近五年在研科研項目3 項;獨立或第一作者在核心及以上期刊發表論文10篇;

1.Electron-beam evaporated cobalt films on molecular beam epitaxy prepared GaAs(001),Z. Ding, P. M. Thibado, C. Awo-Affouda, and V. P. LaBella; Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B 22(4), 2068 (2004). (SCI 收錄) ; 影響因子:2.212
2.Time-evolution of the GaAs(001) pre-roughening process,Z. Ding, D. W. Bullock, P. M. Thibado, V. P. LaBella, and Kieran Mullen; Surface Science 540(2-3), 491 (2003). (SCI 收錄) ; 影響因子:2.140
3.Atomic-Scale Observation of Temperature and Pressure Driven Preroughening and Roughening,Z. Ding, D. W. Bullock, P. M. Thibado, V. P. LaBella, and Kieran Mullen; Physical Review Letters 90(21), 216109 (2003). (SCI收錄) ; 影響因子: 7.035
4.Dynamics of Spontaneous Roughening on the GaAs (001)-(2 x 4) Surface,Z. Ding, D. W. Bullock, W. F. Oliver and P. M. Thibado; Journal of Crystal Growth 251(1-4), 35 (2003). (SCI收錄) ; 影響因子: 1.414
5.Role of Aperiodic Surface Defects on the Intensity of Electron Diffraction Spots,D. W. Bullock,Z. Ding, and P. M. Thibado, V. P. LaBella; Applied Physics Letters 82(16), 2586 (2003). (SCI收錄) ; 影響因子:4.207
6.Spatially-Resolved Spin-Injection Probability for Gallium Arsenide,V. P. LaBella, D. W. Bullock, Z. Ding, C. Emery, A. Venkatesan, M. Mortazavi, W. F. Oliver, G. J. Salamo, and P. M. Thibado; Science 292, 1518 (2001). (SCI收錄) ; 影響因子:29.162
7.Arsenic-rich GaAs(001) Surface Structure,V. P. LaBella, M. R. Krause, Z. Ding, P. M. Thibado, Surface Science Reports, 60 1-53 (2005). (SCI收錄) ; 影響因子: 21.35