Mona Lisa[布蘭妮·斯皮爾斯演唱歌曲]

《Mona Lisa》是歌手布蘭妮·斯皮爾斯演唱的一首歌曲,所屬專輯是《Original Doll》。


歌曲《Mona Lisa》收錄於布蘭妮05年準備發行的《Original Doll》的專輯中,但是這張專輯由於種種原因當時並沒有發行,後來由歌迷製作了一張《Can You Handle Mine》的合輯收錄了布蘭妮之前未收錄的歌

其中也包含了《Mona Lisa》。


Britney Spears(布蘭妮·斯皮爾斯),暱稱“小甜甜”。布蘭妮·斯皮爾斯 (Britney Spears) 是最紅的歌手之一,出道以來憑著其個性十足的青春氣息和動感強勁的舞姿征服了全球無數歌迷,成為千萬發燒友追逐的對象、美國流行音樂文化的方向標。布蘭妮·斯皮爾斯 (Britney Spears) 當初魔鬼的身材、動人的笑容和甜美的歌聲,音容宛如甜蜜的糖果,贏得了“小甜甜”和“麥當娜接班人”的稱號。


Ladies and gentlemen, I've got a little story to tell

About Mona Lisa, And how she suddenly fell (huh)

See everyone knew her, They knew her oh so well

Now I am taking over to release her from her spell

She's unforgetable, she was a legend though

It's kinda pitiful that she's gone

It's kind of incredible

She's so unpredictable

It's time to let her go cuz she's gone, cuz she's gone, cuz she's gone

She was taken under, drowning in her seat (huh)

Running like an angel, she was crying but could not see (oh no!)

Now see everyones watching, as she starts to fall

Now don't have a breakdown

You will hit the freakin wall.

She's unforgetable, she was a legend though

It's kinda pitiful that she's gone

It's kind of incredible

She's so unpredictable

It's time to let her go cuz she's gone, cuz she's gone, cuz she's gone

Now ladies does that make you cryyyy? (huh)

Now fellas you have to say goodbyeee

Cuz Mona Lisa's got to flyyyyy

Everyone, may we have a moment of silence? Right here.


She's unforgetable, she was a legend though

It's kinda pitiful that she's gone

It's kind of incredible

She's so unpredictable

It's time to let her go cuz she's gone, cuz she's gone

She's unforgetable, she was a legend though

It's kinda pitiful that she's gone

It's kind of incredible

She's so unpredictable

It's time to let her go cuz she's gone, cuz she's gone, cuz she's gone, cuz she's gone.....


這是一個關於Mona Lisa"的故事


關於Mona Lisa",關於她有多兇惡



她是最獨特的 YEAH YEAH

她是你無法忘懷的 YEAH YEAH

她是非常不可思議的 YEAH YEAH

她期望你去了解 YEAH

她是個複製品 *3

她在海洋里沉淪 淹沒在海里

象天使一樣奔跑 她哭泣著不能看(接下句)

看每個人望著她 想她要開始墮落.

他們希望她墮落 使之成為一個墮落的傳說


Mona Lisa她正要高飛





