












1. 機率論與數理統計,本科生課程, 48學時
2. 結構機構可靠性設計基礎,研究生課程, 40學時
3. 結構可靠性理論與設計方法,研究生課程, 40學時


1. 飛行器總體設計

2. 飛行器結構設計

3. 飛行器可靠性工程

4. 安全工程


1. ***機構最佳化設計與驗證技術研究,民機飛機專項科研,2015-2020

2. 隨機不確定性下結構系統性能決策的區域靈敏度研究,國家自然科學基金,2015-2018

3. 基於主、客觀混合不確定性的結構可靠性方法研究,博士點基金,2012-2014

4. 結構系統中主、客觀不確定性的傳播及重要性測度研究,國家自然科學基金,2012-2015

5. ***最佳化設計研究,航天支撐基金,2011-2012

6. 考慮主、客觀不確定性的飛機結構可靠性中的關鍵問題研究,航空科學基金,2011

7. 非正態、相關變數及機率信息不全時可靠性靈敏度的理論與套用研究,國家自然基金,2009-2011

8. 航空發動機外部管路振動的安全可靠性分析技術,中航工業集團608研究所,2008-2010

9. 複雜飛機結構可靠性設計中的關鍵問題研究,航空科學基金,2007-2009

10. 航空發動機粉末冶金渦輪盤模糊隨機可靠性設計敏度技術,民口863課題,2007-2009

11. 小子樣和高維情況下基於統計學習理論的可靠性方法研究,國家自然基金,2006-2008

12. 基於支持矢量機的結構/機構產品先進可靠性理論與技術研究,新世紀優秀人才支持計畫,2006-2008

13. 複雜結構廣義可靠性分析及最佳化設計研究,國家自然科學基金,1998-1999

14. 非機率可靠性模型及其套用研究,國家自然科學基金,1995-1998



1. 呂震宙,宋述芳,李洪雙,袁修開. 結構機構可靠性及可靠性靈敏度分析, 北京:科學出版社, 2009.

2. 呂震宙, 李璐禕,宋述芳,郝文銳. 不確定性結構系統的重要性分析理論與求解方法, 北京:科學出版社, 2015



1. KC Zhang, ZZ Lu, L Cheng. A new framework of variance based sensitivity analysis for models with correlated inputs. Structural Safety, 2015, 55, 1-9.

2. GJ Li, ZZ Lu, J Xu. A fuzzy reliability approach for structures based on the probability perspective. Structural Safety, 2015, 54, 10-18.

3. PF Wei, ZZ Lu, JW Song. Regional and parametric sensitivity analysis of sobol’ indices. Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 2015, 137, 87-100.

4. PF Wei, ZZ Lu, JW Song. Variable importance analysis: A comprehensive review. Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 2015, 142, 399-432.

5. PF Wei, ZZ Lu, JW Song. Variable importance analysis in high dimension: Comparisons and applications to an environmental multi-indicator system. Environmental Modelling and Software, 2015, 70, 178-190.

6. DQ Wu, ZZ Lu, YP Wang, L Cheng. Model validation and calibration based on component functions of model output. Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 2015, 140, 59-70.

7. PF Wei, ZZ Lu, JW Song. ExtendedMonte Carlosimulation for parametric global sensitivity analysis and optimization. AIAA Journal, 2014, 52(4), 867-878.

8. ZC Tang, ZZ Lu, JX Hu. An efficient approach for design optimization of structures involving fuzzy variables. Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 2014, 255, 52-73.

9. PF Wei, ZZ Lu, JW Song. Moment-independent sensitivity analysis using copula. Risk Analysis, 2014, 2, 210-222.

10. PF Wei, ZZ Lu, JW Song. Uncertainty importance analysis using parameteric moment ratio functions. Risk Analysis, 2014, 2, 223-234.

11. X Xu, ZZ Lu, XP Luo. A stable approach based on asymptotic space integration for moment-independent uncertainty importance measure. Risk Analysis, 2014, 2, 235-251.

12. Zhou, ZZ Lu, W Li. Sparse grid integration based solutions for moment-independent importance measures. Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, 2015, 39, 46-55.

13. L Cheng, ZZ Lu. Revised regional importances in the presence of epistemic and aleatory uncertaities. ScienceChinaPhysics, Mechanics & Astronomy, 2015, 58(1).

14. LY Li, ZZ Lu, L Cheng, DQ Wu. Importance analysis on the failure probability of the fuzzy and random system and its state dependent parameter solution. Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 2014, 250(1), 69-89.

15. L Cheng, ZZ Lu, LG Zhang. Application of rejection sampling based methodology to variance based parametric sensitiveity analysis. Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 2015, 142, 9-18.

16. LG Zhang, ZZ Lu, L Cheng, CQ Fan. A new method for evaluating Borgonovo moment- independent importance measure with its application in an aircraft structure. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 2014, 132, 163-175.

17. XK Yuan, ZZ Lu. Efficient approach for reliability-based optimization based on weighted importance sampling approach. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 2014, 132, 107-114.

18. LJ Cui, ZZ Lu, CC Zhou. Probabilistic importance analysis of the input variables in structural system. Structural Safety, 2014, 51, 13-22.

19. XP Luo, ZZ Lu, X Xu. Non-parametric kernel estimation for the ANOVA decomposition and sensitivity analysis. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 2014, 130, 140-148.

20. XP Luo, ZZ Lu, X Xu. Discussion of paper by M Rashki, M Miri and M A Moghaddam. “A new efficient simulation method to approximate the probability of failure and most probable point”. Structural Safety, 2012, 39, 22-29. Structural Safety, 2014, 46, 13-14.


2007- 已申請到計算機軟體著作登記權50餘項


1. 2013,被評為西北工業大學優秀導師

2. 2005-2014,指導博士研究生中有1人獲得國家優秀博士學位論文提名,4人獲得陝西省優秀博士學位論文

3. 2006-,指導西北工業大學優秀碩士論文一等獎16人、二等獎7人

4. 2005,被評為西北工業大學本科教學最滿意教師

5. 2005,機構可靠性工程研究,陝西省科技進步三等獎(排名2)

6. 2004,被評為西北工業大學優秀青年教師

7. 2004,各向異性鎳基單晶葉片強度壽命研究,陝西省教委科技進步二等獎(排名1)

8. 2004,機構可靠性工程研究,陝西省國防科學技術進步二等獎(排名2)

9. 2004,機構可靠性分析方法研究,陝西省國防科學技術進步二等獎(排名2)



