- handicraft

手工藝, 手工藝品, 手藝
"dicraft n 手工藝
手工藝, 手工藝品, 手藝
"dicraft n 手工藝
handicraft factory is a business..., the main business resin handicraft, imitation crystal handicraft, lighting...
系統需求 遊戲心得Briefing Kuqa County (Postcode: 842000 code: 652923: 0997 pinyin...
Briefing Historical EvolutionBasic Overview Qintong town, like a shining pearl inlaid in the ...
Basic Overview Historical EvolutionCounty Overview Faku Forest covers an area of 800,000 mu, with f...
County Overview Historical Evolution基本字義 手 1. 人使用工具的上肢前端:~心。棘~(形容事情難辦,像荊棘刺手)。著(zhuó)~(開始做,動手)。~不釋卷。2...
基本字義 詳細字義 常用詞組 古籍解釋 方言發音Historical Evolution Han Feng of the Han Dynasty (110 years ago)...
Historical Evolution Natural Resources