有:1. 研究了晶體中電子局域化的性質。首次發現並證明了在一維晶格中, Wannier函式和密度矩陣的一般漸進形式為冪衰減與指數衰減之積;⒉預言了InAs/InSb 量子點中存在自發形成的電子-空穴對(即強關聯的激子基態)。此外的工作還包括介電,鐵電材料性質的研究;耦合量子點電子結構和糾纏態的研究;等等。
1. A. Narvaez, Lixin He, G. Bester, and A. Zunger, "Theoretical predictions of the electronic and optical properties of single and coupled (In,Ga)As/GaAs quantum dots", Physica E (published online).
2. Lixin He and A. Zunger, "Multiple charging of InAs/GaAs quantum dots by electrons and holes: addition energies and ground-state configurations", Phys. Rev. B. (in press). .
3. Lixin He, G. Bester and A. Zunger, "Electronic phase diagrams
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4. Lixin He, G. Bester and A. Zunger, "Singlet-triplet splitting, correlation and entanglement of two electrons in quantum dot molecules", Phys. Rev. B. 72, 195307 (2005).
5. Lixin He, G. Bester and A. Zunger, "Asymmetry in self-assembled quantum dot-molecules made of identical InAs/GaAs quantum dots", Phys. Rev. B, 72, 081311(R).
6. Lixin He, G. Bester and A. Zunger, "Prediction of an excitonic ground state in InAs/InSb quantum dots",
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7. Lixin He, G. Bester and A. Zunger, "Strain induced interfacial hole localization and light/heavy hole reversal in self-assembled quantum dots: compressive InAs/GaAs vs. tensile InAs/InSb",
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8. Lixin He and D. Vanderbilt, "First-principles study of oxygen vacancy pinning of domain walls in PbTiO3",
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9. M.H. Cohen, J. B. Neaton, Lixin He, and D. Vanderbilt, "Extrinsic models of the enormous dielectric response of CaCu3Ti4O12",
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10. Lixin He, J. B. Neaton, D. Vanderbilt and M. H. Cohen, "Lattice dielectric response of CdCu3Ti4O12 and of CaCu3Ti4O12 from first principles", Phys. Rev. B 67, 012103 (2003).
11. Lixin He, J. B. Neaton, M. H. Cohen, D. Vanderbilt and C. C. Homes, "First-principles study of the structure and lattice dielectric response of CaCu3Ti4O12", Phys. Rev. B 65, 214112 (2002).
12. Lixin He and D. Vanderbilt, "Exponential decay properties of Wannier functions and related quantities",
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13. Lixin He and G. Cheng, "RAA electron-phonon interaction cannot support high Tc in YBaCuO", Communication in Theoretical Physics 31, 305 (1999).