出版社: 浙江大學出版社; 第1版 (2010年4月1日)
外文書名: Three-Dimensional Model Analysis and Processing
精裝: 421頁
正文語種: 英語
開本: 16
ISBN: 7308074129, 9787308074124
條形碼: 9787308074124
尺寸: 23.6 x 16.2 x 3.2 cm
重量: 839 g
Faxin Yu is an Associate Professor at the School of Aeronautics andAstronautics, Zhejiang University, China; both Zheming Lu andPinghui Wang are also Professors there; Hao Luo is a Lecturerthere.
《三維模型分析與處理(英文版)》內容簡介:Three-Dimensional Model Analysis and Processing focuses on five hotresearch directions in 3D model analysis and processing in computerscience, i.e., on compression, feature extraction, content-basedretrieval, irreversible watermarking and reversible watermarking.The book is based on a wide range of new content, systematic andtheoretical, and fully reflects the state-of-the-art in 3D model analysisand processing technologies. This book is intended for researchers,engineers and graduate students working in 3D model analysis andprocessing.
1 Introduction
1.1 Background
1.1.1 Technical Development Course of Multimedia
1.1.2 Information Explosion
1.1.3 Network Information Security
1.1.4 Technical Requirements of 3D Models
1.2 Concepts and Descriptions of 3D Models.
1.2.1 3D Models
1.2.2 3D Modeling Schemes
1.2.3 Polygon Meshes
1.2.4 3D Model File Formats and Processing Software
1.3 Overview of 3D Model Analysis and Processing
1.3.1 Overview of 3D Model Processing Techniques
1.3.2 Overview of 3D Model Analysis Techniques
1.4 Overview of Multimedia Compression Techniques
1.4.1 Concepts of Data Compression
1.4.2 Overview of Audio Compression Techniques
1.4.3 Overview of Image Compression Techniques
1.4.4 Overview of Video Compression Techniques
1.5 Overview of Digital Watermarking Techniques
1.5.1 Requirement Background
1.5.2 Concepts of Digital Watermarks
1.5.3 Basic Framework of Digital Watermarking Systems
1.5.4 Communication-Based Digital Watermarking Models
1.5.5 Classification of Digital Watermarking Techniques
1.5.6 Applications of Digital Watermarking Techniques
1.5.7 Characteristics of Watermarking Systems
1.6 Overview of Multimedia Retrieval Techniques
1.6.1 Concepts of Information Retrieval
1.6.2 Summary of Content-Based Multimedia Retrieval
1.6.3 Content-Based Image Retrieval
1.6.4 Content-Based Video Retrieval
1.6.5 Content-Based Audio Retrieval
1.7 Overview of Multimedia Perceptual Hashing Techniques
1.7.1 Basic Concept of Hashing Functions
1.7.2 Concepts and Properties of Perceptual Hashing Functions
1.7.3 The State-of-the-Art of Perceptual Hashing Functions
1.7.4 Applications of Perceptual Hashing Functions
1.8 Main Content of This Book
2 3D Mesh Compression
2.1 Introduction
2.1.1 Background
2.1.2 Basic Concepts and Definitions
2.1.3 Algorithm Classification
2.2 Single-Rate Connectivity Compression
2.2.1 Representation of Indexed Face Set
2.2.2 Triangle-Strip-Based Connectivity Coding
2.2.3 Spanning-Tree-Based Connectivity Coding
2.2.4 Layered-Decomposition-Based Connectivity Coding.
2.2.5 valence-Driven Connectivity Coding Approach
2.2.6 Triangle Conquest Based Connectivity Coding
2.2.7 Summary
2.3 Progressive Connectivity Compression
2.3.1 Progressive Meshes
2.3.2 Patch Coloring
2.3.3 Valence-Driven Conquest
2.3.4 Embedded Coding
2.3.5 Layered Decomposition
2.3.6 Summary
2.4 Spatial-Domain Geometry Compression.
2.4.1 Scalar Quantization
2.4.2 Prediction
2.4.3 k-d Tree
2.4.4 Octree Decomposition
2.5 Transform Based Geometric Compression
2.5.1 Single-Rate Spectral Compression of Mesh Geometry
2.5.2 Progressive Compression Based on Wavelet Transform
2.5.3 Geometry Image Coding
2.5.4 Summary
2.6 Geometry Compression Based on Vector Quantization
2.6.1 Introduction to Vector Quantization
2.6.2 Quantization of 3D Model Space Vectors
2.6.3 PVQ-Based Geometry Compression
2.6.4 Fast VQ Compression for 3D Mesh Models
2.6.5 VQ Scheme Based on Dynamically Restricted Codebook
2.7 Summary
3 3D Model Feature Extraction
3.1 Introduction
3.1.1 Background
3.1.2 Basic Concepts and Definitions
3.1.3 Classification of 3D Feature Extraction Algorithms
3.2 Statistical Feature Extraction
3.2.1 3D Moments of Surface
3.2.2 3D Zernike Moments
3.2.3 3D Shape Histograms
3.2.4 Point Density
3.2.5 Shape Distribution Functions
3.2.6 Extended Gaussian Image
3.3 Rotation-Based Shape Descriptor
3.3.1 Proposed Algorithm
3.3.2 Experimental Results
3.4 Vector-Quantization-Based Feature Extraction
3.4.1 Detailed Procedure
3.4.2 Experimental Results
3.5 Global Geometry Feature Extraction
3.5.1 Ray-Based Geometrical Feature Representation
3.5.2 Weighted Point Sets
3.5.3 Other Methods.
3.6 Signal-Analysis-Based Feature Extraction
3.6.1 Fourier Descriptor
3.6.2 Spherical Harmonic Analysis
3.6.3 Wavelet Transform
3.7 Visual-Image-Based Feature Extraction
3.7.1 Methods on Based 2D Functional Projection
3.7.2 Methods on Based 2D Planar View Mapping
3.8 Topology-Based Feature Extraction
3.8.1 Introduction.
3.8.2 Multi-resolution Reeb Graph
3.8.3 Skeleton Graph
3.9 Appearance-Based Feature Extraction
3.9.1 Introduction
3.9.2 Color Feature Extraction
3.9.3 Texture Feature Extraction
3.10 Summary
4 Content-Based 3D Model Retrieval
4.1 Introduction
4.1.1 Background
4.1.2 Performance Evaluation Criteria
4.2 Content-Based 3D Model Retrieval Framework
4.2.1 Overview of Content-Based 3D Model Retrieval
4.2.2 Challenges in Content-Based 3D Model Retrieval
4.2.3 Framework of Content-Based 3D Model Retrieval
4.2.4 Important Issues in Content-Based 3D Model Retrieval
4.3 Preprocessing of 3D Models
4.3.1 Overview
4.3.2 Pose Normalization
4.3.3 Polygon Triangulation
4.3.4 Mesh Segmentation
4.3.5 Vertex Clustering
4.4 Feature Extraction
4.4.1 Primitive-Based Feature Extraction
4.4.2 Statistics-Based Feature Extraction
4.4.3 Geometry-Based Feature Extraction
4.4.4 View-Based Feature Extraction
4.5 Similarity Matching
4.5.1 Distance Metrics
4.5.2 Graph-Matching Algorithms
4.5.3 Machine-Learning Methods
4.5.4 Semantic Measurements
4.6 Query Style and User Interface
4.6.1 Query by Example
4.6.2 Query by 2D Projections
4.6.3 Query by 2D Sketches
4.6.4 Query by 3D Sketches
4.6.5 Query by Text
4.6.6 Multimodal Queries and Relevance Feedback.
4.7 Summary
5 3D Model Watermarking
6 Reversible Date hiding in 3D Model