1. the cardinal number that is the sum of one and one and one
同義詞:three, 3, III, threesome, tierce, leash, troika, triad, trine, trinity, ternary, ternion, triplet, tercet, terzetto, trey, deuce-ace
2. a musical composition for three performers
3. three performers or singers who perform together
4. a set of three similar things considered as a unit
同義詞:triad, triplet, triple
5. three people considered as a unit
同義詞:threesome, triad, trinity
中凌 ATC2315 TRIO 64V+ 2MB
基本資料顯示卡晶片:n VIDIA TNT顯存容量:2顯存頻率:100MHZ匯流排接口:PCI顯存類型:SGRAM最高解析度:1280x1024
基本資料 -
California Guitar Trio
California Guitar Trio (CGT)成立於1991年,由三位來自不同國籍的吉他手所組成1991年,這三個人再度相聚於加州的洛杉磯並創...
簡介 樂隊信息 專輯列表 -
捷銳 Wonder 368 Trio 3d 4MB顯示卡
捷銳 Wonder 368 Trio 3d 4MB顯示卡,捷波顯示卡,顯示卡晶片S3 Savage 3D,最高解析度1600x1200。
基本資料 -
中凌 ATC3622 TRIO 3D/2X 8MB
基本資料 -
The King Cole Trio
trio--golden NatKin Cole原名Nathan
ASUS Transformer Book Trio
dows和An dows和An droid平板電腦”和“Win
簡介 -
All For You - Dedication to Nat King Cole Trio
All For You - Dedication to Nat King Cole Trio,一張爵士樂專輯。
the time warp trio時間錯位三重奏
內容介紹Everyone’s favorite time-travelers are changing their style! The Time Warp Trio? series now features...