Watching Airplanes

Watching Airplanes

Watching Airplanes是Gary Allan演唱的一首歌曲。


在鄉村界成功征服各年齡層的少女、少婦、師奶殺手,兼具感性嗓音與性感外型,被People以及Country Weekly封上“鄉村音樂界最性感的明星”頭銜,更受到電視公司注意,邀請演出多出迷你影集。歷經十年歌唱生涯,締造四張鄉村榜Top10專輯以及三首冠軍單曲,創作出的音樂作品更是獲得各方稱許,成為新生代鄉村男歌手中成功拓展全方位表演長才之佼佼者。

出生南加州,Gary Allan從小在音樂家庭耳濡目染下,發掘出對音樂的細膩敏銳度及內在無限潛力。12歲時隨同父親的樂團登台演出,並在父親支持與協助下,擁有屬於自己的樂團。在努力不懈的上進心驅使下,1996年獲簽Decca旗下發行首張專輯‘Used Heart For Sale’,快速引起各界矚目;隨著1998年爬上熱門潛力榜亞軍的‘It Would Be You’問世後相隔一年,唱片公司遭逢關門大吉,深具才華的Gary並未因此消失,其契約轉換至更大的MCA家族中。1999年推出深受好評的‘Smoke Rings In The Dark’,自此奠定Gary在樂壇基礎;2001年大破百萬銷售量之‘Alright Guy’,替Gary贏得首支排行冠單曲“Man To Man”。醞釀三年後呈現之‘See If I Care’,讓Gary再創事業更高峰,專輯空降鄉村榜亞軍+流行專輯榜Top17,連續再造兩首鄉村榜冠軍單曲,同樣也是張白金暢銷大碟,接著‘Though All Over’專輯更是首度摘取冠軍王位。


Gary Allan - Watching Airplanes

Sittin Out here on the hood of this truck looking up

At a caramel colored sunset sky

Checkin my watch doin the math in my head

Counting back words to when you said goodbye

Well those runway lights are gettin brighter

Im just sittin' out here watching airplanes

Take off and fly

Tryin to figure out which one you might be on

And why you dont love me anymore

Right now im sittin' out here watching airplanes

I would've lied could've cried should've tried harder

Done anything to make you stay

I wonder what you'd do if you looked out your window

Saw me runnin down the runway just like i was crazy

That fence is too high so am i

So I'm just sittin' out here watching airplanes

Take off and fly

Tryin to figure out which one you might be on

And why you don't love me anymore

By now i know you're thirty thousand feet above me

But a million miles away, a million miles away

By now i know i outta act like you don't love me

But im just sittin' out here watching airplanes

Take off and fly

Im just sittin' out here watching airplanes

Take off and fly

Tryin to figure out which one you might be on

And why you don't love me anymore

Yeah im just sittin' out here watching airplanes

Go by, by, by

Im just sittin' out here watching airplanes

Baby bye, bye, bye

Im just sittin' out here watching airplanes

by by, by, by


