

唐傑,華南理工大學副教授,IEEE高級會員,電子學會高級會員,通信學會高級會員。先後於2008年、2009年及2012年在華南理工大學、布里斯托大學與拉夫堡大學獲得本科、碩士及博士學位。2013年被曼徹斯特大學聘為博士後副研究員,負責英國工程與自然科學研究理事會項目"Green Heterogeneous Networks",並參與了國際“綠色溝通”(GreenTouch)聯盟研究項目。2016年被華南理工大學引進為副教授。2017年被評為華南理工大學第一批“興華學者人才計畫”啟航學者。2018年被評為廣東省第一批“珠江人才計畫”青年拔尖人才。 主持及參與10餘項科研項目,包括國家自然科學基金項目,英國工程與自然科學研究理事會項目,國家重點實驗室開放基金,廣東省自然科學基金項目及廣州市科技計畫項目。目前已發表三大檢索論文總計70餘篇,其中IEEE Trans 30餘篇。目前擔任四個SCI期刊副主編,包括IEEE Access, EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, Physical Communications, Ad Hoc & Sensor Wireless Networks。此外,還任職IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference: VTC2018-Spring綠色通信與網路的分會主席,以及EAI International Conference on Green Energy and Networking技術委員會委員。 獲得IEEE ICNC 2018最佳論文獎,CSPS 2018最佳論文獎, 2011年度國家優秀自費留學生獎學金,英國工程與自然科學研究理事會博士獎學金以及2009年度德州儀器最佳信號處理類項目獎。


華南理工大學,電子與信息學院,副教授,碩士生導師 12/2015-至今

英國曼切斯特大學,電氣及電子學院,博士後副研究員 02/2013-09/2015

英國拉夫堡大學,電氣及電子學院,助理研究員 09/2009-12/2012


博士研究生,英國拉夫堡大學 09/2009-12/2012

碩士研究生,英國布里斯托大學 09/2008-09/2009

本科,信息工程,華南理工大學 09/2004-06/2008




[23] N. Zhao, F. Yu, L. Fan, Y. Chen, J. Tang, A. Nallanathan and V. C. M. Leung, “Caching UAV-Enabled Small-Cell Networks,” IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine, 2018.

[22] N. Zhao, W. Lu, M. Sheng, Y. Chen, J. Tang, F. Yu, and K. K. Wong, “UAV-Assisted Emergency Networks in Disasters,” IEEE Wireless Communications, 2018.

[21] X. Liu, Nan Zhao, F. Yu, Y. Chen, J. Tang and V. C. M. Leung, “Cooperative Video Transmission Strategies via Caching in Small-Cell Networks,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 67, no. 12, pp. 12204-12217, Dec. 2018.

[20] J. Tang, A. Shojaeifard, D. K. C. So, K. Wong and N. Zhao, “Energy Efficiency Optimization for CoMP-SWIPT Heterogeneous Networks,” IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 66, no. 12, pp. 6368-6383, Dec. 2018.

[19] A. Shojaeifard, K. Wong, W. Yu, G. Zheng and J. Tang, “Full-Duplex Cloud Radio Access Network: Stochastic Design and Analysis,” IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 17, no. 11, pp. 7190-7207, Nov. 2018.

[18] Y. Cao, N. Zhao, F. Yu, M. Jin, Y. Chen, J. Tang, V. C. M. Leung, “Optimization or Alignment: Secure Primary Transmission Assisted by Secondary Networks,” IEEE Journal on Selected Area in Communications, vol. 36, no. 4, pp. 905-917, April 2018.

[17] B. Zheng, M. Wen, C. Wang, X. Wang, F. Chen, J. Tang, F. Ji, “Secure NOMA Based Two-Way Relay Networks Using Artificial Noise and Full Duplex,” IEEE Journal on Selected Area in Communications, vol. 36, no. 7, pp. 1426-1440, July 2018.

[16] Y.Fu,P.Chen,S.Yangand J. Tang, “An Indoor Localization Algorithm Based on Continuous Feature Scaling and Outlier Deleting,” IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 1108 – 1115, Jan 2018.

[15] N. Zhao, F. Cheng, F. Yu, J. Tang, Y. Chen, G. Gui and H. Sari, “Caching UAV Assisted Secure Transmission in Hyper-Dense Networks Based on Interference Alignment,“ IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 66, no. 5, pp. 2281 – 2294, May 2018.

[14] J. Tang, D. K. C. So, A. Shojaeifard and K. Wong “Energy Efficiency Optimization with SWIPT in MIMO Broadcast Channels for Internet of Things,” IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 2605 – 2619, Aug. 2018.

[13] J. Tang, D. K. C. So, E. Alsusa, K. Hamdi, A. Shojaeifard and K. Wong “Energy-Efficient Heterogeneous Cellular Networks with Spectrum Underlay and Overlay Access,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 67, no. 3, pp. 2439 – 2453, March 2018.

[12] A. Shojaeifard, K. Wong, M. Direnzo, G. Zheng, K. Hamdi and J. Tang “Massive MIMO-Enabled Full-Duplex Cellular Networks,” IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 65, no. 11, pp. 4734-4750, Nov. 2017.

[11] J. Tang, D. K. C. So, A. Shojaeifard, K. Wong and J. Wen “Joint Antenna Selection and Spatial Switching for Energy Efficient MIMO SWIPT System,” IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 16, no. 7, pp. 4754 – 4769, July 2017.

[10] J. Tang, D. K. C. So, E. Alsusa, K. Hamdi and A. Shojaeifard, “On the Energy Efficiency-Spectral Efficiency Tradeoff in MIMO-OFDMA Broadcast Channels,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 65, no. 7, pp. 5185 - 5199, July, 2016.

[9] A. Shojaeifard, K. Hamdi, E. Alsusa, D. K. C. So, J. Tang and K. Wong, “Design, Modeling, and Performance Analysis of Multi-Antenna Heterogeneous Cellular Networks,” IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 64,no. 7, pp. 3104-3118, July, 2016.

[8] A. Shojaeifard, K. Hamdi, E. Alsusa, D. K. C. So and J. Tang, “Exact SINR Statistics in the Presence of Heterogeneous Interferers,” IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 61,no. 12, pp. 6759 - 6773, Dec., 2015.

[7] J. Tang, D. K. C. So, E. Alsusa, K. Hamdi and, A. Shojaeifard “Resource Allocation for Energy Efficiency Optimization in Heterogeneous Networks,” IEEE Journal on Selected Area in Communications, vol. 33,no. 10, pp. 2104 - 2117, Oct., 2015

[6] J. Tang, D. K. C. So, E. Alsusa, K. Hamdi and A. Shojaeifard, “Energy Efficiency Optimization with Interference Alignment in Multi-cell MIMO Interfering Broadcast Channels,” IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 63,no. 7, pp. 2486-2499, July 2015.

[5] A. Shojaeifard, K. Hamdi, E. Alsusa, D. K. C. So and J. Tang, “A Unified Model for Design and Analysis of Spatially-Correlated Load-Aware HetNets,” IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 62, no. 11, pp. 4110 - 4125, Nov., 2014.

[4] Y. Wu, Y. Chen, J. Tang, D. K. C. So, Z. Xu, C. L. I, P. Ferrand, J. Gorce, C. H. Tang, P. R. Li, K. T. Feng, L. C. Wang, K. Borner, L. Thiele, “Green Transmission Technologies for Balancing the Energy Efficiency and Spectrum Efficiency Trade-off,” IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 52,no. 11, pp. 112-120, Nov., 2014.

[3] J. Tang, D. K. C. So, E. Alsusa and K. Hamdi, “Resource Efficiency: A New Paradigm on Energy Efficiency and Spectral Efficiency Tradeoff,” IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 13,no. 8, pp. 4656-4669, Aug., 2014.

[2] J. Tang, and S. Lambotharan, “Interference Alignment Techniques for MIMO Multi-Cell Interfering Broadcast Channels,” IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 61, no. 1, pp. 164-175, Jan., 2013.

[1] J. Tang, K. Cumanan and S. Lambotharan, “Sum Rate Maximization Technique for Spectrum Sharing MIMO OFDM Broadcast Channels,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 60, no. 4, pp. 1960-1964, May, 2011.


