
劉麗,美國北卡羅來納州立大學 市政工程博士 ,合肥工業大學土木工程系教授。



2005.1-2009.8 美國北卡羅來納州立大學 市政工程 博士

2001.9-2004.5 合肥工業大學 水文學與水資源 碩士

1991.9-1995.7 合肥工業大學 給水排水工程 學士


2017.1-至今 合肥工業大學土木與水利工程學院 教授

2012.1-2016.12 合肥工業大學土木與水利工程學院 副教授

2005.1-2009.12 美國北卡羅來納州立大學土木環境學院 助理研究員

2000.12-2011.12 合肥工業大學土木與水利工程學院 講師

1995.7-2000.12 合肥工業大學土木工程系 助教



1.2015.1-2018.12 微觀水力條件下給水管網微生物聚集行為解析及數值模擬


2.2012.7-2014.6 基於災害風險的城市排水系統更新改造策略研究,


3.2011.1-2014.6 南四湖流域水資源配置整體模擬模型研究,


4.2011.1-2012.12 動態不確定環境下供水系統最佳化運行研究,


5.2012.1-2014.12 基於流域分散式水文模擬的湖泊乾旱特徵水位計算及套用,


6.2009.1-2012.12 我國不同分區湖泊營養物基準制定技術方法研究,



1、Li Liu, M. Emily Zechman, G. Mahinthakumar and S. Ranji Ranjithan.2012. Identifying Contaminant Sources for Water Distribution Systems Using a Hybrid Method. Civil Engineering and Environmental Systems,29(2):123-136.

2、Li Liu, M. Emily Zechman, G. Mahinthakumar and S. Ranji Ranjithan.2012. Coupling of Logistic Regression Analysis and Local Search Methods for Characterization of Water Distribution System Contaminant Source.Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence,25(2):309-316.

3、Li Liu, A. Sankarasubramanian and S. Ranji Ranjithan.2011.Logistic Regression Analysis to Estimate Contaminant Sources in Water Distribution Systems. Journal of Hydroinformatics ,13(3):545-557.

4、Li Liu, S. Ranji Ranjithan and G. Mahinthakumar.2011.Contamination Source Identification in Water Distribution Systems Using an Adaptive Dynamic Optimization Procedure. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 137(2):183-192. ASCE.

5、ZHOU Ping, ZHOU Yuliang, JIN Juliang, Liu Li, WANG Zongzhi, CHENG Liang, ZHANG Libing.2011、An Improved Markov Chain Model Based on Autocorrelation and Entropy Techniques and Its Application to State Prediction of Water Resources. Chinese Geographical Science,21(2): 176-184.

6、Li Liu, S. Ranji Ranjithan.2010、An Adaptive Optimization Technique for Dynamic Environments. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence,23(5): 772-779.

7、Li Liu, E. Downey Brill, G. Kumar Mahinthakumar, and S. Ranji Ranjithan.2009. A Hybrid Heuristic Search Approach for Contaminant Source Characterization. Proceedings of the ASCE/EWRI World Water & Environmental Resources Congress, May 17-21, 2009, Kansas City, Missouri, USA.

8、Li Liu, E. Downey Brill, G. Kumar Mahinthakumar, and S. Ranji Ranjithan. 2008. Contaminant source characterization using logistic regression and local search methods. Proceedings of the ASCE/EWRI World Water & Environmental Resources Congress, May 12-16, 2008, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.

9、Li Liu, M. Emily Zechman, E. Downey Brill, G. Kumar Mahinthakumar, James Uber and S. Ranji Ranjithan.2007.Considering demand variability and measurement uncertainties in adaptive source characterization in water distribution networks. Proceedings of the ASCE/EWRI World Water & Environmental Resources Congress, May 15-18, 2007, Tampa Florida, USA.

10、Li Liu, M. Emily Zechman, E. Downey Brill, G. Kumar Mahinthakumar, S. Ranji Ranjithan, and James Uber.2006.Adaptive Contamination Source Identification in Water Distribution Systems Using an Evolutionary Algorithm-based Dynamic Optimization Procedure. Water Distribution Systems Analysis Symposium, August 27-30, 2006, Cincinnati, OH, USA.


12.周玉良,金菊良,劉麗,張禮兵,汪哲蓀,霍守亮.2012.基於模型推斷法確定邛海總磷總氮濃度的參照狀態. 環境工程技術學報,2(3):200-206.

13.金菊良,劉麗,汪明武,李如忠,周玉良.2011.基於三角模糊數隨機模擬的地下水環境系統綜合風險評價模型.地理科學, 31(2): 143-147.

14.張禮兵,霍守亮,周玉良,童中華,劉麗.2011.基於系統動力學的湖泊營養物基準參照狀態研究.環境科學學報, 31(6):1254-1262.


