"終極"代表一種氣勢, 同時亦有"最好, 最強"的寓意, 這是他們在向所有樂迷表明: 這裡的R&B音樂資源是同類站點中最好的!
“輕鬆獲取最新鮮的歐美資訊, 簡單傳遞最動聽的音樂旋律, 讓快樂的節奏遍布每一個角落, 讓城市之音滲透每一個靈魂... 這就是我們的宗旨, 也是我們的樂趣!”
? 謹記:
MaxRNB = MAXRNB = maxrnb ≠Maxrnb≠ MaxRnB
MaxRNB 是一種標誌, 並不是"筆誤"或我們不理解"RnB"這三個字母的意思, 請大家不要混淆.

2009年08月, 隨著"Maximal R&B Vol.15"的發布, 終極R&B正式推出了自己的網站LOGO. 此標誌由專業設計師 Young John 精心打造, 流線型的主體圖案, 簡潔明快的設計風格, 具有鮮明音樂代表的音頻線頭, 寓意著MaxRNB是眾多樂迷音樂獲取的源頭, Your First R&B Source 則以更加直接的方式從正面闡述了MaxRNB的特點: 你的第一R&B資源站點! 充滿霸氣與自信的網站標語, 也預示著MaxRNB正在為成為國內第一的R&B網站而努力.
Logo 設計理念與背景創意
LOGO背景說明:LOGO Background:

Here's the story: A boy fell in love with a girl, maybe that's love, maybe he just wanted to flirt with her. Whatever, they live together. They fucked every night like thirst animals. Finally, impulsion defeat sensibility, billions of strong sperms drove against the condom like heavily armed soldiers spraying with AK47. Sperm break through all the obstructions, yes! They won!
Girl's belly got bigger, so did the boy's mind. Life's too hard-- rent should be paid, work wasn't so cool, school staffs hadn't been dealt. He wanted to leave with all these troubles behind, but this time, he got hesitated. He found himself already in love with the girl, and wanted to keep the unfortunate girl away from hurt again. So he decided, he would have a baby in the near future, although himself, was still a boy. This was inconceivable, but he was inconsiderate of so many things. He loved her, and would take care of her no matter what would happen. He grew up, with the most important principle of being a man, that is responsibility. Let's sing for the love.sing for the rnb muzik...
The most important characteristic of RNB MUZIK is emotional communication. It strikes a special chord in her listeners through beautiful notes, and produces resonance between singer and listener.
No matter it is affection between lovers, miss between remote couples, sentiment of parting, misfortune of life, or sweat, happiness, pain, desperation, joy, disappointment, RNB can bring us fabulous vibrations from spicks and specks in life, which other music can not show
These joys and sorrows, spicks and specks in life is what RNB MUZIK wanna express. But in case of an abstract concept, plus RNB MUSIK characteristics and MaxRNB, how can we use graphic language to show their features?
Of course, there are many ways to show the characteristics of RNB MUZIK and MaxRNB, such as using the earphones, arrow,a figure with earphones who revels in hearing music, or very cool scripts designed by scribble, and so on. These techniques are persistent to many designers as well as to the majority people. It's so not me to follow others' steps. So, how shall I do to avoid these conventional patterns?

Logo design and explanation:
精蟲 + 音頻線插頭
Sperm + Connector Plug
上億個精蟲像一個個戰士一樣瘋狂的沖向生命起點,其中只有最強壯,速度最快的那個精蟲才能嘗到勝利的味道。這個在眾多精蟲朋友中最強壯,速度最快的精蟲,它的名字就叫“MaxRNB”,為什麼MaxRNB是最強速度最快的呢?因為它在國內眾多同類網站中,更新速度最快,擁有最豐富,最純正的RNB 、HIPHOP MUZIK資源,並且隨時提供免費下載和共享.
Hundreds of billions of sperms rush to the starting point of life like crazy soldiers. Only the strongest and fastest one of them can taste the joy of victory. Its name is MaxRNB. Why it is the strongest and fastest? It turns out that it updates with the highest speed, owns the most colorful and authentic RNB and HIPHOP MUZIK, and provides free downloading and sharing at all times.

Connector Plug:
It is a common thing that we all need to use it. Universality is representativeness.
生命的Source,精蟲擺動的尾巴就像靈動的生命的旋律;RNB HIPHOP MUZIK中很多內容追根溯源也是由精蟲引發的;精蟲+音頻線插頭,圖像上完美的銜接和組合,插出奇妙的火花。
It is the source of life. The swing tail of sperm is so much like the inspirational rhythm of life. Many contents of RNB HIPHOP MUZIK comes from sperm. Sperm plus connector plug, perfect join and combination of images!
The notion of design is brief, concise and modern, with specific and brilliant originality. No messy, just fancy! This is my idea of this very LOGO!

標準字的設計以“MAXRNB”為主體,字型設計的創意來源於RNB音樂的優美旋律,一氣呵成,簡潔而不簡單。細節部分的巧妙處理讓整個設計看上去更具時代特徵;“Your First R&B Source”作為副標題,在設計中採用了簡潔優雅的設計手法,工業感十足的情況下同時也具備了人性化的設計,起到了畫龍點睛的作用。主體“maxrnb”配合上“your first r&b source”的副標語讓整個LOGO完美的融為一體,形象的闡述了"MaxRNB"的理念。
The design of standard character takes MAXRNB as the main part. The idea of the font is from the beautiful melody of RNB, and it is smooth, not simple but terse. The processing of details makes the whole design bears the sign of the times. The subhead "Your First R&B Source" is adopted terse and elegant design, not only full of sense of industry but also humanity, to bring out the crucial point. The main part "maxrnb" and the subhead "Your First R&B Source" make the whole LOGO perfect harmonious and express the eidos of MaxRNB vividly.
Coordinate Graphics:
According to the coordinate graphics, you can get to know the proportion of "MaxRNB", and draw a right LOGO.
When using the LOGO, you can zoom in or out base on different usages and correct dimension scale.

LOGO Standard Colors Specifications:
Application in light color: 20% blue plus 85% black makes it very cool black visually. It is a color with different cultural meaning, besides, black will never behind the times.
Use in the dark color: standard color is adopted terse white, which possesses qualities of austerity, bluffness and purity.
Leaning black and the standard color white, the classic combination, expresses the purity of MaxRNB roundly.

MaxRNB也許有的人還不了解, 但"Maximal R&B"精選合輯系列卻是名聲在外, 每個月都有不少樂迷再期盼著新一期的精選上架. 這每月一期的"Maximal R&B"系列精選合輯便是"終極R&B"最大的特色所在. 每月, 從成千上萬首的歐美新歌中, 精挑細選出20餘首最優秀的R&B/ Hip-Hop單曲, 再配以專業的封面設計, 成就每一期的合輯. 無論從視覺還是聽覺上都滿足了樂迷最大的"新鮮感". 這點也正應了MaxRNB一直以來的口號: Freshest Only! (只有新鮮!) 可以說目前國內的"音樂合輯"熱潮正是由MaxRNB的這一系列精選帶動起來的, 但任憑各種Mixtape再多, "Maximal R&B"系列的高水準仍是無法超越的,

2008年06月01日, 為滿足眾多R&B樂迷的需求, 同時促進所有樂迷的互動交流, 終極R&B論壇正式建立, 取名"MaxForum". 這是國內首個以R&B/ Hip-Hop音樂為主題的綜合性論壇. 截至2009年11月, 論壇註冊會員已過30,000, 音樂資源數量在100,000左右, 單日發貼量過4,000. 短短一年多, MaxForum 已然成為了國內最活躍的歐美音樂論壇之一.