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影片敘事流暢,節奏快捷,風格典雅,女主角的表演極具水準。剛出道的基努·里維斯和烏瑪·瑟曼扮演小情侶,生嫩青澀的樣子非常惹人憐愛。約翰·馬爾科維奇的相貌完全不合適片中的角色,應該選一個魅力和美貌兼備的男演員。該題材曾於1959年拍成法語版,故事移到現代。1989年由米羅什·福曼( 《莫扎特》導演)幾乎同時拍成另一版,片名叫做《最毒婦人心》 Valmont),但遠不如88版精彩。1999年的《殘酷動機》是該故事的中學生版。
·扮演德沃倫夫人的斯烏茲·柯茨,在1999年的《危險性關係》Cruel Intentions中扮演格里巴木醫生(現代版本的危險關係)。在這兩部電影中,瓦爾蒙特引誘她的女兒。

Marquise de Merteuil: Well I had no choice, did I? I'm a woman. Women are obliged to be far more skillful than men. You can ruin our reputation and our life with a few well-chosen words. So of course I had to invent not only myself but ways of escape no one has every thought of before. And I've succeeded because I've always known I was born to dominate your sex and avenge my own.
Vicomte de Valmont: I often wonder how you manage to invent yourself.
Marquise de Merteuil: Tell us we should think of the opera.
Chevalier Danceny: Oh, it's sublime, don't you find?
Marquise de Merteuil: Monsieur Darceny is one of those rare eccentrics who come here to listen to the music.
Vicomte de Valmont: Be careful of the Marquis
Chevalier Danceny: You must permit me to treat with skepticism anything you have to say about her.
Vicomte de Valmont: Nevertheless, I must tell you in this affair, we are both her creatures, as I believe her letters to me will prove. When you have read them, you may decide to circulate them.
Marquise de Merteuil: When it comes to the marriage, one man is as good as the next. And even the least accomodating is less trouble than a mother.

作者:拉克洛(Choderlos de Laclos)