
Date of birth (location)(生日)
9 March 1980(1980.3.9)
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA (拉斯韋加斯 內華大 美國)
Grandson of Laura and Maxwell Kelch- founders of Las Vegas' first radio station...
6' 1" (1.85 m)
He is a 2002 graduate of the NYU's Tisch School of the Arts.
He has also worked as a model for fashion designers as Marc Jacobs, Burberry and Louis Vuitton.
Grandson of Laura and Maxwell Kelch- founders of Las Vegas' first radio station, KENO.
He has worked for Hilfiger and Sisley as well.
1.Criminal Minds The Fisher King: Part 2 AS …… Dr. Spencer Reid (2006)2.《犯罪心理》Criminal Minds The Perfect Storm AS …… Dr. Spencer Reid (2006)
3.《休旅任務》RV AS …… Joe Joe (2006)
4.《犯罪心理》"Criminal Minds" AS …… Dr. Spencer Reid (2005)
1.The Cactus That Looked Just Like a Man (2005)
2.Claude: A Symphony of Horror (2005)
3.Matthew Gray Gubler's Life Aquatic Intern Journal (2005)
1.The Cactus That Looked Just Like a Man (2005)
2.Matthew Gray Gubler's Life Aquatic Intern Journal (2005)
(《水中生活》(The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou)【DVDRip】
導 演: 韋斯·安德森 Wes ... Seu Jorge .... Pelé Matthew Gray Gubler .... 外文別名: Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou, The(2003) (USA) (original script title)Untitled Wes Anderson Project(2003) (USA) (working title)Life Aquatic, The(2004) (USA) (working title) MPAA: Rated R for la……
《犯罪心理 第一季》(Criminal Minds Season1)【風軟FRM小組出品】更新到第22集【RMVB】
暫缺第9、13、14、15集字幕製作: ... Dr. Spencer Reid (Matthew Gray Gubler), a classically misunderstood genius whose social IQ is as low as his intellectual IQ is high; and Jennifer "JJ" Jareau, (AJ Cook), a confident young agent who acts as the unit liaison for the team. Each member brings h……
《犯罪心理 第一季》(Criminal Minds Season 1)【YDY伊甸園字幕組出品】22集全更新完畢 新增HR版02【RMVB】
HR版RMVB為700MB HR ... Matthew Gray Gubler .... Dr. Spencer Reid ◆類型:犯罪/劇情/驚怵◆片長:每集60分鐘◆首 播:2005年9月22日◆國家:美國◆語言:英語◆字幕:中文◆鏈 接: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0452046/ ◆檔案:每集180MB◆簡介: 講述F……
《犯罪心理 第二季》(Criminal Minds Season 2)【風軟FRTVS小組出品】更新第12集【RMVB】
【類型】:動作 冒險 劇情【影片長度】: ... Agent Derek Morgan, Matthew Gray Gubler as Special Agent Dr. ... 、《動機》、《四兄弟》、《空位子》。 Matthew Gray 飾 Spercer Reid Gubler出生於拉斯維加斯,出生日期是3月9日。Matthew Gray Gubler出演的電影有《水中生活》、《休旅任務》。他還自己拍過……
《犯罪心理 第一季》(Criminal Minds Season 1)全22集【DVDRip】
【類型】: 劇情/罪案 【片長】: 平均42分鐘【集數】: 本季共22集【字幕】: 暫無【官方網站】:http://www.cbs.com/primetime/criminal_minds/【伺服器】:S-files ED Server ( 連線埠:80)【分享時間】: 24小時【內容介紹】: 『Criminal Minds』是CBS電視台出品的一部反映美國FBI下屬部門BAU(Behavioral A……
《犯罪心理 第二季》(Criminal Minds Season 2)新年歸來,更新第13集【HDTVRip】
【類型】: 劇情/罪案 【影片長度】: ... Dr. Spencer Reid (Matthew Gray Gubler), a classically ... Morgan Matthew Gray Gubler .... Dr. Spencer Reid A.J. Cook .... Agent Jennifer Jareau Ripper Notes Resolution: ……