1978.2— 1982.1 湖南農業大學動物科技學院畜牧專業 學士
1982.2— 1985.10 湖南農業大學動物科技學院 助教
1985.10—1988.3 日本國立鹿兒島大學研究生院畜牧專業 碩士
1988.3— 1991.3 日本國立鹿兒島大學研究生院動物生物化學專業 博士
1991.4— 1995.2 日本物理化學研究所筑波生命科學中心 博士後
1995.3— 1996.3 日本國立小兒病院小兒醫療研究中心日本科技廳特別研究員
1996.4— 1997.10 日本物理化學研究所筑波生命科學中心 研究員
1997.11— 2011.5 日本國立鹿兒島大學農學院 副教授
2011.6— 日本國立鹿兒島大學農學院 教授
2009— 中國湖南農業大學百人計畫 特聘教授
1998年6月 日本國立鹿兒島大學研究生博士導師
2004年10月 日本國立鹿兒島大學研究生 博士領銜導師
2.從事過人和動物的基因克隆,基因結構分析和基因組圖譜分析,將4000多個基因排列在人類第21條染色體上. 論文發表在《Genomics》上,被引用200多次.
3.從事癌基因的克隆表達,轉錄調控的研究,並首次克隆出果蠅的CBP轉錄因子,發現了在骨骼形成,早期發育與致癌等方面的重要功能,論文發表在《Nature》(自然)、《 Nature genetics》(自然遺傳學)、《embo》(歐洲分子生物學雜誌)、《歐洲生物化學學會通訊》等國際性的雜誌上,被引用400多次.
4.從事營養成分的細胞及分子生物學領域的研究. 從食用植物、中草藥中篩選出20餘種機能成分,並對他們的信號傳遞和基因調控機制進行了研究,論文發表在《癌通訊》、國際腫瘤學雜誌、國際細胞生物學雜誌上,被引用300餘次. 研究成果被日本的《朝日新聞》、《讀買新聞》、《科學新聞》、《日本經濟新聞》、《日本農業新聞》、《日本工業新聞》、《Japan Times》等全國性的報紙和其它日本15家地方報紙報導過,並被人民日報駐東京記者站採訪,將研究成果報導在中國報紙上.
中國湖南農業大學 百人計畫特聘教授
中國科學院長沙亞熱帶植物研究所 客座研究員
日本鹿兒島醫療技術學校 兼職教授
日本國立醫院南九州心血管中心護士學校 兼職教授
《抗氧化劑與氧化還原信號通道》(英國) 特約編委
《自由基生物學與醫學》(美國) 特約編委
《食品與化學毒性學》(歐洲) 特約編委
《農業食品化學》(美國) 特約編委
《癌研究》(美國) 特約編委
《生化藥理學》(美國) 特約編委
《細胞生物化學》(美國) 特約編委
《分子營養學》(美國) 特約編委
日本農林水產部食品供給研究中心 (2005 ~2006 ) 科技產業評審
日本瀨戶市 (2004 ~ ) 科技產業評審
2006年 日本鹿兒島大學重點領域研究獎
2005年 日本鹿兒島大學教育研究獎
2003年 中國國家自然科學基金委員會海外學者基金獎
2002 - 2003年 日本鹿兒島大學校長基金獎
2001年 日本“雲雀”食品科學基金會研究獎
2001年 中國國家外國專家局基金獎
2000年 日本“咖啡”科學技術基金會研究獎
1999年 日本松籟科學技術振興財團研究獎
1999年 中國科學院海外學者基金獎
1998年 日本“浦上食品·食文化”財團研究
1996年 中國國家自然科學基金委員會海外學者基金獎
1994年 日本科技廳特別研究員獎金
1991 - 1993年 日本理化研究所博士後獎學金
1987年 中國農業部科學技術進步一等獎
1985-1990年 日本文部科學省(教育科學部)獎學金
專利號碼 時間 國家 候選人的順序
特開119412 2007年 日本 2人中排第一位
特開206489 2006年 日本 2人中排第二位
特開075790 2005年 日本 4人中排第一位
特開02004/020656 2004年 國際 2人中排第一位
特開359576 2004年 日本 4人中排第一位
特開352681 2004年 日本 6人中排第三位
特開350619 2004年 日本 6人中排第三位
特開267119 2004年 日本 7人中排第二位
特開024054 2004年 日本 3人中排第二位
特開342188 2003年 日本 3人中排第二位
特開277271 2003年 日本 2人中排第一位
特開267992 2003年 日本 2人中排第二位
特開265195 2003年 日本 2人中排第一位
特開033163 2003年 日本 3人中排第三位
特開069945 2001年 日本 4人中排第二位
1. 套用分子生物學
2. 細胞信號傳遞與基因調控
3. 最新食品分子生物學實驗
4. 生物化學
5. 動物細胞工程學
6. 基因工程學和細胞工程學實驗
NAME: KO Norioki
(Pen name: hou De - Xing)
PRESENT POSITION: Associate Professor, PhD
Department of Biochemical Science &Technology,
Faculty of Agriculture,
Kagoshima University,
Korimoto 1 - 21 - 24, Kagoshima City,
890 - 0065 JAPAN.
Tel/Fax: +81 - 99 - 285 - 8649 (O)
Summary: Dr. De - Xing Hou has a strong theoretical and practical expertise in the area of molecular biology and food science. With 17 years professional experience, including 7 years post - doctoral research and 10 years professor experiences, he has developed interdisci - plinary fields across molecular biology, food and pharmacology with the advanced technology of DNA recombinant, cell engineer and food assay. He is an author of more than 46 scientific papers on PubMed (Hou DX), including several papers in the highest - ranking journals such as Nature, Nature Genetics and EMBO Journal, and of 13 patents on food processing and food functions. His international contacts with research teams in Japan, China, USA, Australia and Korea are yielding several international cooperations. He is also an active consultant with several companies in Japan in the field of functional food processing. Her present research interest is focusing on cancer chemoprevention by natural bioactive compounds and food factors.
2/1982 B.A., animal Science, Hunan Agricultural University, Changsha, China.
3/1988 M.S., Animal Science, Kagoshima University, Kagoshima, Japan
3/1991 Ph.D., Biochemical genetics, Kagoshima University, Kagoshima, Japan
6/2006 Ph.D., Pharmacology, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
2/1982 –10/1985. Associate Research, College of Animal Science and Technology, Hunan Agricultural University, Changsha City, China.
4/1991 –2/1995. Postdoctoral Fellow, Tsukuba Life Science Center, The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research (RIKEN), Tsukuba Science City, Japan
3/1995 - 31996. Research Fellow of Science and Technology Agency of Japan, National Children’s Medical Research Center, Tokyo, Japan
4/1996 – 10/1997 Research Scientist, Tsukuba Life Science Center, The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research (RIKEN), Tsukuba Science City, Japan.
11/1997 - Date: Associate Professor, The Faculty of Agriculture, Kagoshima University, Kagoshima City, Japan
- Signal transduction and gene regulation in carcinogenesis
- Nutrigenomics of natural bioactive compounds and food
- Development of functional foods - benefit for human health
For undergraduate students
- Animal Cell Science and Technology.
- Application of Biotechnology in Food Science.
- Experiment for DNA Recombinant and Cell Technology
- Biochemistry English
For graduated students:
- Advanced Gene Expression and Regulation
- Advanced Molecular Biology
- Nutrigenomics
Hideji YAMASHITA, Kagoshima University, 1999
Shigang LIN, Kagoshima University, 2004
Kazuyo YAMAJI, Kagoshima University, 2005
Xuhui TONG, Kagoshima University, 2005
Isselmou Ould RABAH, Kagoshima University, 2005
Takuhiro UTO, Kagoshima University, 2006
- Cancer Research
- Free Radical and Biological Medical
- Molecular Cancer Therapeutics
- Biochemical Pharmacology
- Food and Chemical Toxicology
- Life Science
- Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry
- Bioscience, Biotechnology and Biochemistry
- The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry
- Cancer chemotherapy and Pharmacology
- Molecular Nutrition and Food Research
7. ORGANIZING COMMITTEES FOR National and International Symposia:
- Chair of the Scientific Committee of the “The International Symposium on blueberry, Tokyo, Japan, 2001 - 2005
- Scientific Member of the Scientific Committee of the 3rd International Workshop on Anthocyanins (IWA’2004), Sydney, Australia, 2004
- Secretary of the Joined Congress of Japanese three - Societies in Biochemistry, Nutrition and Food. Kagoshima, Japan, 2003
- 2005, Education and Research Award from President of Kagoshima University
- 2002, Investigator Award from President of Kagoshima University
- 2002, Investigator Award from All Japan Coffee Association Foundation
- 2001, Investigator Award from The Skylark Food Science Foundation, Japan
- 1999, Investigator Award from Shorai Foundation of Science and Technology, Japan
- 1998, Investigator Award from Urakami Foundation, Japan
- 1994, Fellowship of Science and Technology Agency of Japan
- 1991 - 1993, Postdoctoral Fellowship, The Institute of Physical and Research, Chemical Japan
- 1985 - 1990, Monbusho Scholarship, Ministry of Education, Science and Culture of Japan.
- 1988, Investigator Award, Chinese Ministry of Agriculture, China
- 1987, Investigator Award, Hunan Agricultural University, China
- AAAS member of USA
- The Japanese Society for Food Science and Technology
- The Japanese Society for Nutrition and Food Science
- The Molecular Biology Society of Japan
- The Japanese Society for Bioscience, Biotechnology and Agrochemistry
13 patents in food processing and food functions
- Urakami Foundation, 1998
- Shorai Foundation for Science and Technology, 1999
- All Japan Coffee Association Foundation, 1999
- Skylark Food Science Institute Foundation, 2001
- Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) of Japan (13660130). 2001 - 2003
- New Kagoshima Study Grant, 2001 - 2003
- Cooperation of Innovative Technology and Advanced Research in Evolution Area (CITY AREA), 2002 - 2004
- Kagoshima University Found for Education and Research Activities, 2005
- Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) of Japan (18580125). 2006 - 2008
46. Tanikawa S, Fujii M, Hou DX*. Action of Nrf2 and Keap1 in ARE - mediated NQO1 expression by quercetin. Free Radical Biology & Medicine. 42: 1690 - 1703 (2007).
45. Hou DX*, Masuzaki S, Uto T, Hashimoto F, Tanikawa S, Fujii M, Sakata Y: Green tea proanthocyanidins inhibit cyclooxygenase - 2 expression in LPS - activated mouse macrophages: molecular mechanisms and structure - activity relationship. Arch. Biochem. Biophys., 460: 67 - 74 (2007).
44. Uto T, Fujii M, Hou DX*: Effects of 6 - (methylsulfinyl)hexyl isothiocyanate on cyclooxygenase - 2 expression induced by lipopolysaccharide, interferon - gamma and 12 - O - tetradecanoylphorbol - 13 - acetate. Oncol Rep. 17:233 - 238 (2007).
43. Al - Dabbas MM, Suganuma T, Kitahara K, Hou DX, Fujii M: Cytotoxic, antioxidant and antibacterial activities of Varthemia iphionoides Boiss. extracts. J.Ethnopharmaco.108: 287 - 293(2006).
42. Iwagawa,T,Hashimoto K,okamura H,Kurawaki J, Nakatani M, Hou DX,Fujii M, Doe M, Morimoto Y, Takemura K: Biscembranes from the Soft Coral Sarcophyton glaucum. J. Nat. Prod., 69: 1130 - 1133(2006).
41. Hou DX*, Yanagita T, Uto T, Masuzaki S, Fujii M: Anthocyanidins inhibit cyclooxygenase - 2 expression in LPS - evoked macrophages: Structure - activity relationship and molecular mechanisms involved. Biochem. Pharmacol.,70: 417 - 425(2005).
40. Hou DX*, Tong X, Terahara N, Luo D, Fujii M: Delphinidin 3 - sambubioside, a Hibiscus anthocyanin, induces apoptosis in human leukemia cells through reactive oxygen species - mediated mitochondrial pathway. Arch. Biochem. Biophys., 440: 101 - 109 (2005).
39. Uto T, Fujii M, Hou DX*: Inhibition of lipopolysaccharide - induced cyclooxygenase - 2 transcription by 6 - (methylsulfinyl)hexyl isothiocyanate, a chemopreventive compound from Wasabia japonica (Miq.) Matsumura, in mouse macrophages. Biochem. Pharmacol., 70:1772 - 1784(2005).
38. Uto T, Fujii M, Hou DX*: 6 - (methylsufinyl)hexyl isothiocyanate suppresses inducible nitric oxide expression through the inhibition of Janus kinase 2 - mediated JNK pathway in lipopolysaccharide - activated murine macrophages. Biochem. Pharmacol., 70:1211 - 1221(2005).
37. Yoshimoto M, Kurata - Azuma R, Fujii M, Hou DX, Ikeda K, Yoshidome T, Osako M: Enzymatic production of caffeic acid by koji from plant resources containing caffeoylquinic acid derivatives. Biosci. Biotech. Biochem., 69:1777 - 1781 (2005).
36. Hou DX*, Uto T, Tong X, Takeshita T, Tanikawa S, Imamura I, Ose T, Fujii M: Involvement of reactive oxygen species - independent mitochondrial pathway in gossypol - induced apoptosis. Arch. Biochem. Biophys., 428:179 - 187(2004).
35. Hou DX*, Kai K, Li J - J, Lin S, Terahara N, Wakamatsu M, Fujii M, Young MR, Colburn N: Anthocyanidins inhibit activator protein - 1 activity and cell transformation: structure - activity relationship and molecular mechanisms. Carcinogenesis, 25:29 - 36(2004).
34. Hou DX*, Fujii M, Terahara N, Yoshimoto N: Molecular mechanisms behind the chemopreventive effects of anthocyanidins (Review). J. Biomed.Biotech., 5: 321 - 325(2004).
33. Tong X, Lin S, Fujii M, Hou DX*: Molecular mechanisms of echinocystic acid - induced apoptosis in HepG2 cells, Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commu., 321: 539 - 546(2004).
32. Tong X, Lin S, Fujii M, Hou DX*: Echinocystic acid induces apoptosis in HL - 60 cells through mitochondria - mediated death pathway. Cancer Letters, 212:21 - 32(2004).
31. Wang J, Yu Y, Hashimoto F, Sakata Y, Fujii M and Hou DX*: Baicalein induces apoptosis through ROS - mediated mitochondrial dysfunction pathway in HL - 60 cells. Int. J. Molec. Med., 14:627 - 632 (2004).
30. Yoshimoto M, Kurata - Azuma R, Fujii M, Hou DX, Ikeda K, Yoshidome T, Osako M: Phenolic composition and radical scavenging activity of sweetpotato - derived shochu distillery by - products treated with koji. Biosci. Biotech. Biochem., 68:2477 - 2483 (2004).
29. ozeki M, Tamae D, Hou DX, Wang T, Lebon T, Spitz DR, Li JJ: Response of cyclin B1 to ionizing radiation: regulation by NF - kB and mitochondrial antioxidant enzyme MnSOD. Anticancer Res., 24: (2004)
28. Rabah IO, Hou DX, Komine S - I and Fujii M: Potential chemopreventive properties of extract from baked sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas. Lam. cv. Koganesengan). J. Agri. Food Chem., 52: 7152 - 7157(2004).
27. Hou DX*: Potential mechanisms of cancer chemoprevention by anthocyanins (Review). Current Mol. Med., 3:149 - 159(2003).
26. Hou DX*, Ose T, Lin S, Harazono K, Imamura I, Kubo M, Uto T, Terahara N, Yoshimoto M, Fujii M: Anthocyanidins induce apoptosis in human promyelocytic leukemia cells: Structure - activity relationship and mechanisms involved. Int. J. Oncology, 23: 705 - 712(2003).
25. Lin S, Fujii M, Hou DX*: Rhein induces apoptosis in HL - 60 cells via reactive oxygen species - independent mitochondrial death pathway. Arch. Biochem. Biophys., 418: 99 - 107(2003).
24. Lin S, Li J - J, Fujii M, Hou DX*: Rhein inhibits TPA - induced activator protein - 1 activation and cell transformation by blocking JNK - dependent pathway. Int. J. Oncology, 22:829 - 833(2003).
23. Konczak - Islam I, Yoshimoto M, Hou DX, Terahara N, Yamakawa O: Potential chemopreventive properties of anthocyanin - rich aqueous extracts from in vitro produced tissue of sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas L.). J.Agric.Food.Chem., 51: 5916 - 5922(2003).
22. okamoto S, Inafuku K, Ting Z, Maeda Y, Hou DX, Tang YF, Yun ZH, Xu W, Shi L, Hashiguchi T: Blood protein polymorphisms in native chicken breeds in Yunnan province of China. Anim. Sci. J., 74: 471 - 476(2003).
21. Okada M, Akimaru H, Hou DX, Takahashi T, Ishii S: Myb controls G2/M progression by inducing cyclin B expression in the drosophila eye imaginal disc. The EMBO J., 21:675(2002).
20. Hou DX*, Arimura M, Fukuda M, Oka T, Fujii M: Expression of cell adhesion molecules and albumin genes in primary culture of rat hepatocytes. Cell Biol. Int., 25: 239 - 244 (2001).
19. Hou DX*, Kunitake T, Kusuda J, Fujii M: Primary culture of chicken hepatocytes as an in vitro model for determining the influence of dioxin. Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem., 65: 218 - 221 (2001).
18. Ushikai M, Miyaji Y, Kawabe K, Hou DX, Okamoto S, Maeda Y: Sequence of a quail calpain cDNA. J. Anim. Sci., 79: 775 - 776(2001).
17. Hou DX*, Fukuda M, Johnson JA, Miyamori K, Ushikai M, Fujii M: Fisetin induces transcription of NADPH:quinone oxidoreductase gene through an antioxidant responsive element - involved activation. Int. J. Oncol. 18:1175 - 1179 (2001).
16. Hou DX*, Fukuda M, Fujii M, Fuke Y: Transcriptional regulation of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate: quinone oxidoreductase in murine hepatoma cells by 6 - (methylsufinyl) hexyl isothiocyanate, an active principle of wasabi (Eutrema Wasabi Maxim.). Cancer Letters, 161:195 - 200 (2000).
15. Hou DX*, Fukuda M, Fujii M, Fuke Y: Induction of NADPH: quinone oxidoreductase in murine hepatoma cells by methylsufinyl isothiocyanates: Methyl chain length - activity study. Int. J. Mol. Med., 6:441 - 444 (2000).
14. Inoue Y, Ose T, mukai S, Ehira S, Yonekura M, Hou DX, Fujii M: Inhibition of the acid lipase activity by apolipoprotein A - I in the presence oflysosomal proteases. Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem., 63: 937 - 939(1999).
13. Akimaru H, Chen Y, Dai P, Hou DX, Nonaka M,Smolik SM, Armstrong S, Goodman RH, Ishii S: Drosophila CBP is a co - activator of cubitus interruptus in hedgehog signalling. Nature, 386:735 - 738(1997).
12. Akimaru H, Hou DX, Ishii S: Drosophila CBP is required for dorsal - dependent twist gene expression. Nature Genet., 17: 211 - 214 (1997).
11. Hou DX, Akimaru H, Ishii S: Trans - activation by the Drosophila myb gene product requires a Drosophila homologue of CBP. FEBS Letters, 413:60 - 64 (1997).
10. Dai P, Akimaru H, Tanaka Y, Hou DX, Yasukawa T, Kanei - Ishii C,Takahashi T, Ishii S: CBP as a transcriptional coactivator of c - Myb. Genes & Develop., 10:528 - 540(1996).
9. Soeda E, Hou DX, Osoegawa K, Atsuchi Y, Yamagata T, Shimokawa T, Kishida H, Soeda E, Okano S, Chumakov I, Cohen D, Raff M, Gardiner K, Graw SL, Patterson D, DeJong P, Ashworth LK, Slezak T, Carrano AV: Cosmid assembly and anchoring to human chromosome 21. Genomics, 25, 73 - 84(1995).
8. Hou DX*, Kishida H, Shimokawa T, Soeda E: Isolation of human chromosome 21 - specific cosmids and their uses in mapping of cosmid contigs on chromosomal subregions. Jpn. J. Human Genet., 39:411 - 420 (1994).
7. Hou DX* Wang Y, Yamashita H, Okamoto S, Yokoyama K, Soeda E, Sarai A: Evolutionary conservation of chymotrypsinogen gene: Genomic analysis and protein modeling. Jpn. J. Human Genet., 39:235 - 242(1994).
6. Hou DX*, Ozawa K, Tomita N, Maeda Y, Hashiguchi T, Yokoyama K, Soeda E: Genomic cloning and partial characterization of human chymotrypsinogen gene. Jpn. J. Human Genet., 38:371 - 380(1993).
5. Yokoyama K, Hou DX, Gao H, Tang X, Kitabayashi I, Nishikura K: Inhibition of expression of a mouse a - globin gene by plasmids that include antisense oligonucleotides. Cell Struct. Funct., 17:433 - 442(1992).
4. Tanaka Y, Tang X, Hou DX Gao H, Kitabayashi I, Gachelin G, Yokoyama K: Phenotypic conversion of SV40 - immortalized human diploid fibroblasts to senescing cells by introduction of an antisense gene for SV40 - T antigen. Cell Struct. Funct., 17:351 - 362 (1992).
3. Hou DX, Maeda Y, Okamoto S, Hashiguchi T: Structural difference of chymotrypsinogens forming chymotrypsin variants in Japanese quail. Biochem. Genet., 28:571 - 576(1990).
2. Hou DX, Maeda Y, Okamoto S, Hashiguchi T: Purification and characterization of chymotrypsinogen from pancreas of Japanese quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica). Comp. Biochem. Physiol., 97B:761 - 766(1990).
1. Hou DX Maeda Y, Okamoto S, Hashiguchi T: Genetic studies on pancreatic proteinase in Japanese quail. Biochem. Genet., 27:469 - 479(1989).
- “Anthocyans and human health: evidence from cellular investigations”. 232nd National Meeting of American Chemistry Society. San Francisco, USA. Sept, 2006.
- “Nutrigenomics of bioactive compounds” in the International Symposium: Paradigm Shift - Foodomics/Nutrigenomic 2006, Korean, Feb. 2006
- “Nutrigenomics, a powerful approach for developing functional foods” in the Forum for Food and Human Health, Kagoshima, Japan, Jan, 2005.
- “A novel approach to prevent inflammation by targeting cyclooxygenase - 2 gene with food factors "in 59th Congress of The Japanese Society for Nutrition and Food Science”. Tokyo, Japan, May, 2005.
- “Molecular mechanism of apoptosis induction by polyphenolic compounds: Targeting reactive oxygen species (ROS) and mitochondria“ World Conference on Magic Bullets Celebrating Paul Ehrlich’s 150th Birthday Nürnberg, Germany, Sept., 2004
- “Do anthocyanins contribute to cancer prevention? - Introduction to molecular evidence (plenary lecture)” In 3rd International Workshop on Anthocyanins”. Sydney, Australia, Jan. 2004.
- “Molecular views of anthocyanins contributing cancer chemoprevention” in 8th World Congress on Advances in Oncology and 6th International Symposium on Molecular Medicine”, Greece, Crete, Oct. 2003.
- “Signal transduction and gene regulation by active natural compounds” in the Joined Congress of Japanese three - Societies in Biochemistry, Nutrition and Food. Kagoshima, Japan, 2003. Kagoshima, Sept. 2003.
- “The antitumor functions of anthocyanins: molecular evidences” in the International Symposium of Blueberry”. Tokyo, May, 2003.
- “Development on screening cancer chemopreventive foods” in the Seminar for Biotechnology and Food Science, organized by Economic Ministry of Japan. Kagoshima, Sept. 2002.
- “Anthocyanins for human health benefits” in the International Symposium of Blueberry. Tokyo, May, 2002.
- “Molecular mechanisms of cancer chemoprevention by Wasabi, Japanese radish” in “6th World Congress on Advances in Oncology and 4th International Symposium on Molecular Medicine”, Greece, Crete, Oct. 2001.