
上海瀚藝冷凍機械有限公司 瀚藝(HAYE)集團是致力於空調、商用熱水機及工業製冷產品研發、生產、銷售及工程服務的現代化高科技企業集團。總部坐落在上海國際汽車城黃渡工業園區,並在上海嘉定(中美合作上海瀚藝冷凍機械有限公司)和江蘇如皋(中美合作江蘇瀚藝商用空調有限公司)擁有合計占地面積80000平方米的兩大現代化生產基地,年生產能力達12億元人民幣,旗下擁有七家全資子公司和近四十個銷售及服務網點,產品覆蓋國內外市場,集團以最快的服務效率和最強的技術支持,享譽國內外市場。









卓越的品質取決於強大的技術後盾和標準化的作業流程。生產基地擁有國際領先的生產製造設備及檢測設備:大型機組及小型機組多條裝配生產線;熱交換器流水線;大型噴漆、噴塗生產線;CNC電腦數控加工中心; FANUC電腦數控沖床及折彎機;日本sugino脹管機;panasonic全自動焊機;大型水冷冷水機國家級試驗檢測中心;大型風冷冷水機國家級檢驗中心;戶用冷水(熱泵)機組國家級試驗檢測中心。集團嚴格遵循ISO9001、ISO14001國際標準,為實現高品質的產品提供有力的保障。


瀚藝的品質,從知名的企業及著名的建築運用中得到了見證,國務院辦公廳、國家發改委、中國企業500強排名第一中國石化集團、國家著名的形象建築上海金茂大廈、中國最好的大學清華大學、大亞灣核電站、玖龍紙業、廣州立白、美的集團、大慶油田、上海廣電、娃哈哈、上好佳、農夫山泉、東陶( TOTO)、寧波大紅鷹、高露潔三笑、納愛斯等都對瀚藝委以重任。目前,為開拓海外市場,實施跨國經營的全球戰略,首先進軍亞太地區,隨後將業務迅速拓展到歐洲、中東地區,跨國集團化的格局正在慢慢形成。


Field Scope
HAYE is a modern hi-tech enterprise specializing in Air conditioning research, development, production, sale and engineering services. Headquarters is located in Huangdu Industrial Park of Shanghai International Auto City, HAYE has two modern plants of 80000 square meters in Jiading district Shanghai and the city of Rugao in Jiangsu Province. With the annual revenue above RMB 500 million and owning nearly 40 sales and service outlets throughout domestic and oversea markets, HAYE renows domestic and oversea markets for its fastest service and most efficient technical support.
Technology Support
For professional, we lead. HAYE has been in extensive cooperation and teamwork with American Alson which is the global experienced air condition R & D institution, Germany’s Siemens, Italy kale which is the world’s largest manufacturer of air-conditioning controller, the famous compressor manufacturers Fusheng. Strong technical backing and strong joint support HAYE products of high-quality products, HAYE air conditioning and industrial refrigeration products have reached the international advanced level.
With advanced technical support, excellent quality assurance, outstanding service system and performance, HAYE Group has become one of the fastest growing enterprises in air conditioning refrigeration industry, which has 30 categories and 2400 subcategories of products. The current product lines include water/air cooled screw chiller, module unit, ground/water-source heat pump, low temperature unit, industrial cold water unit, rooftop unit, constant temperature and humidity unit, air handling unit, industrial and residential air conditioner and refrigeration systems. We strive to become the best air conditioner manufacturer that offers wide range of products for the customer’s selection and good buy in terms of price that does meet their real demand.
Quality Service
The perfect quality depends on the professional technical support team and standard operation flow. HAYE owns advanced production and testing equipments, including assembly production lines for large and small units respectively, heat exchanger pipeline, large spraying pipeline, CNC processing centre, TAILIFT Punching and bending machine, Japanese Sugino pipe expanding machine, Panasonic automatic welder, Large national-level testing centre for water cooled and air cooled chiller, national-level testing centre for household cold water (heat pump) unit, etc. HAYE also follows ISO9001 international quality control system, ISO14001 international environment control system and CE ensuring product quality and services.
We can see the quality of HAYE products through the well-known customers and the famous buildings, such as China Sinopec Group as the listed number one of China Top 500 companies, , Shanghai Jinmao Building as the famous building of China, Tsinghua University as the best university of China, SVA Building, Qishi,
Nongfu Spring, China-LIBY, TOTO, Colgate, Cnnice and Nine Dragous Paper who are our business friends and loyal customers. In order to explore the oversea market and implement the global strategy, HAYE has stridden into the Asia and the Pacific market for the first step with Europe and Middle East as the next potential market. We believe that HAYE will become a global group in the future.
Conviction Pursue
Advanced production technology, perfect after-sale service, good product quality are the fundamental protections of survival and development for enterprise. Considering technology as a core, product innovation as an orientation, constant improvement demand of customer as a goal, HAYE will stride forward and lead the market in this industry by the concept of all accommodation for perfect refrigeration.


1996年03月 瀚藝(HAYE)集團進入中國市場,主營工業製冷領域產品
1998年07月 與知名壓縮機生產廠台灣復盛(FUSHENG)公司建立戰略合作夥伴關係
2000年05月 瀚藝(HAYE)集團旗下生產基地上海瀚藝冷凍機械有限公司成立
2001年06月 與國際知名控制器品牌西門子(Siemens)公司建立戰略合作夥伴關係
2002年10月 通過ISO9001國際質量體系認證
2003年08月 集團旗下售後服務公司上海瀚藝技術服務有限公司成立
2004年03月 與全球最大的空調控制器廠家義大利CAREL公司深入合作
2004年03月 國家級檢測試驗中心建成並驗收成功
2005年09月 獲全國工業產品生產許可證
2005年10月 成立瀚藝海外研發機構美國ALSON科技(國際)有限公司
2006年05月 通過歐洲CE認證
2007年02月 通過ISO14001環境體系認證
2007年09月 集團新標誌“HAYE”在旗下公司正式使用2008年01月 通化市瀚藝高山滑雪青年隊成立
2008年04月 全方位啟動金碟ERP系統管理軟體,瀚藝(HAYE)集團整體競爭力空前提升
2008年05月 面對汶川大地震,瀚藝人第一時間奉獻愛心,合計捐助人民幣265950元
2008年06月 投資1億元人民幣,成立江蘇瀚藝商用空調有限公司
2008年06月 集團舉辦十周年慶典儀式
2008年10月 成立中國區商用熱水機事業部和工業製冷事業部,正式執行一牌多品市場行銷計畫
2008年12月 榮獲中國製冷空調行業十大民營企業稱號
2009年07月 集團第三大國家級測試中心——空氣源熱泵熱水機獨立專用檢驗測試成立
2009年09月 我司榮獲上海市裝備製造業與高新技術產業自主創新品牌稱號
2009年10月 我司榮獲上海市高新科技企業稱號
2009年12月 我司榮獲商用空調十佳滿意度品牌稱號
2010年03月 HYAM-18H蒸汽壓縮循環冷水(熱泵)機組被上海科學技術委員會評為上海重點新產品
2010年04月 我司通過3C認證
2010年10月 瀚藝集團--江蘇瀚藝商用空調有限公司隆重開業



