
第一章 總則
第一條 本會名稱:“WORLD WALKING ASSOCIATION”,縮寫為“WWA”。中文譯名為:世界徒步協會,簡稱:世界徒協。
第二條 本會是一個面向全球徒步運動專業提供指導、評估、認證、交流與培訓的國際性社團機構。
第三條 本會宗旨:遵守各個國家和地區的法律、法規和政策;指導和推動世界徒步運動的發展;加強徒步運動國際化的交流與合作;促進體育、旅遊、文化的結合。
第四條 本會總部設在國際大都市香港,各大洲設有分支機構,各國設立代表處。
第二章 會員
第五條 個人會員:凡有識之士,不分民族、國籍、性別、年齡、職業和信仰,只要熱愛徒步運動,熱心社會公益事業,承認本會宗旨和章程,積極參加本會組織的活動,服從本會的工作指導和監督,均可申請加入本會。
第六條 會員單位:企業、事業組織和社會團體,不論國籍、地域,只要在當地經過註冊,具有合法地位,熱愛徒步運動,熱心社會公益事業,承認本會宗旨和章程,積極參加本會組織的活動,服從本會的工作指導和監督,均可申請加入本會。
第七條 會員具有選舉權和被選舉權及退出本會權,會員有參加本會組織的相關活動權,對本會有監督權、建議權。
第八條 凡給徒步運動做出貢獻的團體或個人,本會將予以結傳、參觀、考察、學習、深造的機會;凡欲為該事業發揮最大能力及其合理要求者本會將予以鼎力相助。
第三章 組織機構
第九條 本會最高權力機構是會員代表大會。會員代表應是德才兼備,有突出的業績,具有地域、民族、行業、性別等各個方面代表性的會員。
第八個五年計畫十條 會員代表大會的職權是:
第十一條 會員代表大會每四年召開一次。議事規則為少數服從多數,各項決議獲三分之二到會代表同意即為通過。
第十二條 本會執行機構及常設機構:
第十三條 執委會每年召開一次。為提升議事效率,可採用現代信息手段召開。
第十四條 本會直屬機構:
第十五條 本會及直屬機構均須在所在國家和地區法律、法規允許的範圍內開展工作,因此,協會及各直屬機構均須聘請常年法律顧問,以保障各項事務的規範健康性開展。
第十六條 本會抵制和追究一切對本會的侵權行為,依法維護自身的權益。
第十七條 組織原則,即“四個共享”法則:市場共享、信息共享、人才共享、資源共享,以此實現世界徒步協會的凝聚作用,使各會員單位共同受益、共同進步。
第四章 資產管理
第十八條 本會的資產來源:
第十九條 本會的資產必須用於徒步運動的發展,不得在會員中分配。
第二十條 本會及各直屬機構依照所在國家或地區有關法律、法規建立和健全財務管理制度,並定期公布,按時向上級報告收支情況和經營業績,認真接受有關部門的審計或審核,對有貪污行為或其它違法者,開除本會,並按有關法律、法規嚴肅處理。
第二十一條 本會的資產,任何組織和個人不得侵占、私分和挪用。
第五章 處罰
第二十二條 本會會員、會員單位因刑事犯罪受到所在國家、地區法律制裁者,其法律責任自負,並從受制裁開始,被視為自動脫離本會,失去會員資格。
第六章 附則
第二十三條 根據工作需要,可在本章程確立的原則指導下,經執委會批准,制定有關方面的管理條例和實施細則。
第二十四條 本章程未盡事宜需要增補時,需經會員代表大會討論通過。
第二十五條 本章程解釋權歸本會執委會。
第二十六條 本章程從被批准之日起生效。
Chapter one General provisions
Article 1 This Association name: " WORLD WALKING ASSOCIATION ", abbreviates as " WWA ". The Chinese translated name is: World Walking Association, is abbreviated as: World Walking Association.
Article 2 Will one take exercises speciality offer guidance, assess, authentication, international corporation organization that exchange and train on foot across the globe originally, headquartered in Hong Kong of international metropolis, there are branches in every continent, various countries set up the representative office.
Article 3 This Association aim: Observe laws and regulations and policy of all countries and regions; Development instructing and promoting the world to move on foot; Strengthen and move the exchange and cooperation of the internationalization on foot; Promote sports, travel, combination of culture.
Article 4 The address of general headquarters of this Association: FLAT C,23/F.,LUCKY PLAZA,NOS.315-321 LOCKHART ROAD,WANCHAI,HONG KONG.
Chapter two Member
Article 5 Individual member: All knowledgeable people, do not assign nationality, nationality, sex, age, job and faith, unless so long as it love it move on foot, public servises socials enthusiastic,it acknowledge originally can aim and charter, participate in the activity that will originally be organized, the job guidance that will originally obey and supervising actively, can apply to join and originally know.
Article 6 Member unit: Enterprise, undertaking organization and public organization, no matter the nationality, region, so long as registered in the locality, unless unless legal status it have, it love move on foot, public servises socials enthusiastic,acknowledge originally can aim and charter, participate in the activity that will originally be organized, the job guidance that will originally obey and supervising actively, can apply to join and originally know.
Article 7 Member have the right to vote and stand for election and withdraw, can weigh originally, member have, participate in copies of relevant activity right that will organize, to having the right to supervise, proposing right.
Article 8 The group or individual giving and moving and contributing on foot, will originally form the chance spread, visited, investigated, studied, taken an advanced study; Want, give play to most great ability and person who require rationally can give for undertaking this tripartite equilibrium aid originally.
Chapter three Organization
Article 9 The highest authority of this Association is member's representative assembly. The representatives of members have both ability and political integrity, have outstanding achievements, have members with representative all respects such as region, nationality, trade, sex,etc..
Article 10 The functions and powers of member's representative assembly are:
1, Can confirm originally aim, make or originally can revise charter;
2, Elected Executive Committee members;
3, Listen to, review, approve the work report that the president makes for;
4, Determine to stop the matters;
5, Determine other great matters.
Article 11 Member's representative assembly holds once every four years. The rules of procedure are that the minority is subordinate to the majority, every resolution obtains 2/3.
Article 12 The executive body of this Association and permanent establishment:
1, The Executive Committee elected by member's representative assembly, the executive body as this Association;
2, At time when member's conference adjourns, the Executive Committee exercises its power;
3, The Executive Committee elects a president;
4, Have executive chairman, vice-president, general secretary, nominated by the president, the Executive Committee sanctions, assist president in president's work;
5, The deputy secretary-general is nominated by the general secretary, with the approval of president, assist general secretary in general secretary's work;
6, This will be the establishment of a secretariat as a permanent body, chaired by the Secretary-General of their daily work;
Article 13 The Executive Committee holds once every year. In order to promote agenda efficiency, can adopt the modern information means to be held.
Article 14 Organization directly under this Association:
Know according to the needs of real work, the Executive Committee determines, set up every professional committee, every continent branch, representative offices of various countries, combine detailed conditions and characteristic of every speciality and this area, under the guidance of federation, carry on the work actively, communicate in time, promote the constant development that the locality moved on foot.
Article 15 And carry on the work in the organization directly under range that must be allowed in the laws and regulations of countries and regions where one stays, so association and must engage long-term legal adviser while being each organization directly under, in order to getting healthy development of norm to ensure the affairs.
Article 16 Will originally resist and investigate all pairs of torts of this Association, safeguard one's own rights and interests in accordance with the law.
Article 17 Organizational principle, i.e. the rule that " four share ": Market share, information sharing, talent's sharing, resource-sharing, with the world agglomeration function of the association on foot of this realization, make every member unit progress commonly benefitedly and together.
Chapter four The assets are managed
Article 18 The assets source of this Association: 1, Membership dues; 2, Donate; 3, Launch the income of the activity or service; 4, Other lawful earned incomes. Article 19 Originally will assets last development that take exercises on foot,can't assign on member.
Article 20 Originally will set up and perfect the financial management system according to where one stays country or regional relevant laws and regulations while being each organization directly under, and announce regularly, report the situation of revenue and expenditure and business performance to higher authorities on time, accept the audit of the related departments or check conscientiously, to corrupting the behavior or other lawbreakers, dismiss and originally know, and deal with seriously according to relevant laws and regulations.
Will originally be fixed too or irregular checking or spotting check each organization directly under financial situation.
Article 21 Assets of this Association, any organizations and individuals can't occupy, divide secretly and divert.
Chapter five Punishment
Article 22 Because the person who receives the country where one stays, regional legal sanction of the crimes of this Association member, member unit, its legal liability is conceited, and since punished, considered as and broken away from and originally known automatically, lose membership.
Chapter six Supplementary provisions
Article 23 According to the needs of work, but under the guidance of principle that this charter establishes, often Executive Committee sanctions the affair, make the management rule concerned and implementing regulations.
Article 24 When the unaccomplished matter of this charter needs augmenting, need to be passed through discussion by member's representative assembly.
Article 25 The power of interpretation of this charter belongs to this Association Executive Committee.
Article 26 This charter comes into force from the day of sanctioning.

