教育背景ba, ma 山東大學;phd 英國glamorgan 大學
工作經歷1996-1998 bristol business school, uwe;
1998-2002 glamorgan 大學商學院
2002至今 對外經濟貿易大學國際商學院
主要研究成果liu, s. and fan, li (2008) ‘from exploitation to exploration: the evolution of strategy and organizational learning in a chinese-japanese joint venture’. organizational learning, knowledge and capabilities international conference (olkc 2008),copenhagen, denmark, 28-30 april, 2008.
liu, s. (2006) ‘developing china’s future managers: learning from the west? ‘education + training. vol. 47, no.1, p. 6-14.
劉世敏 “從聯繫的視角看東西方合資企業中的組織學習”,《國際商務》, 2006年第1期。
劉世敏. “體驗式學習在《組織行為學》中的套用”, 《高等教育問題研究》, 2005年第1期。
liu, s. (2003) ‘the process of learning in chinese-western joint ventures’, organizational learning & knowledge 5th international conference, lancaster, 30 may– 2 june 2003.
liu, s. and vince, r. (2000) ‘solving A Chinese puzzle’, strategic direction, vol. 16, no.3.
liu, s. and vince. r. (1999) ‘the cultural context of learning in international joint ventures’, journal of management development. vol.18, no.8, p.666-675.
liu, s., vince, r. and simpson, p. (1998) ‘organizational learning in international joint ventures: a dialogic perspective’, seventh apros international colloquium. shanghai, china, 13-16 july 1998.
shimin liu and russ vince (1997) ‘organizational learning: an integration of substance and spirit’, british academy of management annual conference. london, 8-10 september, 1997.
liu, s. (2005) 《中外合資企業中的組織學習》,中國經濟出版社。
liu, s. (2004) 《項目管理權威指南》,中國人民大學出版社 (翻譯)