Tabloid Junkie

Tabloid Junkie

Tabloid Junkie該曲目選自流行音樂天王 Michael Jackson1995年發行的專輯《HIStory》


該曲目選自Michael Jackson1995年發行的專輯《HIStory》

《HIStory》專輯封面 《HIStory》專輯封面

美國流行專輯榜:#1 (2周),美國R&B/Hip-Hop專輯榜:#1 (2周),英國專輯榜:#1


History時期的MJ History時期的MJ

麥可·約瑟夫·傑克遜(Michael Joseph Jackson,1958年8月29日-2009年6月25日),是一位完美的接近神性的紳士,也是西方流行樂壇最具影響力的音樂家,其成就早已超越貓王,披頭士。




Tabloid Junkie 八卦爆料扒皮黨

written & composed by Michael Jackson, James Harris III and Terry Lewis

Speculate to break the one you hate 你看不誰順眼 就胡亂猜想他攻擊他

Circulate the lie you confiscate 撒播你(從跟蹤名人的狗仔那裡搜刮來的)徵集到的假訊息

Assassinate and mutilate 虐殺我 摧殘我

As the hounding media in hysteria 狗仔隊已經癲狂到喪心病狂

Who's the next for you to resurrect 誰將是下一個被你們“挖過去”的人?

JFK exposed the CIA 甘迺迪揭發中央情報局?

Truth be told the grassy knoll 也就(白宮門前的景觀)丘地知道真相吧


As the blackmail story in all your glory 敲詐式的新聞報導是你的榮耀之作

It's slander 可它全是造謠!!!!

You say it's not a sword 你說瞎爆料不是尖刀利刃

But with your pen you torture men 可你在用筆墨殺戮殘害他人

You'd crucify the Lord 你把主釘死在了十字架上

And you don't have to read it, read it 作為大眾,你們沒必要看它,看它

And you don't have to eat it, eat it 你們沒必要關注,關注

To buy it is to feed it, feed it 去買八卦就是在養活它,支持它

So why do we keep foolin' ourselves 那為什麼我們還在腦殘?

Just because you read it in a magazine 全因你們在雜誌上讀它看它

Or see it on the TV screen 在電視上聽它信它

Don't make it factual 別以為它就是事實!

Though everybody wants to read all about it 儘管如此,每個人依舊想知道關於名人的八卦

Just because you read it in a magazine 全因你們在雜誌上讀它看它

Or see it on the TV screen在電視上聽它信它

Don't make it factual, actual 現實點兒!別以為它就是事實!

They say he's homosexual 他們說“他是個同性戀者”!(註:暗指媒體污衊MJ是個同性戀)

In the hood 這期間

Frame him if you could 你竭盡所能去陷害他

Shoot to kill 用毒舌大開殺戒

To blame him if you will 之後歸罪於他 賴他自己

If he dies sympathize 假如他死了 你奉上同情

Such false witnesses 如此虛偽的媒體人目睹一切(卻看樂子)!

Damn self righteousness 尼瑪,這就是(媒體人)所說自身的正氣?!(一句反諷的話)

In the black 暗中

Stab me in the back 捅我背後一刀

In the face 當面

To lie and shame the race 撒謊還羞辱我的種族

Heroine and Marilyn 黛安娜王妃和瑪麗蓮夢露

As the headline stories of 總成為頭條報導

All your glory 都是你的榮耀之作

It's slander 可它全是造謠!!!!

With the words you use 發明這些詞兒(註:輿論給MJ起了 Wacko Jacko這個外號)

You're a parasite in black and white 證明你們就是一幫靠娛樂新聞撈錢的寄生蟲!!!

Do anything for news 為“獨家頭條”不擇手段

And you don't go and buy it, buy it 作為大眾,沒必要買它,買它

And they won't glorify it, 'fy it 媒體便不會以八卦至上,不會以它為傲

To read it sanctifies it, 'fies it 可就是有人去追捧它,信仰它,被洗腦

So why do we keep foolin' ourselves 那為什麼我們還在腦殘?

Just because you read it in a magazine 就因為你們在雜誌上讀它看它

Or see it on the TV screen 在電視上聽它信它

Don't make it factual 別以為它就是事實!

Though everybody wants to read all about it 儘管如此,每個人依舊想知道關於名人的八卦

Just because you read it in a magazine 全因你們在雜誌上讀它看它

Or see it on the TV screen 在電視上聽它信它

Don't make it factual 別以為它就是事實!

See, but everybody wants to believe all about it 瞧,人人想去相信這些八卦

Just because you read it in a magazine 全因你們在雜誌上讀它看它

Or see it on the TV screen 在電視上聽它信它

Don't make it factual 別以為它就是事實!

Though everybody wants to read all about it 話雖如此,每個人依舊想知道關於名人的八卦

Just because you read it in a magazine 就因為你們在雜誌上讀它看它

Or see it on the TV screen在電視上聽它信它

Don't make it factual, actual 現實點!別以為它就是事實!

She's blonde and she's bisexual “她金髮碧眼還是雙性戀” (註:暗指媒體稱瑪麗蓮夢露是雙性戀)

Scandal 詆毀我 醜化我!!!!

With the words you use 你發明這些詞兒(註:輿論給MJ起了 Wacko Jacko這個外號)

You're a parasite in black and white 證明你們就是一幫靠娛樂新聞撈錢的寄生蟲!!!

Do anything for news 為“獨家頭條”不擇手段

And you don't go and buy it, buy it 作為大眾,沒必要買它,買它

And they won't glorify it, 'fy it 媒體便不會以八卦至上,不會以它為傲

To read it sanctifies it, 'fies it 可就是有人去追捧它,信仰它,被洗腦

So why do we keep foolin' ourselves 那為什麼我們還在腦殘?

Slander 詆毀我 抹黑我!!!!

You say it's not a sin 你說扒皮猛料不是罪過

But with your pen you torture men 可你在用筆墨挖他人的心肝

So why do we keep foolin' ourselves 那為什麼我們還在腦殘?

Just because you read it in a magazine 全因你們在雜誌上讀它看它

Or see it on the TV screen 在電視上聽它信它

Don't make it factual 別以為它就是事實!

Though everybody wants to read all about it 儘管如此,每個人依舊想知道關於名人的八卦

Just because you read it in a magazine 全因你們在雜誌上讀它看它

Or see it on the TV screen 在電視上聽它信它

Don't make it factual 別以為它就是事實!

See, but everybody wants to read all about it 瞧,可人人想去了解這些八卦

Just because you read it in a magazine 全因你們在雜誌上讀它看它

Or see it on the TV screen 在電視上聽它信它

Don't make it factual 別以為它就是事實!

Though everybody wants to read all about it 儘管如此,每個人依舊想知道關於名人的八卦

Just because you read it in a magazine 全因你們在雜誌上讀它看它

Or see it on the TV screen 在電視上聽它信它

Don't make it factual 別以為它就是事實!

I can't believe it!!!


Just because you read it in a magazine 就因為你們在雜誌上讀它看它

Or see it on the TV screen 在電視上聽它信它

Don't make it factual, actual 現實點!別以為它就是事實!

You're so damn disrespectable 你們(指小報記者)多他媽遭人唾棄!



