1. Yurong Shi,Yuhua Wang, Dan Wang, Bitao Liu, Yanhui Li, Lan Wei, Synthesis of Hexagonal Prism (La, Ce, Tb)POPhosphors by Precipitation Method, Crystal Growth & Design, 2012,12, 1785−1791.
2. Yurong Shi, Yuhua Wang, Yan Wen, Zhengyan Zhao, Bitao Liu and Zhigang Yang, Tunable luminescence YAlO:0.06Ce, xMnphosphors with different charge compensators for warm white light emitting diodes, Optics Express, 2012,20 (19) 21656-21664.
3. Yurong Shi, Ge Zhu, Masayoshi Mikami, Yasuo Shimomura, Yuhua Wang, Color-tunable LaCaAlO:Ce,Tbphosphors for UV light-emitting diodes, Materials Research Bulletin, 2013, 48, 114-117.
4. Yurong Shi,Zhigang Yang, Wenjie Wang, Ge Zhu, Yuhua Wang, Novel red phosphors NaCaSiO:Eufor light-emitting diodes, Materials Research Bulletin, 2011, 46, 1148–1150.
5. Yurong Shi, Yuhua Wang, Zhigang Yang, Synthesis and characterization of YNbTiO:Dyphosphor, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2011, 509, 3128–3131.
6. Yurong Shi, Yan Wen, Meidan Que, Ge Zhu, Yuhua Wang, Structure, photoluminescent and cathodoluminescent properties of a rare-earth free red emitting β-ZnBO:Mnphosphor, Dalton Transactions, 2014,43(6), 2418-2423.
7. Yurong Shi, Ge Zhu, Masayoshi Mikami, Yasuo Shimomura, Yuhua Wang,Photoluminescence of green-emitting Ca(PO)(SiO):Euphosphor for white light emitting diodes, Optical Materials Express, 2014, 4(2), 280-287.
8. Yurong Shi, Ge Zhu, Masayoshi Mikami, Yasuo Shimomura, Yuhua Wang,A novel Ceactivated LuMgAlSiOgarnet phosphor for blue chip light-emitting diodes with excellent performance, Dalton Transactions, 2015, 44, 1775-1781。