
《低等居民》由萊德利·斯科特(Ridley Scott)導演,萊昂納多·迪卡普里奧 leonardo dicaprio 主演的電影。 


英文片名:The Low Dweller


萊昂納多·迪卡普里奧 leonardo dicaprio
導演:導演萊德利·斯科特(Ridley Scott)
國家/地區: 美國
上映日期: 2011年 美國
對白語言: 英語
色彩: 彩色


好萊塢導演萊德利·斯科特(Ridley Scott)將和萊奧納多·迪卡普里奧(Leonardo DiCaprio)合作一部名為《低等居民》(The Low Dweller)的影片,這也是他們的第二次合作,上一次合作是華納的《謊言之軀》(Body of Lies)。 影片劇本由賓夕法尼亞的一個保險推銷員Brad Ingelsby在他業餘時間創作,結果受到多家公司的青睞,最後Ryan Kavanaugh的Relativity Media公司在一場激烈的競價後獲得了拍攝權。儘管Brad Ingelsby還沒踏入好萊塢,但他這次嘗試大獲成功,原先他為劇本出價65萬美元,最後成交價格競高達110萬!
The Low Dweller
Starring: Leonardo DiCaprio
Screenplay: Brad Ingelsby
Director(s): Ridley Scott
A handful of writers are counting their blessings (and back accounts) recently for the headline-grabbing surge of spec script sales. And these writers are unique because they aren’t even Hollywood types – they’re toll booth workers, or, in the case of Brad Ingelsby, insurance salesmen. Now recently, Mr. Ingelsby, came into a cool $650,000 (with the potential for that sum growing into 1.1 million) for the sale of his spec script The Low Dweller. Not only did it generate huge buzz and huge returns for Ingelsby, but it drew some big names, namely Ridley Scott and Leonardo DiCaprio (both fresh from Body of Lies, set to open in October).
With Leo planned to star and Scott directing, The Low Dweller is set for a 2010 release. So was it really that good?
1981. backwoods of Southern Indiana, dubbed the Lowlands. CHARLIE “SLIM” HENDRICK sits under a tree, his shirt stained with blood. Sirens close in and the young DEPUTY MULBY NOLAN emerges from his police cruiser, approaching Slim with his gun drawn. Nolan keeps asking what’s up but gets no response. He holsters his gun and tries to get a reply from Slim – still nothing. He crouches down and finally sees the blood. Slowly, he pulls out his cuffs and places them on Slim…
Four years later, Slim walks out of prison, a free man. He turns down a ride home and walks twenty miles back home to Easton. He walks into his house and is given a less-than-stellar greeting from his brother RAYMOND.
Slim finds work as a harvest worker, spending long stretches baking in the sun-drenched fields. His days end with him and Raymond sharing few words.
One night, Raymond doesn’t come home. Slim drives to a local dive where he exchanges words with the bar owner and bookie JOHN O’RILEY, clearly not a fan of Slim. There, John takes Slim to Raymond, bruised and beaten from a fight. As Slim gets Raymond up, John informs him that Raymond owes him two grand for a few bad bets – and he needs the money soon. Slim says he’ll figure something out.
Just then, GABBY, John’s daughter, exits the joint – John tells her to get a ride home from Slim since he’s got business left to finish. As they head out, an Oldsmobile Cutlass pulls up. BUD DEAKINS goes inside, leaving another person waiting in the car.
Bud’s presence spooks John. He tries to make small talk, but John gets even more spooked when Bud mentions that SAM’s outside. Someone else enters and they turn to see SAM NEBRASKA, one tall, mean bastard. Sam stabs John in the throat with a box cutter and leaves him to die.
They take his book and look at the uncollected debts – settling upon the name of RAYMOND HENDRICK…
Slim slowly tries to reintegrate himself into the small town, but the history he has with Gabby, her baby, and Nolan isn’t going to make that easy. Later, as John’s murder upsets the town Nolan, now sheriff, vows to find who did it. But when Bud and Sam pay Raymond a visit, Slim calls upon a few friends, including his friend JONAH and Gabby’s brother, decides to take revenge into his own hands.
Although it’s hard to see from this, Ingelsby has a way with words; his descriptions and action, almost poetic at times, reads like the meticulously sculpted prose from a work of literature. The dialogue is sharp and authentic, giving most characters a unique splash of color. And the action and violence is not stylized or glamorous, but brutal and real.
The Low Dweller is essentially a mixture of Sling Blade and A History of Violence with elements of No Country for Old Men and One False Move. The characters are strong, the violence is brutal, and the ending is not going to be happy. Like these other films, The Low Dweller is even, steady, and has a lot of meat to it. I can see why Scott and Leo picked this up – there’s a lot to do with it visually and Slim will give Leo the chance to exercise his acting chops.
That’s not to say there aren’t issues with it. The story drags on about 20 pages too long, the final confrontation scene is a touch drawn out, and for all of Ingelsby’s talents, his ability to weave symbolism and subtext into the story is a little clumsy and leaves a lot to be desired.
But my criticisms aren’t large issues and the fact that I can even say that this has subtext and symbolism, although blunt and awkwardly placed, is a joy considering most junk I read barely even a coherent plot. Overeall, I was pleasantly surprised at this well-crafted story of revenge and life in Indiana. A clearly well polished and a strong debut for a writer whose career I will eagerly watch.


