Turn Back The Clock[Johnny Hates Jazz演唱的歌曲]

Turn Back The Clock[Johnny Hates Jazz演唱的歌曲]
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《Turn Back the Clock》由Johnny Hates Jazz演唱,收錄於其專輯《Turn Back the Clock》中。


(Johnny Hates Jazz)

turn back the clock

another day is ended

and i still can't sleep

remembering my yesterday

i begin to weep oh !

if i could have it over

live my life again

i wouldn't change a single day

i wish that i could turn back the clock

bring the wheels of time to a stop

back to the days

when life was so much better oh~no

lying here in silence

picture in my hand

of a boy i still resemble

but i no longer understand

as the tears run freely oh~

how i realize

they were the best years of my life

i wish that i could turn back the clock

bring the wheels of time to a stop

back to the days

when life was so much better oh~no

you might say it's just a case of giving up

oh ~no

but without these memories where is the love

so where is the love

if i could have it over

live my life again

i wouldn't change a single day

i wish that i could turn back the clock

bring the wheels of time to a stop

back to the days

when life was so much better oh~no

why can't i turn back the clock

bring the wheels of time to a stop

back to the days oh no no

i remember when

life was so good

i'd go back if i could

oh no i wouldn't change a single day

don't let the memoirs slip away

i wouldn't change a single day


20世紀80年代,英國湧現出了一批優秀的新浪漫主義樂隊.儘管他們當中的不少樂隊宛如流星般在樂壇轉瞬即逝,但是他們留下的一些經典曲目至今仍綻放著絢麗的光彩.Johnny Hates Jazz的《Turn Back the Clock》就屬於其中的精品之一.由Clark Datchler (主唱、鋼琴)、Calvin Hayes (鍵盤)以及Mike Nocito (貝斯)三位大男生於1986年所組成的Johnny Hates Jazz,在其短暫卻輝煌的音樂生涯中,雖然僅發行過2張錄音室專輯,都憑著其乾淨且帥氣的長相以及斯文的打扮,加上其輕柔精緻的流行曲風,風靡一時,可以說其音樂的流行元素在當今也不為過時。其主唱Clark Datchler 克拉克.戴茨勒音色優美清澈,相貌英俊而風度翩翩,典型的“雅皮士”形象,在80年代中後期~90年代初期虜獲了全球無數女性樂迷的心。



