





何洪教授於1996年畢業於香港浸會大學化學系,獲Ph.D學位。何洪教授長期從事工業催化,環境催化和催化科學基礎的研究工作,具有深厚的催化理論基礎和十餘年催化化學工程的經驗。早在上個世紀九十年代就從事V-Ti催化劑的開發工作,該催化材料可以用於SCR反應控制NOx排放和苯酐工業的生產,作為苯酐催化劑,該催化劑已成功的套用於苯酐工業的生產,性能可以和BASF公司同類產品相媲美。自1998年開始,何洪教授開始研究機動車尾氣催化控制技術和其理論基礎,研發的三效催化劑具有起燃溫度低、抗老化性能好、適應性強等優點,早在2001年已經進行工業化規模生產。2006年七月,由何洪教授開發的新型三效催化劑系統與力帆LF7160型轎車匹配順利通過國家機動車尾氣排放第三階段標準的認證實驗,其實驗值已接近國家第四階段標準。2007年成功的申請承擔了國家高技術研究發展計畫(863)-汽油車冷啟動排放污染物控制技術項目, 進行解決汽油車冷啟動污染控制問題的新技術探索研究工作。此外,何洪教授的研究團隊也在天然氣及VOC催化燃燒和室內空氣污染控制技術等方面開展深入的研究工作。其團隊的研究指導思想是:以環境和能源領域的套用為目標,以納米科學和現代催化理論為基礎,從設計活性中心及可控制備催化材料出發,研究環境與能源催化基礎理論和套用技術,最終實現若干技術的工程化套用。最近五年中,何洪教授及其領導的團隊承擔了國家“973”項目一項,“863”項目一項,國家 SARS 攻關專項項目一項,北京市自然基金重點項目一項和多項其他國家和企業委託的技術開發項目。到目前為止,何洪教授在國內外學術刊物上(如Journal of Catalysis, Catalytic Today, Applied Catalysis B Environmental和Catalysis Letter等)發表文章60餘篇,其中SCI 文章近30篇並在2001年入選北京市跨世紀人才。


2008年, 何洪教授的研究工作得到了國家自然基金面上和重點項目的支持。其課題分別為" 高活性低貴金屬含量的三效催化劑製備和催化特性"(面上基金- 20877006) 和柴油車尾氣催化淨化過程中的重要基礎化學問題研究(重點基金-20833011)。


1. 納米催化科學和納米催化製備科學基礎與套用技術研究

2. 機動車(汽油車和柴油車)污染控制技術和理論研究,其中包括三效催化劑和SCR催化劑技術的研究

3. 大氣污染控制技術及工程套用研究

4. 天然氣催化燃燒基礎與工程套用技術研究


1. 汽油車冷啟動排放污染物控制技術(國家高技術研究發展計畫(863)項目)2006AA06Z347

2. 天然氣高效、低排放催化燃燒技術基礎研究(北京市自然科學基金重點項目)3061001

3. 高溫穩定高性能儲氧材料的研究(國家計委稀土辦項目)

4. 研究和開發新的三效催化劑配方(G0502A01-03)

5. 高活性低貴金屬含量的三效催化劑製備和催化特性( 國家自然基金面上項目-20877006)

6. 柴油車尾氣催化淨化過程中的重要基礎化學問題研究 (國家自然基金重點項目-20833011)


氣體燃料與空氣預混裝置 200620001008.0 1

無機氧化物或金屬納米粒子的製備方法及設備 200610088817.4 1

一種汽車冷起動排放吸附裝置及方法 200610089653.7 2

氣體燃料催化燃燒器 200610001057.9 1

一種汽車冷起動排放吸附裝置 200620023238.7 2

一種利用內燃機餘熱的甲醇催化重整制氫裝置 200620119031.x 2

用於消除揮發性有機物的La1?xSrxMO3納米催化劑的製備 200610114429.9 4

單晶鈣鈦礦型氧化物La1-xSrxMnO3納米棒和微米塊製備方法 200610114432.0 4

四方與六方蟲孔狀介孔單晶立方氧化鎂粒子的製備方法 200610114433.5 4

單晶鈣鈦礦型複合氧化物La0.6Sr0.4CoO3納米線和納米棒製備方法 200610114434.5 4

一種均質預混和壓燃發動機的燃料添加劑 200610088811.7 2

一種利用內燃機餘熱的甲醇催化重整制氫裝置及控制方法200610088879.5 2


1.Licheng Liu, Xiao Guan, Zhimei Li, Xuehong Zi, Hongxing Dai, Hong He. “Supported bimetallic AuRh/γ--Al2O3nanocatalyst for the selective catalytic reduction of NO by Propylene”,Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, doi:10.1016/j.apcatb.2009.02.022.

2.Licheng Liu, Ting Wei, Xiao Guan, Xuehong Zi, Hong He, Hongxing Dai. “Size and Morphology Adjustment of PVP-Stabilized Silver and Gold anocrystals Synthesized by Hydrodynamic Assisted Self-Assembly”,The Journal of Physical Chemistry C,doi: 10.1021/jp810668x.

3.Xiaofei Ma, Xinping Wang, Ran Bi, Zhen Zhao, Hong He. “Defect of HY as catalyst for selective catalytic reduction of NO in comparison with the pentasil Zeolites”,Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical, 2009, 303: 90-95.

4.Huining Li, Lei Zhang,Hongxing Dai, Hong He.“Facile synthesis and unique physicochemical properties of three-dimensionally ordered macroporous magnesium oxide, gamma-alumina, and ceria-zirconiasolid solutionswith crystalline mesoporous walls”,Inorganic Chemistry,2009, 48 (10): 4421-4434.

5.Yujuan Zhang, Jiguang Deng, Lei Zhang,Hongxing Dai, Hong He.“Controlled synthesis, characterization, and morphology-dependent reducibility of ceria-zirconia-yttria solid solutions with nanorod-like, microspherical, microbowknot-like, and micro-octahedral shapes”,Inorganic Chemistry,2009, 48 (5):2181-2192.

6.Jiguang Deng, Lei Zhang, Hongxing Dai, Hong He, Chak Tong Au. “Hydrothermally fabricated single-crystalline strontium-substituted lanthanum manganite microcubes for catalytic combustion of toluene”,Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical, 2009, 299 (1-2): 60-67.

7.Jiguang Deng,Lei Zhang, Hongxing Dai, Hong He,Chak Tong Au.“Preparation, characterization, and catalytic properties of NdSrCu1-xCoxO4-dand Sm1.8Ce0.2Cu1-xCoxO4+d(x= 0, 0.2 and 0.4) formethane combustion”,Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2009, 89 (1-2): 87-96.

8.Lei Zhang, Yanhui Zhao, Hongxing Dai, Hong He, C. T. Au. “A Comparative Investigation on the Properties of Cr-SBA-15 and CrOx/SBA-15”,Catalysis Today,2008, 131 (1-4): 42-54.

9.Jiguang Deng,Lei Zhang,Hongxing Dai, Hong He, Chak Tong Au. “Single-crystalline La0.6Sr0.4CoO3-dnanowires/nanorods derived hydrothermally without the use of a template: catalysts highly active for toluene complete oxidation”,Catalysis Letters, 2008, 123: 294-300.

10.Guozhi Wang, Lei Zhang, Hongxing Dai, Jiguang Deng, Caixin Liu, Hong He, Chak Tong Au. “P123-assisted hydrothermal synthesis and characterization of rectangular parallelepiped and hexagonal prism single-crystalline MgO with three-dimensional wormholelike mesopores”,Inorganic Chemistry, 2008, 47 (10): 4015-4022.

11.Yujuan Zhang, Jiguang Deng, Lei Zhang, Wenge Qiu, Hongxing Dai, Hong He. “AuOx/Ce0.6Zr0.3Y0.1O2nano-sized catalysts active for the oxidation of methane”,Catalysis Today,2008,139 (1-2): 29-36.

12.Jiguang Deng, Yue Zhang, Hongxing Dai,Lei Zhang,Hong He, Chak Tong Au. “Effect of hydrothermal treatmenttemperature on the catalytic performanceofsingle-crystallineLa0.5Sr0.5MnO3-δmicrocubesfor the combustion of toluene”,Catalysis Today,2008,139 (1-2): 82-87.

13.Jiguang Deng, Lei Zhang, Hongxing Dai, Hong He, C.T. Au. “Strontium-doped lanthanum cobaltite and manganite: highly active catalysts for toluene complete oxidation”,Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2008, 47 (21): 8175-8183.

14.Caixin Liu, Lei Zhang, Jiguang Deng, Qing Mu,Hongxing Dai, Hong He.“Surfactant-aidedhydrothermal synthesis and carbon dioxide adsorption behavior of three-dimensionally mesoporous calcium oxidesingle-crystallites with tri-, tetra- and hexagonal morphologies”,Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2008, 112 (49): 19248-19256.

15.Huining Li, Hongxing Dai, Hong He, Chak Tong Au. “Facile Route Using Highly Arrayed PMMA Spheres as Hard Template for the Fabrication of 3D Ordered Nanoporous MgO”,Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics, 2007, 20 (6): 697-700.

16.Jianrong Niu, Jiguang Deng, Wei Liu, Lei Zhang, Guozhi Wang, Hongxing Dai, Hong He, Xuehong Zi. “Nanosized Perovskite-Type Oxides La1-xSrxMO3-d(M = Co, Mn; x = 0, 0.4) for the Catalytic Removal of Ethylacetate”,Catalysis Today, 2007, 126 (3, 4): 420-429.

17.Wang Guozhi, Zhang Lei, Deng Jiguang, Dai Hongxing, He Hong, Zi Xuehong. “Synthesis and Characterization of Wormhole-Like Mesoporous Ce0.6Zr0.35Y0.05Solid Solutions”,Chinese Science Bulletin, 2007, 52 (2):175-180.

18.Hong He, Mei Liu, Hongxing Dai, Wenge Qiu, Xuehong Zi. “An Investigation of NO/CO Reaction over Perovskite-Type Oxides La0.8Ce0.2B0.4Mn0.6O3(B = Cu or Ag) Catalysts Fabricated by Reverse Microemulsion”,Catalysis Today, 2007, 126 (3-4): 290-295.

19.Niu Jiangrong, Liu Wei, Dai Hongxing, He Hong, Zi Xuehong, Li Peiheng. “Preparation and characterization of highly active namosized strontium-doped lanthanum cobaltate catalysts with high surface areas”,Chinese Science Bulletin, 2006, 51 (14): 1673-1681.

20.H. He,H.X. Dai, C.T. Au,Defective Structure, Oxygen Mobility, Oxygen Storage Capacity, and Redox Properties of RE-Based (RE=Ce, Pr) Solid Solutions,Catalysis Today, 2004,90 (3-4): 245-254.

21.Hongxing Dai, Hong He, Peiheng Li, Lizhen Gao, Chak-Tong Au,The Relationship of Structura; Defect-Redox Property-Catalytic Performance of Perovskites and Their Related Compounds for CO and NOxRemoval,Catalysis Today, 2004,90 (3-4):231-244.


