
國家973項目(新型微波介質陶瓷的微結構、缺陷控制與微波性能協調原理) (2002CB613302)
擔任“Journal of Materials Science Materials in Electronics”,“Journal of Electronic Materials”,“Materials Chemistry and Physics”,“Journal of the American Ceramic Society”等國際著名雜誌的論文審稿人。
Huanfu Zhou, Hong Wang, Yuehua Chen, Kecheng Li, Xi Yao. Microwave dielectric properties of BaTi5O11 ceramics prepared by reaction-sintering process with the addition of CuO. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 2008, 91(10): 3444-3447.
Huanfu Zhou, Xiuli Chen, Liang Fang, Changzheng Hu, Hong Wang, Preparation and characterization of a new microwave dielectric ceramics Ba4ZnTi11O27, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 2010, (published online: DOI: 10.1111/j.1551-2916.2009.03561.x)
Huanfu Zhou, Hong Wang, Minghui Zhang and Haibo Yang, Microwave dielectric properties and compatibility with silver of low-fired Ba5Nb4O15 ceramics by BaCu(B2O5) addition, Journal of Materials Research, 2010, (to be published)
Huanfu Zhou, XiuLi Chen, Liang Fang, et al, A new low loss microwave dielectric ceramic for LTCC applications, Journal of Materials Research, (accept)
Zhou Huanfu, Wang Hong, Zhang minghui, Yao Xi, Microwave dielectric properties of the 5.5Li2O–Nb2O5–7TiO2 ceramics, Applied Physics A: Materials Science & Processing, 2009, 95(2):513-516.
Huanfu Zhou, Hong Wang, Minghui Zhang, Kecheng Li, Haibo Yang, Synthesis and microwave dielectric properties of Ba4Ti3P2O15 ceramics, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2010, 119(1-2), 4-6.
Huanfu Zhou, Hong Wang, Yuehua Chen, Kecheng Li, Xi Yao, Low temperature sintering and microwave dielectric properties of Ba3Ti5Nb6O28 ceramics with BaCu(B2O5) additions, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2009, 113(1), 1-5.
Huanfu Zhou, Hong Wang, Di Zhou, LiXia Pang, Xi Yao, Effect of ZnO and B2O3 on the sintering temperature and microwave dielectric properties of LiNb0.6Ti0.5O3 ceramics, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2008, 109(2-3) 510-514.
Huanfu Zhou, Hong Wang, Kecheng Li, Haibo Yang, Minghui Zhang, Xi Yao. Microwave dielectric properties of ZnO–2TiO2-Nb2O5 ceramics with BaCu(B2O5) addition. Journal of Electronic Materials, 2009, 38(5):711-716.
Huanfu Zhou, Hong Wang, Kecheng Li, Xi Yao, Microwave dielectric properties of the 5.7Li2O-Nb2O5-7.3TiO2 ceramics, Journal of Materials Science, 2008, 43(10) 3725-3727.
Huanfu Zhou, Hong Wang, Xiaoyan Ding, Xi Yao, Microwave dielectric properties of 3Li2O–Nb2O5–3TiO2 ceramics with Li2O–V2O5 additions, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 2009, 20(1), 39-43.
Huanfu Zhou, Hong Wang, Kecheng Li, Xi Yao, Effect of B2O3 and CuO additions on the sintering temperature and microwave dielectric properties of 3Li2O–Nb2O5–3TiO2 ceramics, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 2009, 20(3), 383-388.
Huanfu Zhou, Hong Wang, Kecheng Li, Minghui Zahng, Haibo Yang, Microwave dielectric properties of low temperature firing (Li1/2Nd1/2)WO4 ceramic, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 2010, 21(3), 252-255.
Huanfu Zhou, Xiuli Chen, Liang Fang, Changzheng Hu, Hong Wang, A new microwave dielectric ceramic for LTCC applications, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 2010,(online published: DOI 10.1007/s10854-009-0006-1).
Huanfu Zhou, Xiuli Chen, Liang Fang, Changzheng Hu, Hong Wang, Microwave dielectric properties of Ba5Nb4O15 ceramic by molten salt method, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 2010, (online published: DOI 10.1007/s10854-009-0006-1).
Huanfu Zhou, Hong Wang, Kecheng Li, Minghui Zhang, Xi Yao, Effect of B2O3 additions on the sintering temperature and microwave dielectric properties of 5.5Li2O-Nb2O5-7TiO2 ceramics, Ferroelectrics, 2009, 381(1), 17-23.
周煥福,黃金亮,王茹玉,殷鏢,孫道明,BiVO4 摻雜對(Bi1.5Zn0.5) (Zn0.5Nb1.5)O7 陶瓷的介電性能的影響,矽酸鹽學報,2005,33(12),1453-1456.
周煥福,黃金亮,殷鏢,孫道明,Sm2O3 摻雜的Bi2O3-ZnO-Nb2O5 的結構與介電性能,功能材料與器件學報,2005, 11(2), 215-218.
周煥福,黃金亮,王茹玉,李謙,黃清偉,Bi4Ti3O12 摻雜對(Bi1.5Zn0.5) (Zn0.5Nb1.5)O7 陶瓷結構與介電性能的影響,功能材料,2005, 36(8), 1204-1206.
Di Zhou, Hong Wang, Huanfu Zhou, Xiaojun Xie, Xi Yao, Yonghong Cheng, Preparation of Sb3Nb3O13 powders using molten salt method, Journal of Materials Science, 2007, 42(20), 8387-8390.
Kecheng Li, Hong Wang, Huanfu Zhou, Minghui Zhang, Xi Yao. Silver cofirable ZnTiNb2O8 microwave dielectric ceramics with Li2O-ZnO-B2O3 glass additive. International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology, (accepted).
Xinguang Wu, Hong Wang, Huanfu Zhou, Xi Yao. Microwave dielectric properties of low temperature firing BaxCu2-xP2O7 ceramic. Ferroelectric, (accepted).
Xiaoyan Ding, Hong Wang, Huanfu Zhou, Xi Yao. Microwave dielectric properties of 5.67Li2O-Nb2O5-14.67TiO2 ceramics with B2O3 addition. Ferroelectric, (accepted).
LiXia Pang, Hong Wang, Di Zhou, HuanFu Zhou, Xi Yao, Low-Temperature Firing and Microwave Dielectric Properties of Ca[(Li1/3Nb2/3)0.8Ti0.2]O3-δCeramics with ZnB2O4 Glass Addition, International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology, 5 [4] 341–346 (2008)
Di Zhou, Hong Wang, Xi Yao, Lixia Pang, Huanfu Zhou, Nanopowder Preparation and Dielectric Properties of a Bi2O3–Nb2O5 Binary System Prepared by the High-Energy Ball-Milling Method, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 2008, 91[1] 139–143.
王茹玉,黃金亮,周煥福,殷鏢,CuO 和V2O5摻雜對ZnNb2O6 陶瓷的介電性能的影響,矽酸鹽學報,34(4)442-445(2006).
孫道明,李謙,黃金亮,周煥福,殷鏢,CMLST-x 陶瓷的結構與介電性能,壓電與聲光,28(5)560-562(2006).
Huanfu Zhou, Hong Wang, Kecheng Li, Minghui Zhang and Xi Yao, “Microwave Dielectric Properties of 5.5Li2O-Nb2O5-7TiO2 Ceramics”, The 6th Asian Meeting on Ferroelectrics, (AMF-6) Aug. 2-6, 2008, Taibei, China (口頭報告)
Huanfu Zhou, Hong Wang, Kecheng Li, Minghui Zhang, Xi Yao, “Effects of B2O3 Addition on the Sintering Temperature and Microwave Dielectric Properties of 6Li2O-Nb2O5-7TiO2 Ceramics”, the 5th International Conference on Microwave Materials and Their Applications (MMA-2008) November 1-4, 2008 in Hangzhou, China (口頭報告)
Huanfu Zhou, Hong Wang, Kecheng Li, Minghui Zhang, Xi Yao, “Microwave dielectric properties of ZnO–2TiO2-Nb2O5 ceramics with BaCu(B2O5) addition”, 12th International Meeting on Ferroelectrics IMF XII (IMF-12) July 20-23, 2009 in Xi’an, China (Poster Presentation)
周煥福,汪宏,丁曉言,姚熹,“Microwave dielectric properties of 3Li2O–Nb2O5–3TiO2 ceramics with Li2O–V2O5 additions”,第十二屆全國電介質物理、材料與套用學術會議,2008年4月18日-21日,中國西安,(Poster Presentation)
Hong Wang, Huanfu Zhou, Xi Yao, Ruizong Zhang, Ruhui Chen, Zhongkai Wen, MICROWAVE DIELECTRIC CERAMICS AND METHOD FOR MANUFACTURING THE SAME, USA patent filed, Oct. 2008.