
Maison Pourcel 雅克紅房子位於陝西南路35號,坐落於上海著名的歷史建築“紅房子”中。在二十世紀的三十年代里,紅房子的西餐廳在上海極富盛名的,問起許多老上海人,對他們而言就是在這裡第一次接觸到了西式美食。所以紅房子更是讓他們有著一份他們難以割捨的懷舊情結。
Maison Pourcel is set in Shanghai’s famous Red House building in Shanghai. The historic building, home to the most celebrated Western cuisine restaurant in the 1930s, holds significant emotional ties with the local community as it is where most of them had their first western food dining experience.
With the Maksim restaurants in Beijing, Huamei restaurants in Harbin, Kiessling hotel in Tianjin. As known as the four Atlantic restaurant in China.

Maison Pourcel雅克紅房子
是由孿生兄弟、米其林星級廚師Jacques and Laurent Pourcel創立,致力於用現代方式詮釋經典的地中海法式美食。走進位於頂層的主餐廳,便仿入置身兄弟倆的家中——巴黎式的房間點綴著現代藝術作品,流露著高貴而舒適的氣息。在這裡,每天我們都選用最新鮮的本地食材,為客人提供純正、簡單、充滿創意的菜式。在本承“利用高質本地食材”的烹飪理念同時,Pourcel兄弟對於“對比”元素出其不意地運用也為給餮客們帶來驚喜——傳統與現代、熱與冷、脆與軟、甜與鹹。Created by twin brothers and Michelin Star ChefsJacques&Laurent Pourcel, Maison Pourcel offers classic Mediterranean-inspired French cuisine with a contemporary flair.
Entering the dining room of Maison Pourcel on the top floor of the Red House building, one would feel like he is invited to the comfortable private home of the Pourcel brothers. Embellished with modern art pieces, the stylish French setting is elegant, but not at all intimidating. Here, we serve food that is sourced from local markets every morning, reflecting the Pourcel brothers’ culinary philosophy of always using quality local produce. Our dishes are authentic, simple and always creative. The Pourcel brothers never stop to thrill guests with unexpected use of contrasting elements – traditional and modern, hot and cold, soft and crispy, savoury and sweet.
作為滬上第一家法式西餐,紅房子伴隨上海走過了一個世紀的風風雨雨。解放前,紅房子西餐是是張愛玲、王丹鳳、白楊等的最愛;解放後,是開國元勛周恩來、劉少奇、陳毅等品位西餐的首選之地,更是上海的老克勒們舊日情節所在 。

繼2010年世博會之後,米其林主廚Poucel兄弟於世博法國館經營的“第六感”餐廳受得了熱烈的推崇,攜世博美食熱情之利,Maison Pourcel雅克紅房子在2010年8月份正式對外營業,在其特殊的地理位置與深厚的傳統情懷中,為上海的朋友提供純正而精緻的高級法式饕餮盛宴。
餐廳六樓的SUGAR韻酒吧,每天從傍晚6點開始營業,旨在為賓客打造輕鬆、時尚、愉悅的餐飲體驗,這裡的每份小食都由Pourcel兄弟精心雕琢,呈現出Pourcel烹飪的精髓。SUGAR的牆上點綴著各色藝術畫與大膽的幾何圖案,米黃和黑色相融的色調令整個酒吧顯得悠閒舒適,與紅房子呈現的二十世紀三十年代的建築風格融為一體 。

此外,SUGAR還擁有上海市中心建築里鮮有的露天陽台,令餮客們得以愜意地沉浸在濃濃綠意與迷人街道夜景之中。Maison Pourcel雅克紅房子的酒窖里更儲有總量超過三千瓶的來自法國各地的葡萄酒;同時酒吧中由經理Guglielmo精心設計的各款雞尾酒,匠心巧妙的用現代氣息詮釋了永恆的經典。無論何時何日,賓客們均可在此暢享盡情。


Maison Pourcel雅克紅房子

Private roomsFor more intimate and exclusive gatherings, we provide three exclusive VIP rooms, each with a capability of 12 guests. To ensure the smooth running of business meetings, we have the essential meeting equipment available upon request.

貴賓們可以在Maison Pourcel雅克紅房子體驗專屬的雪茄吧,此處陳列著來自Harcourt攝影工作室的藝術作品。在這裡,賓客們可以一邊沉醉於尚品雪茄與白蘭地,一邊欣賞Harcourt攝影工作室帶來的阿蘭o德龍、讓o雷諾、齊達內、楊紫瓊等眾多名人的黑白肖像照 。

Cigar roomVIPs of Maison Pourcel get to access the very exclusive cigar room, which is created to celebrate the work of the prestigious Studio Harcourt. There, you can appreciate world famous black and white photographs of celebrities including Alain Delon, Jean Reno, Zidane Zinedine and Michelle Yeoh produced by the studio while being spoiled by a connoisseur’s selection of fine cigar and cognac.
Ladies Night

雅克紅房子6樓酒吧SUGAR,煥然一新的風格很快吸引到上海夜場客人的眼球。SUGAR,一個甜美,輕柔的名字,讓人想起甜蜜,溫柔的夏夜暖風。這一次SUGAR的轉型,也加入了更多女性元素,比如紫色的絲絨沙發,柔美線條的裝飾品,嫵媚的暗紅色燈光等等...而每周三的Ladies Night更是成為全上海最受矚目的夜場活動之一,每周三的Ladies Night從晚上9:30開始,11:30之前女士酒水全部免費,每次活動,邀請了有Dior Homme氣質的男模作為Bartender,他們帶著小領結穿梭於舞池、酒吧和VIP包房區域 。




SUGAR團隊舉辦的Bloody Mary節,於每周日下午1點30分至6點30分展開。選擇你的食材,配菜和香味,在陽光下盡情享受吧。