
allin Protein Protein

細胞信號 內容簡介

本書原名《Cell Signalling》。

細胞信號 本書目錄

1. Aspects of Cellular Signalling.
2. Extracellular Signals: Hormones, Cytokines and Growth Factors.
3. Detection of Extracellular Signals: Receptors.
4. Protein Phosphorylation, Kineses and Phosphatases.
5. cAMP, Adenylyl Cyclase and the Role of G Proteins.
6. Inositol Phosphate Metabolism and the Roles of Other Membrance.
7. Intracellular calcium: Its Control and Role as an Intracellular Signal.
8. Nitric Oxide, Hydrogen Peroxide and Carbon Monoxide.
9. Insulin and the Signal Transduction Cascades it Invokes.
10. Perception of our Environment: Photoreception and the Detection of Chemicals.


