there be 句型

there be 句型

There be 句型是英語中常用句型, 意思是“有”,表示“人或事物的存在”或“某地有某物”。There在此結構中是引導詞,已經沒有副詞“那裡”的含義。 There be 句型的構成形式一般為“There is/are + 某物/人 +某地/時”,表示某地/時有某物/人。


There be 後面的名詞是句子的主語,屬倒裝結構。疑問句形式是將be或will/have/can/must等助動詞、情態動詞提至there之前,否定形式則直接在be或助動詞、情態動詞後加not,因此要表達“某個地方或某個時間存在什麼事物或人”的時候常用“There be + 名詞+ 地點(時間)這一句型。

There are some sharks.


Excuse me. Is there a repair shop near here for MP3?


There are lots of people who can actually help you.



1、There be 句型中的be 應和其後出現的主語在數上一致,即“就近原則”,如:

There is a lamp on the table.

There are some apples in the bowl.

There are five books,two pens and a ruler in the school bag.

There is a ruler,two pens and five books in the school bag.

2、如果 主語 複數名詞 ,卻表示一筆金額或一個總數或表達一個單個概念時,則仍用單數be形式,如:

There is five hundred dollars to pay.

There is still another 20 miles to drive.

There is duck and green vegetables for supper.

3、There be 中的be 有時可以是lie,stand,used to be,seem to be,appear to be 等,如:

There lies a river to the south.

There lived an old man in the small house.

There stood a temple near the river.

There used to be a castle at the foot of the hill.

4、There is(was)+no +動詞ing結構相當於It is(was) impossible to + 動詞原形 ,如:

There is no going home. =It is impossible to go home.

There is no living with him.=It is impossible to live with him. 。

There is no knowing what may happen. =It is impossible to know what may happen



1.當動詞be後所接的名詞是單數可數名詞或不可數名詞時,be 應該取單數is;當其後所接的名詞是複數的可數名詞時,be用複數are。

There's a man at the door.門口有個人。

There is some apple juice in the bottle.瓶子裡有些蘋果汁。

There are some strangers in the street.大街上有一些陌生人。

2.如果There be 後面是幾個並列名詞做主語時,動詞be的形式和最靠近它的那個名詞保持數的一致。

There is an ashtray and two bottles on the shelf. 架子上有一隻菸灰缸和兩個瓶子。

There are two bottles and an ashtray on the shelf. 架子上有兩個瓶子和一個菸灰缸。


1.There be 句型中動詞be可以有一般現在時、一般過去時、將來時和完成時。

There is no harm in trying.不妨一試。

There were fabulous wildflowers in the hills last spring.去年春天,山中有極美的野花。

There will be a fine day tomorrow.明天將是一個晴天。

2.There be 句型可以和各種助動詞、情態動詞連用。

There may be a cigarette in that box.那隻盒子裡或許有支香菸。

There must be some cakes on the table.桌子上一定有些蛋糕。

There used to be a hospital there before the war.戰前,那裡曾經有家醫院。

3.There be 句型也可以和這樣一些的謂語動詞連用:be going to 、seem to 、appear to 、used to、be likely to 、happen to ….

There seem to be a few trees between me and the green.在我與草坪之間好像有一些樹。

There is going to be a meeting tonight.今天晚上有個會議。

There is likely to be a storm.可能有一場暴雨。

There happened to be a bus nearby.碰巧附近有輛公車。

There appears to have been a nasty accident.似乎發生了一起嚴重事故。

4.there be 結構中除可以用be 外,還可以用其它動詞。例如:

There came a scent of lime-blossom.飄來一陣菩提樹的花香。

Once upon a time there lived a king in China.從前中國有一個國王。


1.There be 句型的否定句有兩種構成方式,一種是將否定副詞not放在be 之後,如:

There isn’t a box in the room.房間裡沒有盒子。

There aren’t any pens on the desk.課桌上沒有鋼筆。

There hasn’t been any rain for a week.一周沒下雨了。

There won’t be a meeting today.今天沒有會議。

另一種是在主語前加上不定代詞no , 如:

There is no water in the bottle.瓶子裡沒有水。

There are no pictures on the wall.牆上沒有圖畫。

There will be no one at home tomorrow morning.明天上午不會有人在家。

There might be no money left。或許沒有剩下什麼錢。


2.There be 句型的一般疑問句是將be 放在there 之前,回答時用yes或no,後接簡單答語。如:

Is there a cake on the table?桌子上有塊蛋糕嗎?

Yes,there is. / No,there isn’t.是,有。/ 不,沒有。

Will there be a party tonight?今晚有聚會嗎?

Yes,there will./ No, there won’t是的,有。/ 不,沒有。

Yes,there have./ No, there haven’t.是,有的。/ 不,沒有。

3.There be 句型的特殊疑問句主要有how many和how much做引導詞兩種情況:

How many students are there in your school?你們學校有多少學生?

How much money is there in your pocket?你口袋裡有多少錢?

4.There be 句型的反意疑問句

There is a cup on the table, isn’t there?桌子上有隻杯子,是嗎?

There is some orange in the glass, isn’t there?杯子裡有桔汁,是嗎?

There are a lot of letters in the mailbox, aren’t there?郵筒里有很多信件,是嗎?

There will be a new hospital nearby, won’t there?附近要建一家新醫院,是嗎?


1.區別點:there be 意為存在,強調某地有某物,不表示所屬關係;have 表示所有關係, 強調某人或某地有某物,這是其基本用法。如:

There are some trees in front of the house.房前有些樹。

Tom has many friends in China.湯姆在中國有許多朋友。

2.相同點:在表示結構上的含有時,既可以用there be 句型,也可以用have(has) 來表示。如:

There are many long rivers in China./China has many long rivers.中國有許多長河。

How many days are there in March?/How many days does March have?三月份有多少天?


There be 結構的非謂語動詞形式是there to be 和there being 兩種形式。在句中作主語、賓語和狀語。

1. there being 結構起名詞的作用,直接位於句首作主語,通常用it 作形式主語,並且用for引導。

There being a bus stop near my house is a great advantage.我家旁邊有個公共汽車站,很是方便。

It is impossible for there to be any more.不可能再有了。

2. there be 結構作賓語時,通常用there to be ,常作這樣一些詞的賓語:expect,like, mean, intend, want,prefer,hate等。

I expect there to be no argument about this.我期望關於這件事不要再爭吵了。

I should prefer there to be no discussion of my private affairs.我寧願不要討論我的私事。

People don’t want there to be another war.人們不希望再有戰爭了。

另外,作介詞賓語時,如果是介詞for,只能用“there to be”其它介詞用“there being”

The teacher was waiting for there to be complete silence.老師在等著大家都安靜下來。

I never dreamed of there being any good chance for me.我做夢也沒想到我會有好機會。

3. 作狀語的there be 形式,通常用“there being”結構。

There being nothing else to do ,we went home.因為沒有其他事可做,我們就回家了。

They closed the door ,there being no customers.因為沒有顧客,他們的店關門了。

一、構成:There be ...句型表示的是 “某處有(存在)某人或某物”,其結構為There be(is,are,was, were )+名詞+地點狀語。例如:

There are fifty-two students in our class.

There is a pencil in my pencil-case.

There was an old house by the river five years ago.


否定句:There be句型否定句式的構成和含有be動詞的其它句型一樣,在be後加上“not”。也可用“no”來表示。即:no + n.(名詞)= not a\an\any + n.(名詞)。注意:no + n.(可數名詞單數)= not a\an + n.(可數名詞單數);no + n.(可數名詞複數)= not any + n.(可數名詞複數);no + n.(不可數名詞)= not any + n.(不可數名詞)。例如:

There is an orange in her bag.

→There isn’t an orange in her bag.

→There is no orange in her bag.

There are some oranges in her bag.

→There aren’t any oranges in her bag.

→There are no oranges in her bag.

There is some juice in the bottle.

→There isn’t any juice in the bottle.

→There is no juice in the bottle.

一般疑問句:There be結構的一般疑問句變化只需把be動詞移到句首,再在句尾加上問號即可。例如:

There is some money in her handbag.

→ Is there any money in her handbag? (疑問句和否定句中,some改為any, something改為anything.)

There is something new in today’s newspaper.

→There isn’t anything new in today’s newspaper.

→Is there anything new in today’s newspaper?


There be句型的特殊疑問句有以下三種形式:

① 對主語提問:當主語是人時,用 “Who’s + 介詞短語?”;當主語是物時,用 “What’s + 介詞短語?”。其中there在口語中常常省略。注意:無論原句的主語是單數還是複數,對其提問時一般都用be的單數形式(回答時卻要根據實際情況來決定)。如:

There is a bird in the tree. →What’s in the tree?

There are some bikes over there. →What’s over there?

There is a little girl in the room. →Who is in the room?

② 對地點狀語提問:用 “Where is \ are + 主語?”表示(注意其答語變化):例如:

There is a computer in my office.

→ Where is the computer? ----It’s in my office.

There are four children in the classroom.

→Where are the four children?—They’ re in the classroom.

③ 對數量提問:一般有兩種提問方式:

如果主語是可數名詞,無論是單數還是複數,都用“How many +可數名詞複數+ are there + 介詞短語?”表示:

There are twelve months in a year.

→How many months are there in a year?

There is only one book in my bag.

→ How many books are there in your bag?

There is a cat in the box.

→ How many cats are there in the box?

如果主語是不可數名詞,則用“ How much + 不可數名詞 + is there + 介詞短語?”表示:

There is some money in my purse. How much money is there in

your purse?

反意疑問句:There be或There加其它動詞,其反意疑問句一律用…there?例如:

There is a beautiful girl in the garden, isn’t there?

There used to be no school here, used there \did there?


1. There be句型中be動詞的形式要和其後的主語在人稱和數上保持一致。


There is a basketball in the box.

There is a little milk in the glass.

如果句子的主語是複數名詞,be動詞就用“are” “were”。例如:

There are many birds in the tree. There were many people in the street yesterday.

如果有兩個或兩個以上的名詞作主語,be動詞要和最靠近它的那個主語在數上保持一致,也就是我們常說的 “就近原則”。例如:

There is an orange and some bananas in the basket.

There are some bananas and an orange in the basket.

2. There與be中間可插入一些表推測的情態動詞、表時態的短語和一些動詞短語 (如和將來時be going to\ will、現在完成時 have\has + pp、used to結構等連用,注意其構成形式,這一內容在我們日常練習中經常出現錯誤,是一難點,也是歷年中考試題中的一個考點.)。例如:

There must be a pen in the box.

There happened to be some money in my pocket.

There is going to be a meeting tonight.

There has been a big tree on the top of the hill.

There used to be a church across from the bank.

3. There be句型和have\has的區別:

There be句型表示 “存在有”, have\has表示 “擁有” “所有”,兩者不能同時使用.例如:

桌子上有三本書. There are three books on the desk.

我有三本書. I have three books.

4. There be + 主語 + doing +介詞短語. 例如:

There is a truck collecting rubish outside.

There is a wallet lying on the ground.


There are two dogs in the garden.

There weren't any people in the park yesterday.

There won't be another football match next Sunday.

There have been some changes since you left last week. There is a book on the desk.

There can't be anything new.

Must there be an indefinite article here?

Is there going to be a post office in the village?

There is a great Italian deli across the street.

There are some students in the dormitory.



