科研上承擔了項目“存儲備份恢復軟體開發”863計畫項目 “裝載機遠程服務管理與專家系統”, 作為學術骨幹參加863計畫項目“海量存儲系統總體研究”、973計畫項目“網路存儲動態規劃及基於存儲對象的分布體系結構”、教育部創新團隊的科研工作以及“對象存儲系統”行業標準的制定,參加多項預研項目、教育部重點項目和國家自然科學基金研究。在國內外重要學術刊物及學術會議上發表有關學術論文20餘篇,被EI、ISTP收錄多篇。申請發明專利多項。
1. 3DNBS: A DataDe-duplication Disk-based Network Backup System. The 2009 IEEE International Conference on Networking,Architecture, and Storage (NAS 2009),9-11 July 2009:287-294.
2.TSPSCDP: ATime-Stamp Continuous Data Protection Approach Based on Pipeline Strategy.
Japan-China Joint Workshop on Frontier ofComputer Science and Technology (FCST 2008).27-28 December 2008,pages:96-102.
3. Design and Implementation of an EmbeddedBackup System. the 8th International Symposium on Optical Storage /2008International Workshop on Information Data (SOS/IWIDS 2008).November 24-27, 2008(Proc.ofSPIE Vol.7125):71251O1-71251O5.
4. IBE Applied to Identity Authentication for Object-BasedStorage System. 5th International Joint Conference on INC, IMS andIDC(NCM2009)25-27 August 2009:1681-1684.
5. SDBIA: A NovelApproach to Improve the Reading Performance of Large Objects for Object-basedStorage Device. Frontier of Computer Science and Technology, 2007. FCST 2007.Japan-China Joint Workshop on 1-3 Nov.2007:114-118.
6. An AdaptiveCryptographic Accelerator for Network Storage Security on DynamicallyReconfigurable Platform. Eighth International Symposium on Optical Storage and2008 International Workshop on Information Data Storage (ISOS/IWIDS 2008)24-27 November 2008(Proc.of SPIE Vol.7125):71251B1-71251B5.
7. An Implementation ofObject-based Storage System Access Control Based on IBE. Third InternationalSymposium on Intelligent Information Technology and Security Informatics (IITSI2010),2-4 April 2010:635-639.
8. Design and Implementation ofObject-oriented Encryption Storage System Based on Trusted Computing Platform Proceedings -2010 International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Security(CIS'10), 11-14 Dec.2010:546-550.
9. BLESS: Object level encryption securityfor object-based storage system. MATHEMATICAL AND COMPUTER MODELLING Vol.55 No.1-2 Pp188-197
10. A Parity Scheme to Enhance Reliability for SSDs. Proceedings of the 7th IEEE International Conference on Networking, Architecture, and Storage(NAS2012), June 2012,pp 293-297