•2007/09-2008/12法國國立路橋大學-巴黎高科(École des Ponts ParisTech,ENPC),聯培博士生。
•1999/09-2003/07中國地質大學(武漢),工程學院,勘察技術與工程系,學士 。
•2014/08-2015/08法國國立路橋大學-巴黎高科(École des Ponts ParisTech,ENPC),訪問學者。
•2014/12至今 南京大學,地球科學與工程學院,地質工程與信息技術系,教授(破格晉升)。
•2015/12-2016/12 劍橋大學,訪問學者。
•2016/06/16至今 南京大學,地球科學與工程學院,地質工程與信息技術系,博士生導師 。
地質 / 岩土工程新型觀測技術及套用

(2)水文地質工程地質概論(with Wu)
Tang, C.S., Shi B., Cui, Y. J., Wang, D.Y. Tensile strength of fiber reinforced soil. Journal of Materials for Civil Engineering, 2016,04016031
Tang, C.S., Wang, D.Y., Shi, B., Li, J. Effect of wetting-drying cycles on profile mechanical behavior of soils with different initial conditions. Catena, 2016,139,105-116.
Tang C.S.,Pei X.J., Wang D.Y., Shi B., Li J. Tensile strength of compacted clayey soil. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering,2015, 141(4): 04014122.
Zhan W.F., Ju W.M., Hai S.P., Ferguson G., Quan J.L.,Tang C.S.,Guo Z., Kong F.H. Satellite-Derived Subsurface Urban Heat Island. Environmental Science & Technology, 2014, 48(20): 12134-12140.
Zhu H.H., Zhang C.C.,Tang C.S.(corresponding author), Shi B., Wang B.J. Pullout behavior of short fiber in reinforced soil. Geotextiles and Geomembranes, 2014, 42:329-338.
Tang C.S.,Shi B., Cui Y.J., Liu C., Gu K. Desiccation cracking behavior of polypropylene fiber reinforced clayey soil. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 2012, 49(9): 1088-1101.
Tang C.S.,Tang A.M., Cui Y.J., Delage P., Schroeder C., De Laure E. Investigating the Swelling Pressure of Compacted Crushed Callovo-Oxfordian Argillite. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 2011, 36(17-18): 1857-1866.
Tang C.S.,Tang A.M., Cui Y.J., Delage P., Schroeder C., Shi B. Study of the hydro-mechanical behaviour of compacted crushed argillite. Engineering Geology, 2011, 118(3-4): 93-103.
Tang C.S.,Shi B., Liu C., Suo W.B., Gao L. Experimental characterization of shrinkage and desiccation cracking in thin clay layer. Applied Clay Science, 2011, 52(1-2): 69-77.
Tang C.S.,Cui Y.J., Shi B., Tang A.M., Liu C. Desiccation and cracking behaviour of clay layer from slurry state under wetting-drying cycles.Geoderma, 2011, 166(1): 111-118.
Tang C.S.,Shi B., Gao L., Daniels J. L., Jiang H.T., Liu C. Urbanization effect on soil temperature in Nanjing, China. Energy and Buildings, 2011, 43(11):3090-3098.
Tang C.S.,Shi B., Liu C., Gao L., Inyang H.I. Experimental investigation on the desiccation cracking behavior of soil layer during drying. Journal of Materials for Civil Engineering (ASCE), 2011, 23(6): 873-878.
Tang C.S.,Cui Y.J., Tang A.M., Shi B.Experiment evidence on the temperature dependence of desiccation cracking behavior of clayey soils. Engineering Geology, 2010, 114(3-4):261-266.
Tang C.S.,Shi B., Zhao L.Z. Interfacial shear strength of fiber reinforced soil. Geotextiles and Geomembranes, 2010, 28(1):54-62.
Tang C.S.,Shi B., Liu C., Zhao L.Z., Wang B.J. Influencing factors of geometrical structure of surface shrinkage cracks in clayey soils. Engineering Geology, 2008, 101(3-4): 204-217.
Tang C.S.,Shi B.,Gao W., Chen F., Cai Y. Strength and mechanical behavior of short polypropylene fiber reinforced and cement stabilized clayey soil. Geotextiles and Geomembranes, 2007, 25(2):194-202.
Cui Y.J.,Tang C.S.,Tang A.M., Ta A.N. Investigation of soil desiccation cracking using an environmental chamber. Rivista italiana di geotechnical, 2014,1: 9-20.
Gu K.,Tang C.S.,Shi B., Hong J.J., Jin F. A study of the effect of temperature on the structural strength of a clayey soil using a micropenetrometer. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 2014, 73(3):747-785.
Wu J.H.,Tang C.S.,Shi B., Gao L., Jiang H.T., Daniels J.L. Effect of ground covers on soil temperature in urban and rural areas. Environmental & Engineering Geoscience, 2014, 20(3):225-237.
Liu C., Shi B., Shao Y.X.,Tang C.S.Experimental and numerical investigation of the effect of the urban Heat island on slope stability. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 2013, 72(3-4):303-310.
Liu C.,Tang C.S.,Shi B., Suo W.B. Automatic quantification of crack patterns by image processing.Computers & Geosciences, 2013, 57:77-80.
Liu C.,Shi B.,Tang C.S.,Gao L. A numerical and field investigation of underground temperatures under Urban Heat Island. Building and Environment, 2011, 46: 1205-1210.
Liu C., Shi B.,Tang C.S.Quantification and characterization of microporosity by image processing, geometric measurement and statistical methods: application on SEM images of clay materials.Applied Clay Science, 2011, 54:97-106.
Shi B.,Tang C.S.,Gao L., Liu C., Wang B.J. Observation and analysis of the urban heat island effect on soil in Nanjing, China. Environmental Earth Sciences, 2012, 67:215-229.
Gao L.,Shi B., Zhu Y.Q., Wang K., Sun Y.J.,Tang C.S.A distributed soil temperature measurement system with high spatial resolution based on BOTDR. Optica Applicata, 2011, 41(3): 607-616.
Gao L.,Shi B., Zhu Y.Q., Wang K., Sun Y.J.,Tang C.S.A distributed soil temperature measurement system with high spatial resolution based on BOTDR. Optica Applicata, 2011, 41(3): 607-616.
Cai Y., Shi B., Charles W.W. Ng,Tang C.S.Effect of polypropylene fiber and lime admixture on engineering properties of clayey soil. Engineering Geology, 2006, 87(3):230-240.
唐朝生, 施斌, 崔玉軍.高放廢物地質處置庫中緩衝回填材料的收縮特徵. 岩土工程學報, 2012, 34(7):1192-1200. [EI]
唐朝生, 崔玉軍, Anh-Minh Tang, 施 斌.膨脹土收縮開裂過程及其溫度效應. 岩土工程學報, 2012,34(12):2181-2187. [EI]
唐朝生, 施斌. 乾濕循環過程中膨脹土的脹縮變形特徵. 岩土工程學報, 2011, 33(9):1376-1384. [EI]
唐朝生,崔玉軍,Anh-Minh Tang, 施斌.土體乾燥過程中體積收縮變形特徵. 岩土工程學報, 2011, 33(8):1271-1279. [EI]
唐朝生, 顧凱. 聚丙烯纖維和水泥加固軟土的強度特性. 土木工程學報, 2011, 44(S2):5-8. [EI]
唐朝生, 崔玉軍, Anh-Minh Tang, 施斌. 重塑COx泥岩在飽和過程中應力應變的演化規律. 岩土工程學報, 2010, 32(8):1166-1171. [EI]
唐朝生, 崔玉軍, Tang Anh-Minh, 施斌. 高放廢物處置庫中COx黏土岩回填材料壓縮特性研究. 岩石力學與工程學報, 2009, 28(1): 2459-2465, [ EI]
唐朝生, 施斌, 高瑋,劉瑾.纖維加筋土中單根纖維的拉拔試驗及臨界加筋長度的確定. 岩土力學,2009, 30(8): 2225-2230. [ EI]
唐朝生, 施 斌, 王寶軍. 基於SEM土體微觀結構研究中的影響因素分析.岩土工程學報, 2008, 30(04): 560-565[ EI]
唐朝生, 施 斌,劉 春, 王寶軍. 粘性土在不同溫度下乾縮裂縫的發展規律及形態學定量分析.岩土工程學報, 2007, 29(05): 743-749. [ EI]
唐朝生, 劉義懷, 施 斌, 蔡 奕, 朱友群. 新老路基拼接中差異沉降的數值模擬分析.中國公路學報, 2007, 20(02): 13-17. [ EI]
唐朝生, 施 斌, 高 瑋, 蔡 奕, 劉 瑾. 含砂量對聚丙烯纖維加筋粘性土強度影響的研究. 岩石力學與工程學報, 2007, (S1): 2968-2973. [ EI]
唐朝生, 施 斌, 蔡 奕, 高 瑋, 陳峰軍. 聚丙烯纖維加固軟土的試驗研究. 岩土力學, 2007, 28(09):1796-1800. [ EI]
唐朝生, 施 斌, 劉 春, 王寶軍. 影響黏性土表面乾縮裂縫結構形態的因素及定量分析. 水利學報,2007, 38(10): 1186-1193. [ EI]
[1] 施斌, 蔡奕, 唐朝生, 王寶軍, 高瑋, 劉瑾, 陳峰軍, 劉春, 李海濤, 黃河. 短絲纖維加筋石灰土地基處理方法.
[2] 施斌, 黃河, 高瑋, 劉瑾, 王寶軍, 姜洪濤, 徐建平, 徐潔, 唐朝生, 魏廣慶, 張丹. 生態土壤穩定劑及其製備方法.
•2014 優秀青年科學基金