writing 3 from maggie

then other ten

When I got to(to 改為the) information that 50% of the difference among people's happiness rating inherited in paragraph, I remembered one thing which suprised me in a science book. There are twins who raised apart married different women with the same name. And then, they had their own babies both the same name, and what's more, they once had a pet dog whose names are the same.(疑惑:寵物狗有幾隻,如果有兩隻就不能用a,還有誰with the same name?)
"Hell is other people"-- Once there is a close relationship between you and another person, it's easy for you to find out the defect from your friend. Young people always bother about what they get before they understand what the importance is and how to deal with the problem between friends.
Marriage is an amazing thing for girls,especially for me. It is by no way for me to get married without love. And I haven't prepared to marry yet. At last, I don't understand the last sentence "Better clues come from knowing what traits a person has and wether(改為whether) the person enjoys a supportive network of close relatinship".



