Kill the Lights[美國流行女歌手布蘭妮的單曲]

Kill the Lights[美國流行女歌手布蘭妮的單曲]
Kill the Lights[美國流行女歌手布蘭妮的單曲]
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"Kill the Lights"是美國歌手布蘭妮的第六張錄音室專輯中的一首歌曲。通過歌詞可以看出,這首歌是布蘭妮對那些狗仔的嘲諷 ,特別是“Is that money in your pocket or you happy to see me?”(是因為你口袋裡的錢,還是你真的如此希望見到我?).



2009年7月27日,布蘭妮的官方網站上發布了“RADAR”將會作為專輯的第四隻單曲這一訊息而非之前傳聞中的"Kill the Lights"。

這首歌同時也被收錄到了布蘭妮Circus Fantasy香水廣告推廣CD中


Danja intro - “Ladies and Gentlemen, we interrupt our program of dance music to bring you a special bulletin from the intercontinental radio news. Our very own pop princess, now queen of pop, has a special announcement she would like to make.”


Britney intro - “You’re in. I think I’m ready for my close up. Yeah.”


[Verse 1]
You don’t like me, I don’t like you, it don’t matter (Who?)你不喜歡我,我不喜歡你,有什麼關係(誰?)
Only difference, you still listen, I don’t have to (Who?)唯一的不同,你仍然聽別人的,而我不需要(誰?)
In one ear and out the other, I don’t need you (Who?)左耳進右耳出,我不需要你(誰?)
Your words don’t stick, I ain’t perfect, but you ain’t either (Who?)你的評語很難聽,我不完美,難道你就完美嗎(誰?)

If your feeling froggy, leap (Oh)如果你感到自己是緩慢跳躍的青蛙(喔)
I don’t even lose no sleep (Oh)我甚至不會因此失眠(喔)
There’s more to me than what you see (Oh)我比你看到的還要多(喔)
You wouldn’t like me when I’m angry當我生氣的時候,你不喜歡我

Mr. Photographer, I think I’m ready for my close-up (tonight)狗仔先生,我想我已經為了我的近照做好了準備(今晚)
Make sure you catch me from my good side (pick one)確定你能夠捕捉我最好的一面(照一張)
These other just wanna be me那些人只是想成為獨一無二的我
Is that money in your pocket or you happy to see me?是因為你口袋裡的錢,還是你真的如此希望見到我?

Kill the Lights! Take ‘em out, turn ‘em off, break ‘em down.關上閃光燈!把它拿走,把它關上,把它毀掉
Kill the Lights! Don’t be scared, make a move, see me now?關上閃光燈!不要害怕,讓個位,看見我了吧
Kill the Lights! I’ve seen you, watching me, watching you 關上閃光燈!我看見你,你看著我,我看著你
Kill the Lights! You can’t handle the truth, what happened to you?關上閃光燈!你不斷搬弄是非,你到底想乾什麼?

I kill the lights, PURE我關上閃光燈,純粹
the lights, SATIS閃光燈,隨心所欲的
the lights, FACTION閃光燈,狗仔們

I kill the lights, LIGHTS我關上閃光燈,燈
the lights, CAMERA閃光燈,照相機
the lights, ACTION上閃光燈,行動

[Verse 2]
All the flashing, trying to cash in, hurts my eyes全場的閃光燈, 不斷攝入,弄痛了我的眼睛
All the poses, out of focus, I despise所有姿勢,不被注視,我鄙視
Eff me over, your exposure, not the best你的底片,不斷詛咒我,這還不是最好的
You want me bad, I want you out, release this stress你想我壞,我想你消失,減輕我的壓力


You’re the star now, welcome to the big league現在你是大明星,歡迎來到巔峰
They all want a pic, they all wanna see, see, see他們都想要你的一張相片,他們都想看,看,看
What you’re made of, what you’re gonna do你是什麼構成的,你將要做些什麼
Is life gonna get the best of you?然而,你的生活就是最好的嗎?



