?姓名: 劉連峰
性別: 男
出生年月: 1967.11
籍貫: 河北
文化程度: 博研生
所學專業: 計算力學,工程力學
現從事專業: 計算力學,散體力學,工程力學
技術職務: 教授
所在院系: 工程技術學院
研究領域: 岩土工程
1995年,受聘於北京北方工業大學工學院。1997年,受澳大利亞新南威爾斯大學的邀請,以榮譽訪問學者身份(Honorary Visiting Scholar)進行了顆粒介質細觀力學仿真方面的研究。1998年至2000年,赴國際著名的英國THORNTON粒子動力研究組,以研究員(Research Associate)身份開展了兩項英國國家自然基金資助項目的研究。2000年至2001年,於英國紐卡索大學從事結構最佳化的非線性有限元研究。自2001年夏,受聘於英國牛津大學固體力學組,以研究員(Research Associate)身份從事高應變率下材料的耐撞性(Crashworthiness)研究。2005年初受聘於中國地質大學工程技術學院,教授。 長期從事散體力學和計算力學領域方面的研究,包括:結構屈曲與漸近後屈曲的研究(彈性和幾何非線性),顆粒介質在外載作用下的微觀力學的研究(高等非線性,大轉動/大位移),以及航空/機動材料在高速衝擊下的力學及機械性能的研究(材料非線性,大應變/變形,粘彈塑性,斷裂及損傷)。主要研究領域包括:顆粒介質微觀力學仿真,散體力學及離散單元方法,材料在高速衝擊下的耐撞性實驗及數值研究等。劉連峰博士與多家國際知名大學及學者有廣泛的學術交流和科研協作,多次參與國際會議及講學。他的研究成果在國際知名刊物和國際國內會議上發表。他從事的“新型動載雙向薄膜應力測試技術”以及“微小顆粒聚合體碰撞破損計算機仿真研究”均處於國際研究前沿。至2004年,參與或主持國際科研項目5項,參與書章節編寫1部。至2004年在國際國內發表學術論文30餘篇,其中有7篇被SCI收錄,並被國外引用33次,2篇為ISTP收錄。
1.王泳嘉,劉連峰(1996) "三維離散單元軟體TRUDEC及其工程驗證",中國二十一世紀岩土力學與工程,中國岩土力學及工程協會主編,中國科學技術出版社
2. 殷繼英,劉連峰,吳壯志 (1997) “機電一體化” ,北方工業大學本科教材
1. C. Thornton, L Liu (2004) “How do agglomerate break ?”, Powder Technology, 143-144:110
2. L. Liu (2003) “Simulation of microstructural evolution during isostatic compaction of monosized spheres” J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 36:1881-1889
3. L. Liu, N. Petrinic and C. Ruiz (2004) “Accurate determination of biaxial stress-strain relationships from dynamic bulging tests of sheet metals”, Int. J. Mech. Sci. (Submitted)
4. P. D. Gosling, L. Liu (2002) “Total Lagrangian Perspectives on Analytical Sensitivities for Flexible Beams”, International Journal of Engineering Science, 40,1363-1379
5. Z. P. Zhang, L. Liu and A. B. Yu (2001) “A simulation study of the effects of dynamic variables on the packing of spheres”, Powder Technology, 116, 23-32
6. L. Liu and Y. Yuan (2000) “Dynamic simulation of powder compact by random packing of monosized and polydisperse particles”, J. of Materials Science Letters, 19, 841-843
7. L. Liu, Z. P. Zhang and A. B. Yu (1999) “Dynamic simulation of the centripetal packing of mono-sized spheres”, Physica A, 268, 433
8. L. Liu and Y. Wang (1997) "Generating a Jointed Rock Mass in Three-dimensions", J. of Rock Mechanics and Engineering, 16, 181
9. Y. Wang and L. Liu (1997) "Formulation of a Three-dimensional Discrete Element Model—TRUDEC System", J. of Rock Mechanics and Engineering, 16, 201-210.
10. L. Liu and Y. Wang (1997) “A modified Common plane Algorithm in Discrete Element Method “, J. of Non-ferrous Metal, 49, 21-25
11. Y. Yuan and L. Liu (1997) "Neural Network Model for Gold Content Estimation in Slag", J. of Non-ferrous Metal, 49, 69-72
12. L. Liu and Y. Yuan (1997) “Neural network model for determining optimum flux compounding in gold-slime smelting process”, J. of North China University of Technology, 9, 58-62
13. L Liu and Y. Wang (1996) "A Three-dimensional Algorithm on Detecting Collision Between Robot and Its Environment", ROBOT (Chinese), 18 (1) 50-54
14. L. Liu and Y. Wang (1995) "Computing Complex Analysis of the Discrete Element Method", J. of Non-ferrous Metal, 47,16-19.
15. L. Liu and B. Huang (1994) "A linearization Method for Bifurcating point under Geometrically Non-linear Conditions", J. of Northeastern University, 15, 646-650
16. L. Liu and B. Huang (1994) "Finite Element Study on the Stability of Thin-walled Structures under Geometrically Non-linear Conditions". Special Issue of Journal of Northeastern University, 364-368
1. Petrinic, N.,Liu, L.,Elliott, B.,Ruiz, C.,“Dynamic bulge testing of thin steel sheets ”,(Oxford University), Conference on CRASHWORTHINESS OF LIGHT-WEIGHT AUTOMOTIVE STRUCTURES, June 18, 2004, NTNU* NO-7491 Trondheim, Norway
2. Lianfeng Liu, Ben Elliott, Li Wang and Nik Petrinic (2002)“The Dynamic Bulge Test “, University Technology Centre for Solid Mechanics, Rolls-Royce UTC AGM, Derby, England, 18 Sept
3. Nik Petrinic, Li Wang, Ben Elliott, Lianfeng Liu “Constitutive Parameter Value Determination and Model Validation through Inverse Modeling” University Technology Centre for Solid Mechanics, Rolls-Royce UTC AGM, Derby, England, 18 Sept 2002
4. P. D. Gosling and L. Liu (2001) “Analytical thickness sensitivity for elasto-plastic bending”, 3rd ASMO UK/ISSMO conference on Engineering Design Optimization, Harrogate, North Yorkshire, June
5. P. D. Gosling and L. Liu (2001) “Large deformation/strain shape sensitivities for uni-axis bending”, The fourth world congress of structural and multidiscipline Optimization, Dalian, China, July
6. C. Thornton and L. Liu (2000) “DEM simulations of uniaxial compression and decompression”, International workshop on COMPACTION of soils, granulates and powders, (International society for soil mechanics and geotechnical engineering, ISSMGE), INNSBRUCK, Feb 28-29
7. L. Liu and C. Thornton (2000) “How do agglomerates break? ”, AIChE 2000 Annual meeting, Los Angeles CA, Nov. 12-17
8. C. Thornton and L. Liu (2000), “Uniaxial compression and decompression of polydisperse system of elastoplastic spheres”, AIChE 2000 Annual meeting, Los Angeles CA, Nov. 12-17
9. C. Thornton, L. Liu and K.D. Kafui (2000) “Impact fracture of spherical, cuboidal and cylindrical agglomerates”, Poster Meeting at Particle Technology UK Forum 2, Surrey, UK
10. C Thornton and L Liu (1999) ‘The role of surface interactions on impact facture of non-spherical agglomerates’, Poster Meeting at Particle Technology UK Forum 1, Birmingham, U.K, 1-2 September.
11. A. B. Yu, L. Liu, P. Zhang, R. Y. Yang, and R. P. Zou (1999) “Recent developments in computer simulation and modelling of the packing of particles”, 1st ACUN international composites meeting, UNSW, 23rd-25th February
12. R.Y. Yang, L. Liu and A.B. Yu (1999), "Dynamic simulation of the packing of particles", Am. Ceram. Soc. 101st Meeting: Symposium on Particle Packing and Compaction Science & Technology, Indianapolis, USA, April.
1. N. Petrinic, L. Liu and C. Ruiz (2002), “Experimental procedures for characterisation of dynamic ductile cracking in steel and aluminium alloys for automotive applications”, IMPACT Deliverable R4A, Internal report No. SMG049; Solid Mechanics Group, Dept. of Eng. Sci., University of Oxford
2. N. Petrinic, L. Liu, C. Ruiz (2001), “Macroscopic constitutive model for numerical simulation of dynamic ductile cracking in steel and aluminium alloys for automotive applications”, IMPACT Deliverable R8A, Internal report No. SMG047; Solid Mechanics Group, Dept. of Eng. Sci., University of Oxford
1. IMPACT-Improved Predictive Failure Criteria for Crashworthiness in Transportation Vehicles (Involved from 07/2001, The European Commission Community Research Competitive and Sustainable Growth Programme, 歐洲共同體資助項目,牛津大學,英國)
2. EPITOMIZ - Elasto-Plastic Geometrically Non-linear Structural Optimization (Involved from 09/2000, 英國工程及科學研究基金資助項目,紐卡索大學,英國)
3. Micro-mechanics of Granular Materials under 3D States of Stress. (Involved from 03/1999,英國工程及科學研究基金委和UNILEVER公司資助項目,阿斯頓大學,伯明罕,英國)
4. Impact Breakage of Cuboidal, Cylindrical and Spherical Agglomerate (Involved from 03/1998, 英國工程及科學研究基金委和UNILEVER公司資助項目,阿斯頓大學,伯明罕,英國)
5. Particle Packing Characteristics and Their Control in Industries (Involved from 04/97, 澳大利亞國家自然基金和BHPR公司聯合資助項目,新南威爾斯大學,悉尼,澳大利亞)
6. 有限元和CAD技術結合用於人下鄂骨及牙齒修復的模擬研究(1997,301解放軍醫院合作項目,北方工業大學,北京)
7. 三維離散單元法的開發及其在邊坡工程中的套用(1993-1995, 國家自然基金及冶金工業部資助項目,東北大學,瀋陽)
8. 簿壁結構屈曲與漸近後屈曲的非線性有限元研究(國家自然基金資助項目,東北大學,瀋陽)
1. 正交異性應變率敏感材料在高速衝擊下的雙軸流動及其本構模擬,地質大學科學技術基金,負責,2005-2008
2. Macroscopic Constitutive Model for Numerical Simulation of Dynamic Ductile Cracking in Materials for Automotive Applications,英國牛津大學受歐洲共同體資助項目,參加,2003-2006
3. Fracture and Fragmentation of Small Agglomerate under Impact,英國伯明罕大學受英國Unilever公司資助項目,參加,2004-2007
<<機電一體化>> 北方工業大學本科教材,1997