Seven Nation Army

Seven Nation Army

《Seven Nation Army》是白色條紋樂隊最著名的搖滾單曲,於2003.03.12 發行。樂隊成立於1997年,於2011年初在其官網發表正式聲明,宣布該樂隊解散。



The White Stripes單曲


Marcus Collins單曲

2011年第八季英國偶像X Factor亞軍選手23歲男歌手Marcus Collins翻唱了這首經典舊作作為他的個人首支單曲。單曲於3月5日發行,英國單曲榜首周排名第9,Marcus首張同名大碟於3/12在英國發行。

Seven Nation Army單曲

2016年美國藝電遊戲公司出品遊戲:Battlefield 1 (戰地1) 中選取了Seven Nation Army作為預告片的BGM。




The White Stripes

“白色條紋” (The White Stripes) 樂隊可能是世界上最神秘的樂隊。隊中的一男一女聲稱是兄妹關係,然而事實卻並非如此,有狗仔隊的證據明明證明他們是曾經恩愛如今已經分飛的夫婦。他們將60年代粗野卻飽含活力的車庫搖滾重新帶回了音樂界,使奄奄一息的歐美音樂界忍不住眼光一亮。

“白色條紋”成立於1997年。最初,因為穿得像兩顆糖果(在中國,會不會有人說他們像兩個紅包套)和沒有貝斯手,他們獲得了一定的關注。1999年和 2000年,他們發行了兩張唱片後,獲得了和“人行道”(Pavement)樂隊一起巡演的機會。在發展過程中,樂隊開始把音樂做得充滿孩子氣,這和他們 的裝束也是一致的,同時他們又在孩子氣中加入了人見人愛的幽默感。這是樂隊最終勝出的又一大原因所在,而為國內很多“資深”樂迷所津津樂道的“布魯斯爆炸”(Blues Explosion)儘管有著稚氣的風情卻由於缺乏幽默感而並未在歐美主流樂壇形成氣候。


Marcus Collins

2011年第八季英國偶像X Factor亞軍選手23歲男歌手,1988-05-15日出生。



The White Stripes - Seven Nation Army

I'm gonna fight 'em off

A seven nation army couldn't hold me back

They gonna rip it off

Taking their time right behind my back

And I'm talking to myself at night because I can't forget

Back and forth through my mind behind a cigarette

And a message coming from my eyes says leave it alone

Don't want to hear about it

Every single one's got a story to tell

Everyone knows about it

From the queen of England to the hounds of hell

And if I catch you coming back my way

I'm going to serve it to you

And that ain't what you want to hear

but that's what I'll do

And a feeling coming from my bones says find a home

I'm goin' to Wichita

Far from this opera forevermore

I'm gonna work the straw

Make the sweat drip out of every pore

And I'm bleeding and I'm bleeding

and I'm bleeding right before my lord

Oh, the words are going to bleed from me

and I will think no more

And the stains coming from my blood tell me go back home


The White Stripes - Seven Nation Army

I'm gonna fight 'em off(我將要擊退他們)

A seven nation army couldn't hold me back(就算是一支七國聯軍也無法阻擋我)

They gonna rip it off(他們要去欺騙了)

Taking their time right behind my back(一直跟在我身後把他們的時間都花在追趕我)

And I'm talking to myself at night because I can't forget(我在夜裡自言自語因為我無法釋懷)

Back and forth through my mind behind a cigarette(抽完一根煙後我反反覆覆來回思索)

And a message coming from my eyes says leave it alone(我眼中有個訊息說道隨它去吧)

Don't want to hear about it(不想聽有關它的一切)

Every single one's got a story to tell(每個人都有自己的故事要講)

Everyone knows about it(每個人也都知道相關的事情)

From the queen of England to the hounds of hell(從英國的女王直到地獄裡的獵犬)

And if I catch you coming back my way(而且如果我能讓你成為我的歸宿)

I'm going to serve it to you(我將會全心全意為你效勞)

And that ain't what you want to hear(這雖然不是你想要聽到的)

but that's what I'll do(但這卻是我將要去做的)

And a feeling coming from my bones says find a home(我骨子裡的感覺說道:去找個家)

I'm goin' to Wichita(我要去威奇託了)

Far from this opera forevermore(永遠地遠離這座歌劇院)

I'm gonna work the straw(我要在稻草和秸稈中工作)

Make the sweat drip out of every pore(讓每一個毛孔都冒著汗珠)

And I'm bleeding and I'm bleeding(我正流著血我正流著血)

and I'm bleeding right before my lord(我正站在我的主人面前流著血)

Oh, the words are going to bleed from me(喔,我所說的話也會是字字血淚)

and I will think no more(而且我不會再多考慮)

And the stains coming from my blood tell me go back home(我血液中的污點也告訴我:快點回家)



