
Rie fu(舩越里恵(“舩”和“恵”為“船”和“惠”的異體字),リエ フゥ),1985年1月11 日日本東京都出生。7歲就去了歐洲,那也就是為什麼日本藝人普遍存在的英語苦手問題跟她完全不搭界的緣由所在, Rie fu的音樂非常具有個性,她7歲到10歲時生活在美國,由此接觸到了很多美國音樂從而受到影響,回國後,她一邊讀書一邊學習鋼琴和吉他,很快得到了樂壇各方面的關注。Rie fu的最大特點就是能將歐美音樂巧妙地融入日本音樂中,英日雙語的歌詞也是她的標誌性特點之一。
Nobody knows who I really am
I never felt this empty before
And if I ever need someone to come along
Who's gonna comfort me, and keep me strong
We are all rowing the boat of fate
The waves keep on coming and we can't escape
But if we ever get lost on our way
The waves would guide you through another day
遠くで息をしてる 透明になったみたい
暗闇に思えたけど 目隠しされてただけ
祈りをささげて 新しい日を待つ
鮮やかに 光る海 その果てまで
Nobody knows who I really am
Maybe they just don't give a damn
But if I ever need someone to come along
I know you would follow me, and keep me strong
人の心はうつりゆく 抜け出したくなる
つきはまた新しい周期で 舟を連れてく
And every time I see your face,
the oceans heave up to my heart
You make me wanna strain at the oars,
and soon I can see the shore
Ah,I can't see the shore
When will l see the shore
I want you to know who I really am
I never thought I'd feel this way towards you
And if you ever need someone to come along
I will follow you, and keep you strong
旅はまだ続いてく 穏やかな日も
つきはまた新しい周期で 舟を照らし出す
祈りをささげて 新しい日を待つ
鮮やかに 光る海 その果てまで
And every time I see your face,
the oceans heave up to my heart
You make me wanna strain at the oars,
and soon I can see the shore
それも素敵な旅ね どれも素敵な旅ね
在遠處嘆息不止 猶若變得虛空透明
即便在黑暗中也能寄託思念 也不過是自欺欺人
呈上虔誠的祈禱 靜心等待著嶄新的一天
大海反射出靈動的光華 向著天之一方無限延展
心思亦慢慢浮現 渴望著就此逃離
又是一輪新月 帶上心情踏上旅程
旅途尚未結束 平靜的日子也照舊繼續著
又是一輪新月 心情也由此顯現清晰輪廓
呈上虔誠的祈禱 靜心等待著嶄新的一天
大海反射出靈動的光華 向著天之一方無限延展
我們駕著命運之船 即便波濤陣陣湧來 讓人無處可逃
Nobody knows who I really am
I never felt this empty before
And if I ever need someone to come along,
Who's gonna comfort me, and keep me strong?
We are all rowing the boat of fate
The waves keep on coming and we can't escape
But if we ever get lost on our way
The waves would guide you through another day
to o ku de i ki wo shi te ru to o me i ni na tta mi ta i
ku da ya mi ni o mo e da ke do me ka ku shi sa re te ta da ke
i no ri wo sa sa ge te a ta ra shi i hi wo ma tsu
a za ya ka ni hi ka ru u mi so no ha te ma de
Nobody knows who I really am
May be they just don't give a damn
But if I ever need someone to come along
I know you would follow me, and keep me strong
hi to no ko ko ro wa u tsu ri yu ku mu ke da shi ta ku na ru
tsu ki wa ma da a ta ra shi i shu u ki de mu ne wo tsu re te ku
And every time I see your face
The ocean leap up to my heart
You make me wanna strain at the oars, and soon
I can see the shore
Oh, I can see the shore
When will I see the shore?
I want you to know who I really am
I never thought I'd feel this way towards you
And if you ever need someone to come along,
I will follow you, and keep you strong
ta bi wa ma da tsu zu i te ku o da ya ka na hi mo
tsu ki wa ma ta a ta ra shi i shu u ki de mu ne wo te ra shi da su
i no ri wo sa sa ge te a ta ra shi hi wo ma tsu
a za ya ka ni hi ka ru u mi so no ha te ma de
And every time I see your face
The ocean heaves up to my heart
You make me wanna strain at the oars, and soon
I can see the shore
U n me i no fu ne wo ko gi na mi wa tsu gi ka ra tsu ki e to wa ta shi ta chi wo so u ke do
So re mo su te ki na ta bi ne, do re mo su te ki na ta bi ne