空殼樂隊,Bodies Without Organs (BWO)是一支來自瑞典三人團體樂隊.揉合動感歐陸舞曲、動人抒情曲風及暢快80風格。橫掃九〇年代的瑞典怪趣流行舞曲團Army Of Lovers的主腦Alexander Bard領軍歐陸超級流行團體。主要成員包括:馬丁(主唱)、巴德、瑪蓮娜。
Thunderbolt是BWO於2009年4月1號發行他們的第四張錄音專輯Big Science的第9首歌曲。這首歌開頭部分仿佛又回到他們前幾張專輯的感受,氛圍電子樂的開場,強勁的鼓點聲,讓人不自覺想起那首VOODO MAGIC,但這首歌較之VOODO MAGIC更好的將人聲與各樂器之聲完整融合,單從編曲方式來說,整張專輯已然超過前幾張專輯的編曲方式.中間有段類似於輕唱的部分,馬丁不再用尖利的聲線唱出,而是用更接近自然的輕聲附和出.和音依然是BWO特色的機械式和音。
Can you feel the fire in my blood
Don't you know my heart was torn apart
The sonic polluting the tough executing
The club is on fire the mood is on top
Tonight we go crazy the fire goes hazy
You share my desire the only way's up
We've got ammunition for our expedition
This is our volition we move to the front
We go meteoric the night is euphoric
We chase the historic hunt
Can you feel the fire in my blood
Can you see the thunderbolt
Don't you know my heart was torn apart
Can you see the thunderbolt
Don't you ignore my warning thunderbolt
Don't you ignore my warning thunderbolt
I'm counting a million I'm adding a billion
I'm counting a trillion expansions in space
We go meteoric the night is euphoric
We hunt the historic chase
Can you feel the fire in my blood
Can you see the thunderbolt
Don't you know my heart was torn apart
Can you see the thunderbolt
Don't you ignore my warning thunderbolt
Don't you ignore my warning thunderbolt
Can you feel the fire in my blood
Don't you know my heart was torn apart
Can you feel the fire in my blood
Can you see the thunderbolt
Don't you know my heart was torn apart
Can you see the thunderbolt
Don't you ignore my warning thunderbolt
Don't you ignore my warning thunderbolt
The sonic polluting the tough executing
The club is on fire the mood is on top
Tonight we go crazy the fire goes hazy
You share my desire the only way's up
Don't you ignore my warning thunderbolt
Don't you ignore my warning thunderbolt