ordered adj. 安排好的;整齊的;規則的
), ordered(S). /* L為原list, S為排序好的list, 此為permutation關係(built-in) */ordered... */ordered([_|[]]). /* 只有一元素之list視為排序好的list...
簡介 歷史 特點 語法示例 範例 -
Fugou County
Introduction Fugou County is located in the middle of Henan, zho...
Introduction Terrain Climate -
Zeng Jize
been ordered by the thickness...
Business Card Character Biography -
Steve Fossett
Introduction James Stephen Fossett (James Stephen Fossett, on 22...
Introduction -
Battle of the Paracel Islands
Introduction In 1974, Jan. 19, the Chinese navy and the South Vi...
Introduction Background Prewar Situation -
Hongqi H7
Basic Introduction In 2008, the red flag declaring "recovery pla...
Basic Introduction Contour Design '96 -
Daoguang Emperor
Profiles Year: in your Date of Birth: August 1782 in 1958 on the...
Profiles Crutcher Overview Memorabilia -
No Risk, No Gain
ordered his younger brother and brother's... courtesy Chen Songyong ordered his... . Chen Songyong ordered his younger...
Basic Information Synopsis Original Music