

《StepByStep3000:英語聽力入門1(教師用書)》努力體現各階段所學內容與人的發展之間的內在關係,以引導學生認識迅變中的客觀世界, 扎紮實實地發展自我。


出版社: 華東師範大學出版社; 第1版 (2008年8月1日)

外文書名:Step by Step 3000

平裝: 173頁 正文語種: 簡體中文, 英語

開本: 16

ISBN: 9787561762974

條形碼: 9787561762974

商品尺寸: 23.4 x 16 x 1.2 cm

商品重量: 259 g

品牌: 華東師範大學出版社有限公司







Unit 1 Education Is a Key

Part I Warming up

Part II Educational systems

Part III University life

Part IV University campus

Unit 2 Colorful Lands. Colorful People

Part I Warming up

Part II The world's six billionth inhabitant

Part III Features of the earth

Part iV Short talks on listening skills

Focus on the Main Idea

Unit 3 Travelling from Place to Place

Part I Warming up

Part II It's the only way to travel

Part Ill Villa Rentals

Part IV Language study and language appreciate

Unit 4 Approaching Culture

Part I Warming up

Part II Places to enjoy

Part III Life here and there

Part IV International business

Unit 5 Net Changes Life

Part I Warming up

Part II Network and networking

Part Ill Future of the Internet

Part IV Short talks on listening skills Be Careful with Numbers

Unit 6 For the Glory of Sport

Part I Warming up

Part II The sporting spirit

Part III Sports and entertainment choices

Part IV Language study and language appreciation

Unit 7 Transportation

Part I Warming up

Part II Green Transportation Festival

Part III The UN Road Safety Week

Part IV Asia's cities face gridlock

Unit 8 Trends in Economics

Pant I Warming up

Part II Nobel Prize winner for economics

Part III "Bulls" and "bears"

Part IV Short talks on listening skills

Thinking Ahead of the Speaker—Anticipation Helps

Unit 9 For Peace and Development

Part I Warming up

Part II The Panama Canal handover

Part III UN peacekeeping missions

Part IV Language study and language appreciation

Unit 10 Happy New Year

Part I Warming up

Part II Chinese New Year

Part III The time ball

Part IV What's your New Year's resolution?

Unit 11 Visions of the Future

Part I Warming up

Part II The Times capsule

Part III Predictions on tomorrow

Part IV Language study and language appreciation

Unit 12 Dictation




初版《英語聽力入門》(Step by Step,下稱《聽力入門》)在走過十五個春秋之後,正式向大家告別了。編者由衷地感激眾多同行與廣大師生多年來所給予的厚愛和幫助。其實,這份情緣也正是《聽力入門》的生命力之所在。而且,當歷史的車輪和社會的巨變以咄咄逗人之勢挑戰《聽力入門》時,還是這份情緣為《聽力入門》的更新與發展鋪路導航。今天, 在新世紀的曙光中《英語聽力入門2000》(下稱《聽力入門2000》)邁出了第一步。編者特意將千禧之年各國人民普天同慶的真實記錄編入《聽力入門2000》第一冊第一單元。這首先是為了致意;第二則是藉此引出《聽力入門2000》富有時代性的主題內涵並表達其繼往開來的責任與志向。


《聽力入門2000》是《聽力入門》的延伸。它仍遵循內容與聽力技巧並重的原則, 注重入選材料的語言真實度和典型性,把重點始終放在發展學生的聽力理解能力和思維能力等方面。

《聽力入門2000》更是《聽力入門》的超越。它採用全新的聽力素材,且更注意四冊教材中主題布局的整體性。以人為本,圍繞學生這個主體,努力體現各階段所學內容與人的發展之間的內在關係,以引導學生認識迅變中的客觀世界, 扎紮實實地發展自我。



