主要從事納米功能材料以及半導體發光量子點在生物分子標記領域的研究工作,尤其在納米發光材料的製備與機理研究方面取得了重要成果。共發表SCI收錄研究論文60餘篇,其中,第一作者在 J Phys Chem B, Cryst Growth Des, Langmuir以及 J Cryst Growth等具有高影響因子的學術刊物上發表論文10餘篇,論文他引170餘次。
1. Guangjun Zhou, Mengkai Lü, Zhongsen Yang, Fang Tian, Yuanyuan Zhou, Aiyu Zhang. Fabrication of novel palladium microstructures through self-assembly. Cryst. Growth Des.2007, 2, 187-190.
2. Guangjun Zhou,Mengkai Lü, Zhiliang Xiu, Shufen Wang, Haipingzhang, Yuanyuan Zhou, Shumei Wang. Controlled Synthesis of High-Quality PbS Star-Shaped Dendrites, Multipods, Truncated Nanocubes and Nanocubes and Their Shape Evolution Process. J. Phys. Chem. B2006, 110, 6543-6548.
3. Guangjun Zhou, Mengkai Lu, Zhongsen Yang. Aqueous synthesis of copper nanocubes and bimetallic Cu@Pd core-shell nanostructures. Langmuir2006, 22, 5900-5903
4. Guangjun Zhou, Mengkai Lü, Zhongsen Yang, Haiping Zhang, Yuanyuan Zhou, Shumei Wang. Surfactant-assisted synthesis and characterization of silver nanorods and nanowires by an aqueous solution approach. J. Cryst. Growth2006, 289, 255-259.
5. Guangjun Zhou, Mengkai Lu, Benyu Su, Feng Gu, Zhiliang Xiu, Shufen Wang. Preparation and characterization of luminescent PbWO4 nano- and macrostructure. Opt. Mater.2006, 28, 1385–1388.
6. Guangjun Zhou, Feng Gu, Mengkai Lu, Shufen Wang, Zhiliang Xiu, Dong Xu, Duorong Yuan. Synthesis and luminescence properties of BaCrO4 nanoparticles. Mater. Sci. Eng. B2005, 116, 71–74.
7. Guangjun Zhou, MengkaiLu, Feng Gu, Dong Xu, Duorong Yuan. Morphology-controlled synthesis, characterization and growth mechanism of PbWO4 nano and macrocrystals. J. Cryst. Growth 2005, 276, 577–582.
8. Guangjun Zhou, Mengkai Lu, Zhiliang Xiu, Shufen Wang, Haiping Zhanga, Wenguo Zou. Polymer micelle-assisted fabrication of hollow BaWO4 nanospheres. J. Cryst. Growth2005, 276, 116–120.
9. Guangjun Zhou, Shufen Wang, Mengkai Lu, Zhiliang Xiu, Haiping Zhang. Surfactant-assisted synthesis and characterization of PbWO4 dendritic nanostructure. Mater. Chem. Phys.2005, 93, 138–141.
10. Guangjun Zhou, Mengkai Lu, Feng Gu, Shufen Wang, Zhiliang Xiu. Morphology-controlled synthesis of BaWO4 nanocrystals via a surfactant-assisted method. Mater. Lett.2005, 59, 2706–2709.
11. Guangjun Zhou, Mengkai L.u, Feng Gu, Shufen Wang, Zhiliang Xiu, Xiufeng Cheng. Controlled synthesis and optical properties of PbCrO4 nanorods and nanoparticles. J. Cryst. Growth2004, 270, 283–287.