
?1987.9-1991.7: 本科,心理學專業, 北京師範大學
1991.9-1994.7: 碩士, 生物心理學專業, 中國科學院心理研究所
1995.2-1998.10: 博士, 生物物理專業,中國科技大學
?1994.7 至1996.10:助教, 中國科技大學北京研究生院(中國科學院研究生院)
1996.10 至 1999.8:講師, 中國科技大學北京研究生院(中國科學院研究生院)
1999.8 至 2001.10:Research Associate, 英國University of Oxford實驗心理學系
2002.3 至 2004.8: Research Fellow, 美國Catholic University of America心理學系
2004.8 至2006.8: Research Fellow, 美國George Mason University心理學系
2006.9 至2010.5: Research Assistant Professor, 美國George Mason University心理學系
2010.6 至今:教授, 北京清華大學心理學系
Acta Psychologica Sinica (心理學報), Brain Research Bulletin, Cortex, European Journal of Neuroscience, Human Brain Mapping, International Journal of Psychophysiology, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, Journal of Neuroscience, Neurobiology of Aging, Nueroinformatics, Neuroscience Letters, Progress in Natural Science (自然科學進展), Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, Psychophysiology, Cognitive Neuroscience Program of the National Science Foundation (美國國家自然科學基金委認知神經科學項目)?
美國神經科學學會(Society for Neuroscience)
美國認知神經科學學會(Society for Cognitive Neuroscience)
?主要運用行為、事件相關電位(ERP)、功能磁共振(fMRI)等技術,從事視知覺和注意的神經機制的研究。研究的課題包括:初級視皮層(V1)在視覺注意中的作用、知覺負載(perceptual load)和選擇性注意的關係、面孔和漢字加工的腦機制,等等。
?研究報告:Fu S., Fedota J., greenwood P., & Parasuraman R. (2010). Dissociation of visual C1 and P1 components as a function of attention: event-related potential studies. Biological Psychology, 85: 171-178.
Fu S., Fedota J., Greenwood P., & Parasuraman R. (2010). Early interaction between perceptual load and involuntary attention: an event-related potential study. Neuroscience Letters, 468: 68-71.
Fu S., Huang Y., Luo Y., Wang Y., Fedota J., Greenwood P., & Parasuraman R. (2009). Perceptual load interacts with involuntary attention at early processing stages: event-related potential studies. NeuroImage, 48: 191-199.
Fu S., Zinni M., squire P., Kurma R., Caggiano D. & Parasuraman R. (2008). When and where perceptual load interacts with voluntary visuospatial attention: an event-related potential and dipole modeling study. NeuroImage, 39: 1345-1355.
Fu S., Greenwood P., & Parasuraman R. (2005). Brain mechanisms of involuntary visuospatial attention: an event-related potential study. Human Brain Mapping, 25: 378-390.
Fu S., Caggiano D., Greenwood P., & Parasuraman R. (2005). Event-related potentials reveal dissociable mechanisms for orienting and focusing visuospatial attention. Cognitive Brain Research, 23: 341-353.
Fu S., Fan S., & Chen L. (2003). Event-related potentials reveal involuntary processing to orientation change in the visual modality. Psychophysiology, 40: 770-775.
Matthews P., Adcock J., Chen Y., Fu S., Devlin J., Rushworth M., Smith S., Beckmann C., & Iversen, S. (2003). Towards understanding language organization in the brain using fMRI. Human Brain Mapping, 18: 239-247.
Fu S., Chen Y., Smith S., Iversen S., & Matthews P. (2002). Effects of word form on brain processing of written Chinese. NeuroImage, 17: 1538-1548.
Chen Y., Fu S., Iversen S., Smith S., & Matthews P. (2002). The effect of orthography on brain activity: a direct contrast of Chinese character and pinyin reading using fMRI. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 14: 1088-1098.
Fu S., Fan S., Chen L. & Zhuo Y. (2001). The attentional effects of peripheral cueing as revealed by two event-related potential studies. Clinical Neurophysiology, 112, 172-185.
Fu S. & Parasuraman R. (2008). Event-related potentials (ERP) in neuroergonomics researches, in Neuroergonomics: the Brain at Work, Parasuraman R. and Rizzo M. (Eds), Oxford University press, New York. p32-50.
Matthews P., Fu S., Chen Y. & Iversen S. (2002). Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging: A promising tool for defining the organisation of Chinese language in the brain. In Cognitive Neuroscience Studies of the Chinese Language, Kao, H.S.R., Leong, C.K. and Gao, D.G. (eds), Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, p61-77.
范思陸,丁玉瓏,曲折,傅世敏 (2009). 【事件相關電位基礎】,華東師範大學出版社,中國上海。本人翻譯其中第七章“ERP源定位”和第八章“建立一個ERP實驗室”。Chinese translation of Steven Luck’s book “An introduction to the event-related potential technique”, MIT Press, 2005. Chapters 7 and 8: “ERP Source localization” and “Setting up an ERP Laboratory”.