公司:格瓦拉時間:2014-02 至 至今
職責:工作主要職責:1. 全面負責公司人力行政採購工作,統籌策劃人力發展戰略規劃2. 組織人力資源體系搭建並開拓實施,組建12個人的團隊,在公司內部建立虛擬的HRBP體系,推行三大支撐的HR結構框架3. 制定完善公司的人力資源管理體系,梳理並且建立採購系統4. 主持協調、參與制訂公司年度預算和季度預算調整,分析公司月度人力成本預算,向公司管理層提供預算和成本滾動分析報告5. 建立符合O2O行業的靈活且有層次性的激勵體系,建立里程碑/大項目/創新等獎項在格瓦拉內部推行奧斯卡授獎儀式6. 搭建季度/年度的開放式的績效考核體系7. 建設格瓦拉獨特的網際網路文化—激情/團隊/有情懷/靈活的核心思想8. 注重人才梯隊的搭建,完善職級體系,升級崗位薪酬體系9. 建立多通道的溝通渠道,規避部門牆的存比,給信息自下而上/自上而下之間的傳遞提供良好的平台10. 人才供給:A. 分析市場/競品公司招聘動態,挖掘競品公司的內部人員結構,通過公開平台收集大量的數據,分析市場人才結構,及時調整內部招聘策略;B. 進行招聘市場行為,和業務活動融合,業務服務;11. 人才發展和培訓建立符合O2O行業的靈活多樣的人才培訓體系,搭建不同的平台,多角度來吸引培訓資源,拓寬員工視野,提升專業知識能力,項目有“小格看大師”“新生營”“勇哥說事”“百家論壇”等等。
公司:CIC時間:2007-11 至 2014-01
職位:Head of Talent Management &Admin
職責:Human Resource Strategy Management:Overall preparation of corporate HR strategic, organizational, assist in the completion of the objectives of the company's strategy map customization. Talent resource /recruitment managementEstablish and perfect TA policy、process & channel management; Familiar with diversified recruitment channels; lead a team to support each department to arrange or conduct interviews and hiring.Training and Talent DevelopmentProactively design, manage, upgrade staff development program and training system, to ensure good support for talent career development in term of both skill and mindset.Employee Relationship Build up internal communication strategy to foster a strong communication culture within the business by creating a two-way flow of information that moves information from the top to the bottom and then moves feedback back up to the top. Company culture and valueIn charge of supervising team building activities, facilitate class core group to organize monthly team building themes. HA Team DevelopmentDevelop talents and high potential of team members, to grow the team to be able to take up more challenges and assignments, from one staff to eight staff within 5years. M&A Project: Participation in M&A. In charge of HR issues M&A project.
學校:浙江大學時間:2001-01 至 2004-01