



2004年本科畢業於湖南農業大學;2004-2011年就讀於中國科學院植物研究所,於2011年6月獲得理學博士學位; 2007-2010年就讀於法國農業科學研究院(French National Institute for Agricultural Research, INRA)和法國第戎大學(University of Dijon),於2010年10月獲得生物學博士學位。


劉勇波,男,1981年11月出生,雙博士,中國環境科學研究院副研究員。2007-2010年在法國農業科學研究院(French National Institute for Agricultural Research, INRA)和第戎大學(University of Dijon)學習,生物安全研究方向,獲生物學博士學位,師從Darmency Heri教授;2004年9月-2011年6月於中國科學院植物研究所學習,生態學專業,從事轉基因生物安全研究,獲理學博士學位,師從馬克平研究員和魏偉研究員;2000年9月-2004年7月於湖南農業大學園藝系學習,獲農學學士學位。2011年6月於中國環境科學研究院工作,主要從事轉基因生物安全與生物多樣性研究 。




GlobalandPlanetaryChange,Journal of Vegetation Science, Chinese Science Bulletin, Nature Hazard, Africa Journal of Ecology,《環境科學研究》等雜誌審稿人


1 . Liu YB; Li JS; Stewart Jr CN; Luo ZL; Xiao NW. 2015. The effects of the presence of Bt-transgenic oilseed rape in wild mustard populations on the rhizosphere nematode and microbial communities. Science of the Total Environment. 530-531: 263-270.

2. Liu YB, Li JS, Stewart Jr CN. 2015. Inform public on GM, don’t cheerlead. Nature. 520: 295.

3. Liu YB, Ge F, Liang Y, Wu G, Li JS. 2015. Characterization of competitive interactions in the coexistence of Bt-transgenic and conventional rice. BMC Biotechnology. 15: 27.

4. Liu YB, Pan XB, Li JS. 2015. A 1961-2010 record of fertilizer use, pesticide application and cereal yields: A review. Agronomy for Sustainable Development. 35: 83-93.

5. Liu YB, Pan XB, Li JS. 2015. Current agricultural practices threaten future global food production. Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics. Doi: 10.1007/ s10806-014-9527-6.

6. 劉方, 劉勇波,李俊生,黃海. 2015. 氫氣在植物抗脅迫中的作用. 植物生理學報51: 142-152.

7. Liu YB, Darmency H, Stewart Jr CN, Wei W, Tang Z, Ma KP.2014. The effect of Bt-transgene introgression on plant growth and reproduction in wild Brassica juncea. Transgenic Reseach. Doi: 10.1007/s11248-014-9858-0.

8. 張細桃, 羅洪兵, 李俊生, 黃海, 劉勇波. 2013. 農業活動及轉基因作物對農田生物多樣性的影響. 套用生態學報. 25: 2745-2755.

9. Liu YB , Wei W, Ma KP, Li JS, Liang YY, Darmency H.2013.Consequences of gene flow between oilseed rape ( Brassica napus) and its relatives. Plant Science, 211: 42-51.

10. Liu YB, Wei W, Ma KP, Darmency H.2013. Spread of introgressed insect-resistance genes in wild populations of Brassica juncea: a simulated in-vivo approach. Transgenic Research. 22: 747-756.

11. Liu YB, Liu FQ, Pan XB, Li JS*. 2012. Protecting the Environment and Public Health from Pesticides. Environmental Science and Technology, 46: 5658-5659.

12. Liu YB, Tang Z, Darmency H, Stewart Jr CN, Di K, Wei W, Ma KP. 2012. The effects of seed size on hybrids formed between oilseed rape ( Brassica napus) and wild brown mustard ( B. juncea). PLoS One. 7(6): e39705.

13. 劉勇波,李俊生,趙彩雲,肖能文,關瀟. 2012. 轉基因水稻基因流的發生與生態學後果. 套用生態學報23: 1713-1720.

14. Liu YB, Wei W, Ma KP, Darmency H. 2010.Backcrosses to Brassica napus of hybrids between B. juncea and B. napus as a source of herbicide-resistant volunteer-like feral populations. Plant Science, 179: 459-465.

15. Liu YB and Zhang Q.B. 2010. Effect of climate on the growth of annual rings in the main roots of perennial forbs in an Inner Mongolian semi-arid grassland, China. Journal of Vegetation Science, 21: 899-907.

16. Li ZS, Shi CM, Liu YB, Zhang JL, Zhang QB, Ma KP. 2011. Summer temperature variations from 1710-2005 A. D. as inferred from the tree-ringdata of Baimang Snow Mountain, Northwestern Yunnan Province, China. Climate Research, doi: 10.3354/cr01012.

17. Li ZS, Shi CM, Liu YB, Zhang JL. 2011.Winter drought variations based on tree-ring data in Gaoligong Mountain, Northwestern Yunnan, China, A. D. 1795-2004. Pakistan Journal of Botany , 43: 2469-2478.

18. Liu YB, Wei W., Darmency H. 2009. Simulation of insect-resistance in gene flow study betweenBrassica napusand wildB. juncea.In XIIIème Col. Int. Biologie des Mauvaises Herbes, DIJON. Association Française pour la Protection des Plantes, 144-153.

19. Yu GR, Liu YB, Wang XC, Ma KP. 2008. Age-dependent tree-ring growth responses to climate in Qilian juniper ( Sabina przewalskiiKom.). Trees. 22:197–204.

20. Liu YB, Zhang QB. 2007. Growth rings of roots in perennial forbs in Duolun Grassland, Inner Mongolia, China. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology. 49: 144−149.


