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丁侃,1996 年 7 月在中國藥科大學獲生藥學專業碩士學位, 1999 年 8 月在中國科學院上海藥物研究所獲有機化學博士學位。 1999 年 9 月至 2005 年 11 月年分別在瑞典隆德大學 (Lund University) ,美國加州大學、歐文分校 (University of California, Irvine) ,美國哈佛大學醫學院、麻省總院 (Harvard Medical School/MGH, Harvard University) 進行博士後訓練, 2005 年 12月,被中國科學院以“百人計畫”形式引進回國,始任中國科學院上海藥物研究所研究員,博士生導師。






1999.09.01-2001.11.01,瑞典隆德大學(Lund University),細胞與分子生物學系,博士後,細胞與分子生物學領域(糖生物學研究方向)。師從糖生物學家Lars-Åke Fransson教授從事細胞膜蛋白聚糖結構與功能研究。
2001.12.01-2003.12.01,美國加州大學歐文分校,發育與細胞生物學系,博士後(Research Fellow, associate),細胞與分子生物研究領域(糖生物學研究方向)。師從糖生物學家Arthur D. Lander教授從事蛋白聚糖的功能機制研究。
2004.01.01-2005.11.01,美國哈佛大學醫學院,麻省總院神經科學研究中心,博士後(Research Fellow),細胞與分子生物學研究領域(糖生物學與腦中風研究方向)。師從腦神經學家Michael A. Moskowitz教授和Christian Waeber博士研究第二信使分子和蛋白聚糖在腦中風中的功能機制。


現任美國功能性糖組學國際科學研究計畫參與研究員,國家食品藥品監督管理局藥品審評中心評審專家,中國生物化學與分子生物學會糖複合物專業委員會常委委員,國際期刊“Open Glycoscience”編委。








發現25個NF-kappaB抑制劑,70個 NF-kappaB激活劑,22個抗癌生物活性化合物。其中5個可以成為候選藥。

申請4項專利(一項國際專利),獲準一項專利,研究成果主要發表在Journal of Cell Biology,Journal of Biological Chemistry,Cancer Letters, Carbohydrate Research, Carbohydrate Polymers,Journal of Natural Products等期刊上,共33篇。


1.Li J, Fang J, Qin Y, Liao W, Liu H, Zhou Y*, Ding K*. Glce regulates PC12 cell neuritogenesis induced by nerve growth factor through activating Smad/Id3 signaling. Biochem J. 2014, 459(2): 405-416 (*Corresponding author).

2.Xiao F, Qiu H, Cui H, Ni X, Li J, Liao W, Lu N, Ding K*. MicroRNA-885-3p inhibits the growth of HT-29 colon cancer cell xenografts by disrupting angiogenesis via targeting BMPR1A and blocking BMP/Smad/Id1 signaling. Oncogene, 2014, Jun 2;0. doi: 10.1038/onc.2014.134.

3.Liu H, Zhou L, Shi S, Wang Y, Ni X, Xiao F, Wang S, Li P* Ding K*. Oligosaccharide G19 inhibits U-87 MG human glioma cells growth in vitro and in vivo by targeting epidermal growth factor (EGF) and activating p53/p21 signaling. Glycobiology, 2014 May 5. pii: cwu038. [Epub ahead of print].

4.Cong Q, Shang M, Dong Q*, Liao W, Xiao F, Ding K*. Structure and activities of a novel heteroxylan from Cassia obtusifolia seeds and its sulfated derivative. Carbohydr Res. 2014; 393C:43-50.

5.Cong Q, Xiao F, Liao W, Dong Q*, Ding K*. Structure and biological activities of an alginate from Sargassum fusiforme, and its sulfated derivative. Int J Biol Macromol. 2014, May 28. pii: S0141-8130(14)00352-3. doi: 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2014.05.056.

6.Wang P, Liao W, Fang J, Liu Q, Yao J, Hu M, Ding K*. A glucan isolated from flowers of Lonicera japonica Thunb. inhibits aggregation and neurotoxicity of Aβ42. Carbohydr. Polym. 2014, 110C:142-147.

7.Wang Y, Shen X, Liao W, Fang J, Chen X, Dong Q, Ding K*. A heteropolysaccharide, l-fuco-d-manno-1,6-d-galactan extracted from Grifola frondosa and antiangiogenic activity of its sulfated derivative. Carbohydr Polym. 2014, 101: 631-41.

8.Shi L*, Dong Q, Ding K*. Structure elucidation and immunomodulatory activity in vitro of a xylan from roots of Cudrania tricuspidata. 2014,Food Chem. 152:291-296.

9.Peipei Wang, Kan Ding*. Proteoglycans and Glycosaminoglycans in Misfolded Proteins Formation in Alzheimer’s Disease. Protein Pept. Lett. 2014, (Reference #: K_DING_PPL_ Manuscript_20130610, in press)

10.Wang Y, Fang J, Ni X, Li J, Liu Q, Dong Q, Duan J*, Ding K*. Inducement of Cytokine Release by GFPBW2, a Novel Polysaccharide from Fruit Bodies of Grifola frondosa, through Dectin-1 in Macrophages. J Agric Food Chem. 2013, 61(47):11400-9..

11.Xiao F, Qiu H, Zhou L, Shen X, Yang L, Ding K*. WSS25 inhibits Dicer, downregulating microRNA-210 which targets Ephrin-A3, to suppress human microvascular endothelial cell (HMEC-1) tube formation. Glycobiology. 2013, 23(5):524-35.

12.Zhang, X Liao, W Cong, Q Dong, Q* Ding, K*. Isolation and structural characterization of the polysaccharides of cortex mori radices. Acta Chimica Sinica, 2013, DOI:10.6023/A13010109

13.Feng C, Li J, Ruan J, Ding K*. MicroRNA-125a inhibits cell growth by targeting glypican-4. Glycoconj J. 2012, 29(7):503-11.

14.Shang M, Zhang X, Dong Q,* Yao J, Liu Q, Ding K* Isolation and structural characterization of the water-extractable polysaccharides from Cassia obtusifolia seeds. Carbohydr. Polym, 2012, 90(2):827-32.

15.Liu Y, Fang J, Cai H, Xiao F, Ding K*, Hu Y*. Identification and synthesis of substituted pyrrolo[2,3-d]pyrimidines as novel firefly luciferase inhibitors. Bioorg Med Chem. 2012, 20(18):5473-82.

16.Chen X, Xiao F, Wang Y, Fang J, Ding K* Structure-activity relationship study of WSS25 derivatives with anti-angiogenesis effects. Glycoconj J. 2012, 29(5-6):389-98.

17.Fang J, Wang Y, Lv X, Shen X, Ni X, Ding K*. Structure of a β-glucan from Grifola frondosa and its antitumor effect by activating Dectin-1/Syk/NF-κB signaling. Glycoconj J. 2012, 29(5-6): 365-77.

18.Fang JP, Liu Y, Li J, Liao WF, Hu YH*, Ding K*.A novel small molecule, HK-156, inhibits lipopolysaccharide-induced activation of NF-κB signaling and improves survival in mouse models of sepsis. Acta Pharmacol Sin. 2012, 33(9):1204-16.

19.Lv XF, Chen SH, Li J, Fang JP, Guo YW*, Ding K*. Lobolide, a diterpene, blockades the NF-κB pathway and p38 and ERK MAPK activity in macrophages in vitro. Acta Pharmacol Sin. 2012, 33(10):1293-300.

20.Dong Q, Wang Y, Shi L, Yao J, Li J, Ma F, Ding K *. A novel water-soluble β-D-glucan isolated from the spores of Ganoderma lucidum. Carbohydr Res. 2012, 353:100-5.

21.Cui H, Shao C, Liu Q, Yu W, Fang J, Yu W, Ali A, Ding K*. Heparanase enhances nerve growth factor induced PC12 cell neuritogenesis via the p38 MAPK pathway. Biochem J. 2011, 440(2)273-282.

22.Shen X, Fang J, Lv X, Pei Z, Wang Y, Jiang S, Ding K*. Heparin impairs angiogenesis through inhibition of MicroRNA-10b. J Biol Chem. 2011, 286(30):26616-272.

23.Chen X, Cao D, Zhou L, Jin H, Dong Q, Yao J, Ding K*. Structure of a polysaccharide from Gastrodia elata Bl., and oligosaccharides prepared thereof with anti-pancreatic cancer cell growth activities. Carbohydr Polym. 2011, 86:1300-1305.

24.Xu Y, Dong Q, Qiu H, Ma, C-W, Ding K*. A homogalacturonan from radix of Platycodon grandiflorum and the anti-angiogenesis activity of poly-/oligogalacturonic acids derived thereof. Carbohydr Res. 2011, 346(13):1930-6.

25.Qiu H, Yang B, Pei ZC, Zhang Z, Ding K*.WSS25 inhibits growth of xenografted hepatocellular cancer cells in nude mice by disrupting angiogenesis via blocking BMP/SMAD/ID1 signaling. J Biol Chem. 2010, 285(42):32638-46.

26.Xu Y, Dong Q*, Qiu H, Cong R, Ding K*. Structural characterization of an arabinogalactan from Platycodon grandiflorum roots and anti-angiogenic activity of its sulfated derivative. 2010, Biomacromolecules, 2010, 11(10):2558-66.

27.Dong Q, Liu X, Yao J, Dong X, Ma C, Xu Y, Fang J, Ding K*. Structural characterization of a pectic polysaccharide from Nerium indicum flowers. Phytochemistry, 2010, 71:1430–1437.

28.Duan J, Chen VL, Dong Q, Ding K*, Fang J. Chemical structure and immunoinhibitory activity of a pectic polysaccharide containing glucuronic acid from the leaves of Diospyros kaki. Int J Biol Macromol. 2010, 46(5):465-70.

29.Duan J, Dong Q, Ding K*, Fang J. Characterization of A pectic polysaccharide from the leaves of diospyros kaki and its modulating activity on lymphocyte proliferation. Biopolymers. 2010, 93(7),649-656

30.Tong X, Qiu H, Zhang X, Shi L, Wang G, Ji F, Ding H, Tang W*, Ding K* Zuo J*. WSS45, a sulfated α-D-glucan compound, strongly interfere with Dengue 2 virus infection in vitro, Acta Pharmacologica Sinica, 2010, 31(5):585-92

31.Wang S, Zhang Z, Lin X, Xu DS, Feng Y*, Ding K*. A Polysaccharides, MDG-1, induces S1P1 and bFGF expression and augments survival and angiogenesis in the ischemic heart. Glycobiology. 2010, 20 (4): 473-484.

32.Zhang Z, Wang S, Qiu H, Duan C, Ding K*, Wang Z*. Waltonitone induces human hepatocellular carcinoma cells apoptosis in vitro and in vivo. Cancer Lett, 2009, 286: 223–231.

33.Hu K, Liu Q, Wang S, Ding K*. New oligosaccharides prepared by acid hydrolysis of the polysaccharides from Nerium indicum Mill and their anti- angiogenesis activities. Carbohydr. Res., 2009, 344:198–203.



