ChrisTina(古 緹),傳統與創新的完美結合,源自歐洲時尚文化,為所有20~35歲年輕個性、熱愛生活、追求時尚的都市女性而設計,融合了義大利的藝術與中國文化,繼承了歐洲皇室貴族的優良血統。經典高貴、時尚休閒讓“古緹”自信而不張揚、簡約卻極富內涵!設計靈感來自對人與自然不斷探索,萃取世界無數知名藝術家(Chris Tina克里斯蒂娜)的精華之作,融合傳統與創新,完美演繹義大利威尼斯浪漫風情。她是一種獨特的美感,一種先鋒藝術的表征;“古緹”代表了一種嶄新、獨立、時尚、自信、親切近人的都市生活態度!

“Fast Fashion”的概念源自歐洲,以產品更新速度快、緊跟當季國際最流行設計以及平民價格為最大特點,被消費者稱為“平價時尚”,服裝代表零售企業有西班牙的ZARA、瑞典的H&M、德國的C&A,以及美國的GAP。而近些年,“Fast Fashion”在中國的影響力也日漸不凡,成為中國服裝產業和消費者眼中炙手可熱的辭彙。“Fast Fashion對於企業來說,可以降低庫存,加快資金流轉;而對於消費者來說,可以做到全球時尚的同步感受。
Classical Guilted 經典菱格系列

The color of dark coffee leads a fashion wave in 2009. A cup of hot coffee could dilute the lazy and sleepy sentiments in the warm winter afternoon. Classic dark coffee, simple and plain style and rigid style provide you an unusual character.
It seems that the flowing memories could be re-located when picking up the fallen leaves in autumn. The classic color of orange makes you beautiful, just like the general brilliant autumn leaves of Fragrant Hill. The classic, practical and good-looking diamond-shaped texture will help you find yourself in life. It chooses a single line style in exterior design, which makes the bag simple, elegant and graceful. Clear diamond-shaped style brings a strong visual impact, bringing people the joy after a sound dream with a thin aftertaste impulsion. The bag has four colors, including black, yellow, purple and coffee, which could meet women’s desire for color .

It is a bag with prominent personality, eye-catching color, stylish appearance, exquisite workmanship. The smooth routes together with the elegant taste are a good choice for you no matter you plan to go shopping or join a banquet. Show personality is that simple.
Wild World潮流精選蛇紋系列

The design of this bag is inspired by Italian style. Dark blue gives people a lot of imagination, providing people with noble and elegant temperament. The most popular texture in this year is patent leather handbags. It could be used as handbag as well as shoulder bags. You will be the most fashionable woman with full sexy and feminine.