

劉慶燕 ,男,教授,博士生導師。2007年3月博士畢業於中科院福建物質結構研究所。2007年7月到2008年7月在荷蘭Leiden University化學研究所做博士後研究。2008年8月作為海外高層次人才引進到江西師大化學化工學院工作。 主要從事多孔配位聚合物材料(二氧化碳捕獲和儲能材料,工業氣體分離材料),稀土螢光感測材料,稀土磁性材料以及功能晶態材料的研究,到目前為止,已經在國內外期刊上發表SCI論文80多篇,其中的60多篇為通訊作者或第一作者。到江西師大工作以來以通訊作者或第一作者在美國化學會的Inorganic Chemistry(二級學科無機化學領域最權威期刊)和Crystal Growth Design以及英國皇家化學會的Dalton Transaction和CrystEngComm 等國際主流權威期刊上發表過論文。論文得到了同行的高度正面評價,被他人引用次數已經達到1000多次,其中2005表於CrystEngComm期刊上的論文入選了該期刊1999-2008間引用率最高的十篇論文(包括綜述)之一,也是唯一來自中國學者的論文。現為美國Inorg.Chem.和Cryst. Growth & Des.及歐洲Chem.Commun.,Dalton Trans.和CrystEngComm等國際期刊的審稿人。 主持了3項國家自然科學基金和多項省級項目;獲得了2015年度江西省自然科學獎二等獎;入選了江西省青年科學家培養對象;入選了江西省高校骨幹教師;2次獲得校科研先進個人。所指導的研究生獲得過國家獎學金和優秀畢業生的稱號。


無機化學 ;物理化學


1. 溫室氣體二氧化碳的捕獲、工業氣體分離和儲能多孔材料(MOF材料);

2. 稀土螢光感測材料和稀土基磁性材料;








1. 劉慶燕,王玉玲,姜昀良,以結構為導向構築的二階非線性光學和稀土光磁功能配位聚合物材料,江西省自然科學獎二等獎。

2.Li-Juan Zhou, Wei-Hua Deng,# Yu-Ling Wang*, Gang Xu, Shun-Gao Yin, Qing-Yan Liu*, Lanthanide-Potassium-Biphenyl-3,3'-disulfonyl-4,4'-di carboxylate Frameworks: Gas Sorption, Proton Conductivity, and Luminescent Sensing of Metal Ions, Inorganic Chemistry, 2016, 55, 6271–6277.

3.Yu-Ling Wang*, Lin Chen, Cai-Ming Liu, Yi-Quan Zhang, Shun-Gao Yin, and Qing-Yan Liu*, Field-Induced Slow Magnetic Relaxation and Gas Adsorption Properties of a Bifunctional Cobalt(II) Compound, Inorganic Chemistry, 2015, 54, 11362–11368.

4. Qing-Yan Liu*, Yi-Lei Li, Wei-Lu Xiong, Yu-Ling Wang, Feng Luo, Cai-Ming Liu*, and Li-Li Chen, Urothermal synthesis of mononuclear lanthanide compounds: slow magnetization relaxation observed in Dy analogue, CrystEngComm, 2014, 16, 585–590.

5. Qing-Yan Liu*, Wei-Lu Xiong, Cai-Ming Liu, Yu-Ling Wang, Jia-Jia Wei, Zuo-Juan Xiahou, and Li-Hua Xiong, Chiral Induction in the Ionothermal Synthesis of a 3D Chiral Heterometallic Metal–organic Framework Constructed from Achiral 1, 4-Naphthalenedicarboxylate, Inorganic Chemistry, 2013, 52, 6773–6775.

6. Qing-Yan Liu*, Wu-Fang Wang, Yu-Ling Wang, Zeng-Mei Shan, Ming-Sheng Wang, and Jinkui Tang*, Diversity of Lanthanide(III)-Organic Extended Frameworks with a 4,8-Disulfonyl-2,6-naphthalenedicarboxylic Acid Ligand: Syntheses, Structures, and Magnetic and Luminescent Properties, Inorganic Chemistry, 2012, 51, 2381–2392.

7.Yu-Ling Wang, Jiang-Hong Fu, Jia-Jia Wei, Xiang Xu, Xin-Fa Li and Qing-Yan Liu*, Noncentrosymmetric Organic Compound and Its Zinc Coordination Polymer with Diamond Network Prepared from an Ionothermal Reaction: Syntheses, Crystal Structures, and Second-order Nonlinear Optics Properties, Crystal Growth Design, 2012, 12, 4663–4668.

8. Qing-Yan Liu*, Yu-Ling Wang, Na Zhang, Yun-Liang Jiang, Jia-Jia Wei, and Feng Luo, Spontaneous Resolution in the Ionothermal Synthesis of Homochiral Zn(II) Metal-Organic Frameworks with (10,3)-a Topology Constructed from Achiral 5-Sulfoisophthalate, Cryst. Growth & Des., 2011, 11, 3717–3720.

9. Qing-Yan Liu*, Li-Qin Li, Yu-Ling Wang,* Er-Ler Yang, Jia-Jia-Wei and Jiang-Hong Fu, New heterometallic frameworks with flexible sulfonate-carboxylate ligand: syntheses, structures, and properties, CrystEngComm, 2011, 13, 6150–6156.

10. Yu-Ling Wang, Na Zhang, Qing-Yan Liu*, Zeng-Mei Shan, Rong Cao, Ming-Sheng Wang, Jun-Jian Luo, and Er-Lei Yang, Diversity of Architecture of Copper(I) Coordination Polymers Constructed of Copper(I) Halides and 4-Methyl-1,2,4-Triazole-3-Thiol (Hmptrz) Ligand: Syntheses, Structures, and Luminescent Properties, Crystal Growth & Design, 2011, 11, 130–138.

11. Yu-Ling Wang, Lin Chen, Cai-Ming Liu, Zi-Yi Du, Li-Li Chen, and Qing-Yan Liu*, 3D chiral and 2D achiral cobalt(II) compounds constructed from a 4-(benzimidazole-1-yl)benzoic ligand exhibiting field-induced single-ion-magnettype slow magnetic relaxation, Dalton Transactions, 2016, 45, 7768–7775.


