Precious ImagesCompilation short subject19862009

Powers of TenDocumentary/short subject19781998

The·Power of the PressNarrative feature19282005

Porky in WackylandAnimated short subject19382000

Porgy and BessNarrative feature19592011

Popeye the Sailor Meets Sindbad the SailorAnimated short subject19362004

The·Poor Little Rich GirlNarrative feature19171991

Point of OrderDocumentary19641993

The·Plow That Broke the PlainsDocumentary/short subject19361999

The·Pink PantherNarrative feature19632010

Pillow TalkNarrative feature19592009

The·Perils of PaulineFilm serial19142008

PeegeShort subject19722007

The·PearlNarrative feature19482002

The·PawnbrokerNarrative feature19652008

Pat O'NeillDocumentary19892008

Pass the GravyShort subject19281998

ParableShort subject19642012

The·Ox-Bow IncidentNarrative feature19431998

The·Outlaw Josey WalesNarrative feature19761996

Our Lady of the SphereExperimental film19692010

Our DayDocumentary/short subject19382007

One WeekShort subject19202008

One Survivor RemembersDocumentary/short subject19952012

One Froggy EveningAnimated short subject19562003

On the BoweryDocumentary19572008

Oklahoma!Narrative feature19552007

OffOnShort subject/experimental film19682004

The·Nutty ProfessorNarrative feature19632004

Nothing But a ManNarrative feature19641993

Notes on the Port of St. FrancisDocumentary/short subject19512013

·(nostalgia)Documentary/short subject19712003

Norma RaeNarrative feature19792011

No LiesShort subject19732008

NinotchkaNarrative feature19391990

The·Night of the HunterNarrative feature19551992

A·Night at the OperaNarrative feature19351993

Nicholas BrothersHome film1930s–1940s2011

Newark AthleteShort subject18912010

The·Negro SoldierDocumentary19442011

Naughty MariettaNarrative feature19352003

National VelvetNarrative feature19442003

National Lampoon's Animal HouseNarrative feature19782001

The·Naked SpurNarrative feature19531997

The·Naked CityNarrative feature19482007

My Man GodfreyNarrative feature19361999

The·Music ManNarrative feature19622005

The·Music BoxShort subject19321997

The·Muppet MovieNarrative feature19792009

Multiple SidosisShort subject19702000

Mrs. MiniverNarrative feature19422009

A·MovieShort subject/experimental film19581994

Motion Painting No. 1Animated short subject19471997

MoroccoNarrative feature19301992

Mom and DadNarrative feature19442005

ModestaShort subject19561998

Miss Lulu BettNarrative feature19222001

Mildred PierceNarrative feature19451996

Mighty Like a MooseShort subject19262007

MidnightNarrative feature19392013

The·Middleton Family at the New York World's FairNarrative feature/documentary19392012

Michael Jackson's ThrillerMusic video19832009

Men and DustDocumentary/short subject19402013

Memphis BelleDocumentary19442001

Melody RanchNarrative feature19402002

Meet Me in St. LouisNarrative feature19441994

Medium CoolNarrative feature19692003

Matrimony's Speed LimitShort subject19132003

Master HandsDocumentary19361999

Mary PoppinsNarrative feature19642013

Martha Graham Early Dance filmsNarrative feature1931-19442013

The·Mark of ZorroNarrative feature19402009

Marian Anderson: the Lincoln Memorial ConcertDocumentary19392001

The·MarchDocumentary/short subject19642008

ManhattaDocumentary/short subject19211995

The·Man Who Shot Liberty ValanceNarrative feature19622007

The·Making of an AmericanShort subject19202005

Make Way for TomorrowNarrative feature19372010

Magical MaestroAnimated short subject19521993

Mabel's BlunderShort subject19142009

Love Me TonightNarrative feature19321990

Love Finds Andy HardyNarrative feature19382000

LonesomeNarrative feature19282010

Little NemoAnimated short subject19112009

Little Miss MarkerNarrative feature19341998

Little FugitiveNarrative feature19531997

Let's All Go to the LobbyAnimated short subject19572000

Let There Be LightDocumentary19462010

Lassie Come HomeNarrative feature19431993

LambchopsShort subject19291999

Lady Windermere's FanNarrative feature19252002

Lady Helen's EscapadeShort subject19092004

Kodachrome Color Motion-Picture TestExperimental film19222012

Knute Rockne, All AmericanNarrative feature19401997

King: A Filmed Record... Montgomery to MemphisDocumentary19701999

King of JazzNarrative feature19302013

Kannapolis, N.C.Documentary19412004

JezebelNarrative feature19382009

Jenkins OrphanageNewsreel19282003

Jazz on a Summer's DayDocumentary19591999

Jammin' the BluesShort subject19441995

Jam SessionShort subject19422001

Jailhouse Rock故事片19572004

Jack JohnsonDocumentary19102005


Inside Nazi GermanyDocumentary/short subject19381993

In the StreetDocumentary/short subject19482006

In the Land of the Head Hunters故事片19141999

In a Lonely Place故事片19502007

Imitation of Life故事片19342005

I, an ActressShort subject19772011

I Am JoaquinShort subject19692010

I Am a Fugitive from a Chain Gang故事片19321991

How the West Was Won故事片19621997

House of Usher故事片19602005

Hours for Jerome Parts 1 and 2Experimental film1980–19822012

Hot Dogs for GauguinShort subject19722009



Hoop DreamsDocumentary19942005

Hindenburg disaster newsreel footageNewsreel19371997

High SchoolDocumentary19691991

Hester Street故事片19752011

Heroes AllDocumentary19202009

Hell's Hinges故事片19161994

Harlan County, USADocumentary19761990

Hands Up!故事片19262005


H2OShort subject19292005

Gunga Din故事片19391999

Growing Up FemaleDocumentary19712011

Grey GardensDocumentary19762010

Going My Way故事片19442004

Glimpse of the GardenShort subject19572007

Gertie the DinosaurAnimated short subject19141991

Gerald McBoing-BoingAnimated short subject19511995

George StevensDocumentary1943–19462008

Garlic Is as Good as Ten MothersDocumentary19802004


FujiShort subject19742002

From the Manger to the Cross故事片19121998

From Stump to ShipIndustrial/short subject19302002

Free Radicals動畫短片19792008

Frank Film動畫短片19731996

Force of Evil故事片19481994

Footlight Parade故事片19331992

Foolish Wives故事片19222008

Flower Drum Song故事片19612008

Flesh and the Devil故事片19272006

Flash GordonFilm serial19361996

Film PortraitDocumentary19702003

Fatty's Tintype TangleShort subject19151995

Fast Times at Ridgemont High故事片19822005


Enter the Dragon故事片19732004

EmpireExperimental film19642004

Ella Cinders故事片19262013

Electronic Labyrinth: THX 1138 4EBShort subject19672010

El Norte故事片19831995

El Mariachi故事片19922011

Eaux d'artificeShort subject19531993

Early AbstractionsAnimated short subjects1939–19562006

Duck and CoverAnimated short subject19512004

Duck AmuckAnimated short subject19531999

Drums of WinterDocumentary19882006

Dont Look BackDocumentary19671998

Dog Star ManShort subject/experimental film19641992

DodsworthNarrative feature19361990

Disneyland DreamHome film19562008

Dickson Experimental Sound FilmShort subject/experimental film1894 or 18952003

DetourNarrative feature19451992

Destry Rides AgainNarrative feature19391996

D.O.A.Narrative feature19502004

Chick StrandDocumentary/short subject19862011

A Virtuous Vamp故事片19192013

A League of Their OwnNarrative feature19922012

A Face in the Crowd故事片19572008

Cicero March記錄片/短片19662013

Commandment Keeper Church, Beaufort South Carolina, May 1940紀錄片/短片19402005

Crisis: Behind a Presidential Commitment紀錄片19632011

Cry of Jazz短片19592010

The Cry of the Children短片19122011

Czechoslovakia 1968紀錄片/短片19691997



The·Miracle of Morgan's CreekNarrative feature19442001

Scratch and Crow動畫短片19952009

Serene VelocityShort subject19702001

Sherman's March紀錄片19862000

Shock Corridor故事片19631996

SiegeDocumentary/short subject19402006

They Call It Pro FootballDocumentary19672012


