英文名:Neil Barrett
創始人: 尼奧·貝奈特 (Neil Barrett)
設計師:尼奧·貝奈特 (Neil Barrett)
設計師Neil Barrett出生於英國的一個服裝世家,畢業於聖馬丁,曾任兩個大牌GUCCI和PRADA的設計總監、PUMA的創意總監.
2004年,尼奧·貝奈特 (Neil Barrett) 曾為布拉德·彼特 (Brad Pitt) 主演的史詩大片《特洛伊》擔任服裝指導。
When Prada's chief men's designer Neil Barrett decided to leave the label in 1998, he knew he wanted to launch his own line. But he also knew he'd need a part-time job to fund the venture. That week fate intervened in the form of a world-famous luggage maker. Samsonite was looking to create a line of clothing, and Barrett was asked to contribute ideas. "It seemed obvious that it should be clothes for traveling," says Barrett. The "utility-chic" designs he'd been creating at Prada were along the right lines. Barrett took the gig and created jackets with inflatable pillows in the collars, anoraks that turned into backpacks — clothing that would stand up to the rigors of travel. The collection was a hit — it sold to hip stores like Harvey Nichols in London. At the same time Barrett launched his own collection. It too features clothes that stand up to life's rigors — no fancy silk prints here. "It's a very personal collection," Barrett says. "I know what my father or brother would wear." Barrett's $750 leather bomber jacket, for example, is made of ultra-fine, ultra-light leather. A layer of neoprene gives warmth, and a lining of cotton jersey makes it comfortable with only a T shirt. Voilà! A leather jacket that is warm enough for winter but as light as a shirt. His collection has been so successful — selling in 180 stores, spawning a women's line and a deal in Japan for his own stores — that Barrett has quit his part-time job to give it his full attention.
— By Lauren Goldstein/London
本季Neil Barrett2013秋冬男突出一個重點“拼接”,服裝圖案的拼接、顏色的拼接、不同面料的拼接。