Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Research Orientation
1.2 Mutual Adaptation as a Means to Achieve Intention Equivalence: the Objective of Research
1.3 Rationale for the Study
1.4 Objectives of the Research
1.5 Research Methodology
1.6 0utline of the Thesis
Chapter Two The Studies of Translation Equivalence:a Literature Review
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Definitions of Translation Equivalence
2.3 Typology of Translation Equivalence
2.4 Approaches to Translation Equivalence
2.5 Adaptability and Translation Equivalence
2.6 Summary
Chapter Three The Debates on Equivalence in the History of Western Translation
3.1 Early Debates about Translation Equivalence
3.2 Translation in the Middle Ages
3.3 Hundred Years Translation Movement
3.4 Bible Translation and its Theoretical Debates in the Western Translation History
3.5 The Debates on the Equivalence in the 16th and the 17th Century
3.6 The Debates on the Equivalence in the 20th Century
3.7 The Studies of Translation Equivalence in the First Decade of the 21st Century
Chapter Four The Debates on Equivalence in the History of Chinese Translation
4.1 The Debate on "Wen" and "Zhi" in Buddhist Translation
4.2 Chinese Translation from the End of Ming Dynasty to the May Forth Movement
4.3 The Debates of Equivalence in the Modem Chinese Translation
4.4 The Notion of Equivalence at the Present Time
4.5 Summary
Chapter Five Theoretical Sources of Translation Equivalence in Mutual Adaptation and a Conceptual Frame-work for Translation
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Adaptability of Translation
5.3 Studies of Context
5.4 Intentions and Translation
5.5 Intention Equivalence Redefined
5.6 Intention Equivalence in Mutual Adaptation
5.7 Summary
Chapter Six Intention Equivalence in Mutual Adaptation at the Linguistic Level: an Analysis
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Phonological Adaptation
6.3 Lexical Adaptation
6.4 Syntactic Adaptation
6.5 Textual Adaptation
6.6 Summary
Chapter Seven Intention Equivalence in Mutual Adaptation at the Extralinguistic Level: an Analysis
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Adaptation to the Physical World
7.3 Adaptation to the Mental World
7.4 Adaptation to the Social World
7.5 Mutual Adaptation between Translation Norm and Ideology
7.6 Summary
Chapter Eight Conclusion
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Major Findings on Intention Equivalence in Mutual Adaptation
8.3 Implications of the Study
8.4 Limitations of the Study and Suggestions for Further Research