
何偉東,男,博士,特聘教授/特聘研究員,博士生導師。學術經歷: 2007年本科畢業於哈爾濱工業大學套用化學專業,2012年博士畢業於美國范德堡大學材料系,並在美國西北國家實驗室(PNNL)完成博士後工作,2013年加入電子科技大學能源科學與工程學院並負責組建先進能源與材料團隊。 2014年入選電子科技大學“百人計畫”,並擔任能源科學與工程學院院長助理。在攻讀博士期間,曾在布魯克海文國家實驗室及強磁場國家實驗室等美國材料學研究機構,進行材料光學、電學、磁學、能源材料等方向的研究。長期與美國雙院院士 教授等國際著名科學家進行能源領域的學術合作。主要研究方向為鋰電池/燃料電池離子及氣體擴散的定量測試理論及技術,鋰電池材料低維結構的生長理論、製備、器件集成及性能分析,及新型環保材料及技術。截至目前,受邀做為第一作者為國際出版社出版電池及材料書籍3部,並在國際SCI期刊上發表論文80餘篇。第一作者/通訊作者SCI論文50餘篇,包括JCR一區SCI論文30餘篇,多篇為封面、邀請特刊及綜述SCI論文。擔任4個國際期刊編委團成員、30餘個國際SCI雜誌審稿人,受邀在美國化學學會、國際材料學會(等化學、材料界頂級會議上做報告。擔任中國博士後基金評審委員,中國教育部博士學位論文評審專家,四川省科技項目評審專家,及四川省科學技術獎評審專家。2016年招生計畫:計畫招收博士後、博士研究生、碩士研究生若干名,歡迎對材料、物理和化學研究感興趣的優秀本科生加入!

科研項目: 2013年-至今:中國自然科學基金,四川科技支撐計畫,中央高校經費等。

發表文章: 近3年來20篇代表性論文/著作(第一或通訊作者):

1. Highly-efficient materials assembly via electrophoretic deposition for electrochemical energy conversion and storage devices. Advanced Energy Materials, 2015, accepted.

2. Gas convection in fuel cells: An overlooked factor. Electrochimica Acta, 2015, 176, 1476–1483.

3. Shape and Size Control of LiFePO4 for High-Performance Lithium-Ion Batteries. ChemElectroChem, 2015, 2, 1227–1237.

4. A new insight into the oxygen diffusion in porous cathodes of lithium-air batteries. Energy, 2015, 83, 669–673.

5. Physical justification for ionic conductivity enhancement at strained coherent interfaces. Journal of Power Sources, 2015, 285, 37-42.

6. Interfacial strain effect on gas diffusion in nanostructured electrodes of solid oxide fuel cells. Journal of Power Sources, 2015, in press.

7. Materials insights into low-temperature performances of lithium-ion batteries. Journal of Power Sources, 2015, in press.

8. Gas transport evaluation in lithium-air batteries with micro/nano-structured cathodes. Journal of Power Sources, 2015, 274, 762-767.

9. Interfacial lattice-strain effects on improving the overall performance of micro-solid oxide fuel cells. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2015, in press

10. Physical Justification for Negative Remanent Magnetization in Homogeneous Nanoparticles. Scientific Reports (Nature Publishing Group), 2014, 4, 6267.

11. Recent progress in degradation and stabilization of organic solar cells. Journal of Power Sources, 2014, 264, 168–183.

12. An electrochemical device with a multifunctional sensor for gas diffusivity measurement in fuel cells. Journal of Power Sources, 2014, 251, 108–112.

13. Overall concentration polarization and limiting current density of fuel cells with nanostructured electrodes. Nano Energy (2013), 1, 828-832.

14. A current-sensor electrochemical device for accurate gas diffusivity measurement in fuel cells. Journal of Power Sources (2013), 232, 93-98.

15. An electrochemical device for three-dimensional (3D) diffusivity measurement in fuel cells. Nano Energy, 2013, 2(5), 1004-1009. 主編精選論文

16. Gas transport in porous electrodes of solid oxide fuel cells: A review on diffusion and diffusivity measurement. Journal of Power Sources (2013) 237, 64-73. 受邀綜述論文

17. Comparison of CsBr and KBr covered Cu photocathodes: Effects of laser irradiation and work function changes. Applied Physics Letters (2013), 102, 071604.

18. A multisensor device for highly-efficient diffusivity measurement and overall-concentration-polarization evaluation in fuel cells. Advanced Energy Materials (2012), 2, 329–333. 封面論文

19. Weidong He*, Weiqiang Lv, James H. Dickerson. Gas transport in solid oxide fuel cells. Springer, 2014, ISBN: 978-3-319-09736-7. (專著)

20. Weidong He*. Synthesis, property analysis and assembly of ultra-small nanocrystals. Scholars’ Press, 2014, ISBN: 978-3-639-66408-9.(專著)


