1. showing intellectual penetration or emotional depths; from the depths of your being
2. of the greatest intensity; complete
3. far-reaching and thoroughgoing in effect especially on the nature of something
4. coming from deep within one
5. (of sleep) deep and complete
同義詞:heavy, sound, wakeless
6. situated at or extending to great depth; too deep to have been sounded or plumbed
同義詞:unfathomed, unplumbed, unsounded
profound adj. 深刻的, 意義深遠的, 淵博的, 造詣深的 英英解釋:形容詞profound:1. showing intellectual penetration or emotional...
[profound] 夫易,聖人之所以極深而研幾也。――《易·繫辭》 又如:深微... [penetrating;profound and lasting] 大賢之深謀遠慮...;profound;recondite;be difficult...
英文 詳細釋義 說文解字 康熙字典記載 詞語 -
[profound] 夫易,聖人之所以極深而研幾也。――《易·繫辭... [penetrating;profound and lasting] 大賢之...]6.〈形〉玄妙,深奧 [profound]7.〈形〉深刻;深遠...
英文 字形結構 基本釋義 詳細釋義 相關詞語 -
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; deep; profound[deep]∶真摯懇切 深切的同情...》[profound]∶深刻切實 對真理的深切追求 他對問題有深切...戰友,心裡充滿著深切的懷念。——《記一輛紡車》2.[profound...
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xuán’ào[abstruse;mysterious;profound...)[(of Taoists) profound theory]∶佛家、道家稱奧妙的道理。(2...xuánlǐ(1)[a profound theory]∶深奧、玄妙...
簡介 示例 -
字形結構 詳細釋義 說文解字 古籍解釋 相關詞語