Step By Step3000英語聽力入門

Step By Step3000英語聽力入門

《Step By Step3000英語聽力入門(修訂版)》是《Step By Step英語聽力入門》的最新修訂版。《英語聽力入門》於20世紀80年代初開始醞釀,中國大地剛剛改革開放,英語學習熱潮四處升騰。基於當時的教學實際,編者將重點牢牢地鎖定在英語有聲語言的真實性以及聽力基本功訓練等兩個方面。最新修訂版在保留原編寫原則和思路的同時,全面更新了聽力材料,在提高學生認知水平和培養學生能力等方面作了新的探索。


開本: 16

ISBN: 978-7-5675-5507-5


Unit1 World News: International Relations

Part Ⅰ Warming up

Part Ⅱ News reports

Part Ⅲ Anti-piracy mission

Part Ⅳ Speeches

Unit 2 World News: Earth and Enronment

Part Ⅰ Wanning up

Part Ⅱ News reports

Part Ⅲ City recycling

Part Ⅳ Language study and language appreciation

Unit 3 Wod News: Econonc Developments

Part Ⅰ Warming up

Part Ⅱ News reports

Part Ⅲ Voice mail may cost c0mpany'

Part Ⅳ Business jargon

Unit 4 World News: Up in Space

Part Ⅰ Warming up

Part Ⅱ News reports

Part Ⅲ Returning to the Moon

Part Ⅳ Language study and language appreciation

Unit 5 New Explorations in Food and fdedicine

Part Ⅰ Warming up

Part Ⅱ Eating right for good health

Part Ⅲ Medical emergency 911

Part Ⅳ Keeping the country healthy

Unit 6 Breakthroughsin Science and Technology

Part Ⅰ Warming up

Part Ⅱ Human genome project

Part Ⅲ Latest breakthroughs in technology

Part Ⅳ Language study and language appreciation

Unit 7 Future of Communication

Part Ⅰ Warming up

Part Ⅱ New ways to communicate

Part Ⅲ Digital McLuhan

Part Ⅳ Technical jargon

Unit 8 New Ideas, New Architecture

Part Ⅰ Wanning up

Part Ⅱ Eco-conscious construction

Part Ⅲ Tomorrow's house

Part Ⅳ Language study and language appreciation

Unit 9 Ways to Travel

Part Ⅰ Warming up

Part Ⅱ Public transportation

Part Ⅲ Cross the Channel

Part Ⅳ Southwest

Unit 10 Love and Hate of Oil

Part Ⅰ Warming up

Part Ⅱ Oil reserves and parking places

Part Ⅲ A motor city breakthrough: the electric car

Part Ⅳ Clean air cars

Unit 11 A Fast Growing Economy: Tourism

Part Ⅰ Warming up

Part Ⅱ Welcome to China

Part Ⅲ New Seven Wonders of the World

Part Ⅳ Language study and language appreciation

Unit 12 Review

A. Revolutionary car

B. Fox Hollow golf course

C. Friends reunited

D. Beware hackers!

E. Housing problems

F. The future of the phone





