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起止年月 校長 副校長 書記 副書記
1963年9月—1965年11月 劉葆宏、陳緯 陳緯
1964年11月—1965年3月 劉葆宏、陳緯、宋玉奇 陳緯
1965年3月—1970年8月 劉葆宏、陳緯、宋玉奇 石嵐
1970年8月—1974年5月 劉葆宏、陳緯
1974年5月—1977年10月 劉葆宏、陳緯 任淑文
1977年10月—1978年4月 劉葆宏、陳緯 任淑文 王培鎮
1978年4月—1980年1月 劉葆宏 陳緯 顧嘉駿
1980年1月—1985年3月 劉葆宏 陳緯 徐武偃
1985年3月—1986年5月 吳威玲 陳緯、顧雲千 陳緯
1986年5月—1988年5月 吳威玲 陳緯、顧雲千、錢培歡 陳緯
1988年4月—1990年7月 羅佩明 陳緯、吳玉福、陸鍾珏 陳緯
1990年7月—1991年3月 羅佩明 吳玉福、陸鍾珏 羅佩明
1991年3月—1992年2月 羅佩明 蔣振東、吳玉福、朱建華 羅佩明 蔣振東
1992年2月—1992年8月 羅佩明 蔣振東、吳玉福、朱建華 余偉康 蔣振東
1992年8月—1994年9月 羅佩明 蔣振東、吳玉福、朱建華 蔣振東
1994年10月—1997年10月 吳友富 姜連根、蔣振東、鄔菊嫣 蔣振東
1997年11月—2000年12月 吳友富 姜連根、榮新民、邢三多 蔣振東
2000年12月—2004年9月 吳友富 榮新民、姜連根、邢三多、崔德明 邢三多 李敏強
2004年9月—至今 崔德明 邢三多、趙均寧、姜蓮根 邢三多 李敏強
1963年7月— 1964年8月
1964年8月— 1978年4月
富亞卿、 薛 君球
1978年4月— 1979 年 1 月
薛 君球、穆昭娟
1979 年 1 月— 1980 年 8 月
薛 君球
1979 年 3 月— 1983 年 3 月
薛 君球、吳玉福
1983 年 3 月— 1985 年 3 月
1985 年 4 月— 1986 年 4 月
1986 年 4 月— 1987 年 2 月
1987 年 2 月— 1988 年 6 月
1988 年 6 月— 1988 年 9 月
1988 年 9 月— 1990 年 5 月
1990 年 5 月— 1991 年 3 月
1991 年 3 月— 1992 年 12 月
1992 年 12 月— 1994 年 10 月
1994 年 10 月— 1995 年 9 月
1995 年 9 月— 1997 年 10 月
1997 年 12 月— 2000 年 12 月
2001 年 2 月— 2004 年 9 月
2004 年 9 月—至今


SFLS in Brief
Shanghai Foreign Languages School affiliated to Shanghai International Studies University (SFLS for short) was founded as one of China's seven earliest foreign language schools in the metropolis. It is a full-time boarding school specializing in foreign language education. Receiving allocated funds from China's Ministry of Education, it is a key middle school in Shanghai supervised jointly by Shanghai Municipal Education Commission and Shanghai International Studies University (SISU). It covers an area of 33 mu with the floor space of 22508 square meters. Professor Wu Youfu, the vice president of SISU, is the headmaster of the school concurrently. SFLS has a total of 2,046 students studying in 43 classes at 7 different grade levels and in the International Branch. Besides a complete curriculum of regular academic subjects required of all other schools of secondary education, the school offers five foreign language programs, namely, English, German, French, Japanese and Russian. 75% of the students choose to study English. The school is staffed with an excellent faculty of 178 members, among whom 112 are teachers with 19 high acdeminc title-holders and 51 middle acdemic title-holders. And 4 foreign educaiton experts are regularly working in the school.
SFLS adopts advanced overseas text-books as the teaching material. Teaching activities are conducted in a small class with an emphasis on cultivating the students' oral and written abilities to communicate in the foreign language. Some of the teaching activities are conducted by foreign experts and the school is equipped with advanced electrical audio-visual equipemnt. As far as the teaching methods are concerned, the school has shifted from the traditional teaching methods centering on translation and grammar to a set of "elicitation method of teaching in situations" with the emphasis on the students' audio-lingual skills by training their pronunciation, intonation. This shift is done on the basis of the study of the actual conditions and of unswervingly exploring, researching and absorbing the advantages of different educational theories abroad. By the elicitaion method, the classroom atmosphere is lively and effective. Besides, many of our approaches have gained wide acclaim from other schools and been adopted by many key and general secondary schools. These approaches range wide - from "read more, speak more and write more" in the Chinese course to "card system", "discussion technique" as well as the recent "role participation" in the Politics course. In Science courses, the emphasis is laid on the "two basics", cultivating the students' abilities of calculation, logical thinking and reading references. Also, the school extends the audio-visual teaching, increasing the experiments to enhance the students' practical skills, and such classes are conducted in English step by step.
The teaching is focused on cultivating the students' abilities in practice and application. For instance, in foreign languages teaching, besides the emphasis on cultivating students' ability in all kinds of practical activities, the way of "going out and inviting in" is practiced. The so-called "going out" means that a number of students are provided with the opportunities to study abroad as the exchanging students, such as Sukura Nobirin College in Japan and Christina College in Hamburg, Germany. The so-called "inviting in" means that the school frequently invites foreign visitors so as to provide the students with the opportunity to practice what they have learned in school. Every year, more than 100 students in the school have got the chance to receive foreign visitors including the menbers of government delegations, foreign students as well as foreign reporters. The school has gained wide acclaims for the wonderful performances of the students in such foreign affairs.
In order to extend the students' scope of the knowledge, the school provides additional courses in the form of the Second Classroom, such as the second foreign language courses and selective courses in foreign language study (e.g. Newspaper Reading in Original, Foreign Literature, Foreign Histroy, and Survey of the Countries in the World, etc) with the intention of preparing students in knowledge and skills for international exchanges. Besides, the school offers a variety of selective courses and interest groups, such as International Finance, Public Relations, English of Science and Technology, Cultures & Customs Worldwide, Selected Reading on Patriotic Ancient Poems, Poems of the Tang Dynasty, Lecture Series on the Dream of Red Mansions, Etiquette Training, etc. From these courses and lectures, the students have received proper cultivation and traning in all kinds of fields.
In Activities courses, there are seminars on Deng Xiaoping's Socialist Theory, Spare-time Politics school, and many saloons such as "Green-Grass" Literature, Cartoon, Computer, Film Review, Chinese Calligraphy, Sketch, Wind Band, Chorus, Piano, Food Sculpture, handcraft, and so on.
With the help of the League Branch in each class, the school organizes the students to read books in groups. The Senior class has a mobile bookshelf whereas a mini library is found in the Junior class. Now half of the classes have put this program into full play.
SFLS is the head of the National Association of Foreign Language Teaching and Research of foreign langugages schools in China. And research results of the association are exchanged at the annual meeting.
With the guiding principle of running the school in various forms, SFLS has set up an "International Department" to cultivate foreign-oriented talents at the intermediate level for foreign countries. To meet the demands for a large number of reserves of foreign language talents in the reform and opening-up, especially in Shanghai, SFLS provides spare-time foreign languages education for children. The number of the students is five times as great as the one of the school.
Taking the advantage in foreign language teaching, SFLS plays an active role in demonstrating "an example", "radiation" and "participation" in foreign language teaching for the whole society, contributing its share to the present reform and opening-up as well as to China's going to the world arena.
In 1999, SFLS was awarded Advanced Secondary School in moral education in Shanghai.
The SFLS students have won a variety of prizes at vaious levels: the first prize in the National Japanese Speech Contest, two special awards in the National English Oral Contest (Junior and Senior respectively), the 3rd, 5th and 7th prizes in the National "World of Water" Contest in German (mainly for Chinese college students). And the students of the "Five Elements Group" in SFLS, as the only representative team from Shanghai, after the competition on the Internet, were sent to the USA for the Summit of International High School. SFLS students have won many other rewards, such as the first awards, Junior and Senior respectively, in Sino-USA Students' Speech Contest in using the other party's mother tongue; the first and third awards in the global Math Model Contest for college students as well as the first award for 4 years in a succession in Shanghai's Popular Science English Contest.
For the time being, there are 38 kinds of optional and activity courses in the school. Three newly-founded societies are Cartoon Society, Computer Society and Foreign Drama Society. These classes cover wide subjects with the distinctive features of developmental type. Since its establishment, SFLS has required the Junior 3 students to learn a second foreign language as a selective course, and has been providing selective courses in 5 foreign languages: English, French, German, Japanese and Korean. Many students can use their second foreign language to communicate in Eastern China Trade Fair, the International Sports Meets for the High School Students as well as all kinds of activities in foreign affaris. Some students could even pass the entrance examinations using their second foreign language as a tool with a result of high scores. The froeign languages offered by SFLS is the most various among foreign languages schools in China.
To meet the development of modern science and technology, SFLS provides courses like English of Science and Technology, English Newspaper Reading, and so on. It has invested 100,000 Yuan to offer science courses to cultivate students to be compound talents with a strong sense of science as well as foreign language proficiency.
The improvement of social and economic interest of SFLS has favorably supported and guaranteed the improvement of quality education in an all-round way, the school's scale, and the enrollment to meet the social demands. For the past three years, SFLS has spent 300,000 Yuan on relief funds, Hope Project, financial aids to the students in the straightened circumstance, and to the underprivileged students, reducing the fees of government-funded students who study aboard. By running the chain school, SFLS outputs the mode of school running and strengthens the radiating power for other schools in this way. The operating "International Branch" tries its best to establish the brand name of SFLS in school running and to hold a place in the international education market.
The reforms of school- running mechanism bring vigor and vitality to SFLS. A variety of activities speed up our development. SFLS's self-development and the initiative of school-running independently improve a lot, thus guaranteeing and satisfying all kinds of requirements by the quality education.



